Gaming rig with a big budget.


Junior Member
May 22, 2012
I got a brand new job and lets just say money isn't an issue. :whiste:
What i need to know is that this list that my brother put together will be sufficient in running any game built right now.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2001
You really need to answer the questions requested in the sticky thread to get the best answers to your post.


NOTICE - PC builders, when asking for input on YOUR projects Please Tell us... PLEASE when you POST threads asking for input on system builds tell us...

1. What YOUR PC will be used for. That means what types of tasks you'll be performing.

2. What YOUR budget is. A price range is acceptable as long as it's not more than a 20% spread

3. What country YOU will be buying YOUR parts from.

4. IF you're buying parts OUTSIDE the US, please post a link to the vendor you'll be buying from.
We can't be expected to scour the internet on your behalf, chasing down deals in your specific country... Again, help us, help YOU.

5. IF YOU have a brand preference. That means, are you an Intel-Fanboy, AMD-Fanboy, ATI-Fanboy, nVidia-Fanboy, Seagate-Fanboy, WD-Fanboy, etc.

6. If YOU intend on using any of YOUR current parts, and if so, what those parts are.

7. IF YOU plan on overclocking or run the system at default speeds.

8. What resolution, not monitor size, will you be using?

9. WHEN do you plan to build it?
Note that it is usually not cost or time effective to choose your build more than a month before you actually plan to be using it.

X. Do you need to purchase any software to go with the system, such as Windows or Blu Ray playback software?


Platinum Member
Feb 25, 2005
You're going to have to use the form. Someone who just got a high paying job doesn't truly belong in the "money isn't an issue" category.

and I couldn't see the pdf on my computer. my browser tried to display the contents of the file instead of opening it as a pdf.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
If money isn't an issue, get a core i7-3970 and quad Titans or 7990s if you can find them. The rest dictates itself, for the most part - biggest samsung 840 ssd x number of sata ports on your supercharged socket 2011 mobo, 64 gb of DDR3-2133 ram. Probably a custom water cooled loop, or you could buy a freezer and put the computer in that.

Then with quad titans or 7990s, you could run... 12 displays?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2012
Sorry but that is far from a big budget. It is mid range at best. Leave alone mid end or high end or ultra or super high end.

Money isn't an issue should mean at least a 10k budget IMO.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Also, even when you're well-off enough that you could spend $10K on a gaming PC, should you?

Do these first before cleaning out your bank account:

- Contribute to 401k up to the % that your employer matches
- Pay off credit cards and other high-interest debt
- Fully fund a Roth IRA (you can still do this for 2012)
- Build up several months of living expenses in a savings account for emergencies

... and even after all of that, you should still ask yourself whether having 2 x Titans in SLI will really make you enjoy a game more :)

I "get by" with an i5 and single GTX 680, and am happy with my system for a single 1900x1200 monitor and no 3D. I could get the SLI Titans if I thought they'd help, but I haven't found a game I want to play where they would.
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Diamond Member
May 6, 2012
I "get by" with an i5 and single GTX 680, and am happy with my system for a single 1900x1200 monitor and no 3D. I could get the SLI Titans if I thought they'd help, but I haven't found a game I want to play where they would.

Lets just say that money is no problem here too. But I do care about value for money. I could buy a quad-SLI Titan rig right now (if I could find it in stock somewhere that is). I find it much better to buy something reasonable now and then upgrade a bit more often. I usually did a full upgrade every 2 years. But my i7-920 rig lasted me 3 years until I felt the itch. And even then it was only to get access to newer tech. The 920 was more then fast enough for any task I threw at it, and still runs slightly modified as a video editing rig for a family member.

My current main system is a 3770non-K, ASUS P8Z77-V Deluxe, 16GB of RAM and a "lowly" HD7870. Perfectly adequate for gaming on my 1440p monitor.

I have also grown fond of my Celeron G465-based system. That's a single core Sandy Bridge with Hyperthreading @ 1900MHz, properly the cheapest modern CPU you can buy. I actually bought it for fun just too see how much performance you got for 297,- Danish Kroner. Turns out its equal to a Pentium 4 EE 3,73GHz. If all I did was surfing the web and use Office it would be perfectly adequate for me. It uses practically no power too... ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Money no object I would build out a Dell T620 tower server as a badass workstation.

Dual 8 core CPU, 384GB ram, 32 2.5" drive bays. Supports 4 video cards with the GPU Installation Kit.


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2012
There's some degree of waste here. A WD Black HDD offers basically for the average user over a Seagate Barracuda, a 500W power supply is adequate, a 7970 will perform better than that 670 for less (if you don't go for overpriced models like DCII TOP), and that cooler can only tie at best with a Noctua D14, which is only around $85.

Even if you have an "unlimited" budget, there are better ways to spend it--a good monitor, a nice mouse, etc (or even non-computer related things!)

Edit: language was a mite stronger than warranted.
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Elite Member
Jan 17, 2010
What the OP has now is actually pretty reasonable. There are definitely tweaks that could be made to improve the price/performance as SF noted, but it is not nearly as crazy as I thought it would be given the thread title.


Golden Member
Jan 3, 2010
If money is not object get a 3930K at least, OP your component selection certainly suggests money is an issue.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2007
Just because money is not an obstacle does not mean a person is interested in wasting money for kicks. As mfenn said, the current build is quite reasonable for the most part. I would like to see Thran's answers to the sticky questions, especially concerning resolution and any little quirks in the use case.