Gaming Mouse recommendations for under $20 or $30

Oct 30, 2004
That sad time when a beloved mouse begins to show its age is upon me. My Logitech MX310 (corded) mouse feels like the top left button's spring is about to give out. I'd consider getting another for the right price but have no idea where to find one locally.

Any recommendations for a good gaming mouse that could be had for under $20 (preferably) or $30 shipped? I'd prefer one that had side buttons on both sides--one for the thumb and one for the pinky.

Should I consider a wireless mouse? Do they have lag issues and are they pretty reliable?

What do you guys think of this one? I'm leery of it's having a "magnifier" button that I'd probably never use and its not being intended for gaming.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
I don't know any mouse that would fir the one thumb/one pinky. Most of the ones I've seen are two thumb buttons.

Why not eBay it?


Wahaha, you edited topic on me while I was replying. Genenerally MS mice w/ Intellipoint (software) installed, you can pretty much customize what each button does, so I am assuming based on my old MS mouse that you don't have to use the magnifier button for magnifying.


Sep 3, 2001
This should probably be in the peripherals forum...

Perhaps just repalce the MX310?

anyways here goes as far as gaming and wireless is concerned:

wireless pro:
- cable/clutter free

wireless cons:
- batteries dying at inconvenient times
- inherent wireless latency (only the most expensive and new bluetooth devices are going to be best in this area, and even then they suffer from the problem next on my list)
- only wireless mouse I know that doesn't incur a polling rate penalty (ie updates slower than 125Hz to save batteries) is the Logitech G7
- potential signal interference
- batteries make it heavier
- most all wireless mice (again, only one I know of that is different is the G7) are designed for office use and lack special features oriented towards gaming

If you're itching to try something new I would recommend a Razer Diamondback.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
I have an old gen G5 that I got on sale for $30. Maybe they're still around... or look for a MX518 (?). I like the weight and shape of the mouse. The back button is amazing for windows. Otherwise, I find it too much a hassle to get the extra buttons working in games, so I don't bother. That and even if it works, I have nothing I want easily accessible to my right hand beyond the standard controls.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
Well, I have a Rev 2 G5 if you want that. I can send it out for 30$ shipped xD (No pinky button, but 2 thumbs + weight adjustment DPI adjustment on the fly)


Golden Member
Jun 30, 2004
Check out Woot! today, they are still having a Woot Off and you could get a Razor Diamondback for 14.99 + 5 sh. They likely will have another one.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2006
if you wanna spend a little more, TD and compusa are selling logitech G9 mouse for $39 + shipping ($7) after $15 rebate. if you use your live cashback, it's $42.50. it's a pretty good deal for normally a very expensive mouse.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: WhipperSnapper
That sad time when a beloved mouse begins to show its age is upon me. My Logitech MX310 (corded) mouse feels like the top left button's spring is about to give out. I'd consider getting another for the right price but have no idea where to find one locally.
How old is your MX310? Logitech has an awesome warranty, so if you're within replacement period you should drop them a line.

Otherwise $13 for a mouse that fits your requirements wouldn't be too much of a risk to try.

If you're willing to spend a bit more, the G9 is my current favorite. Apparently you can combine it with cash back to get it for $31.
G9 at Tiger Direct $40 AR or less with cash back


Apr 8, 2001
you just missed out. Last week buy had the razer mouse for $13 with free shipping.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2006
i got my G9 mouse today. it's an amazing mouse, and it does make a big difference in gaming imo. i fired up BF2142 for a round and i racked up a bunch of headshots as a sniper and infiltrator pins. goodbye diamondback!
Oct 30, 2004
Thanks for the advice guys. I think this mouse has a few more months of life left in it so I'm going to keep my eyes open for deals. I think I'd be most interested in another Logitech since I'm skeptical about Microsoft mouse products. I might even just pick up another MX310 from Staples.


Sep 3, 2001
Originally posted by: minmaster
i got my G9 mouse today. it's an amazing mouse, and it does make a big difference in gaming imo. i fired up BF2142 for a round and i racked up a bunch of headshots as a sniper and infiltrator pins. goodbye diamondback!

psychological placebo effect, the G9 isn't going to be any better for sniping than most mice because its primary strengths come from a beefed up laser sensor that benefits high sensitivity twitch style gamers far more than sniping which generally requires a slower (and thus more steady) sensitivity

That being said, the optical sensor in the MX310 is actually very good when it comes to reliable performance

Originally posted by: 911paramedic
How about for left handed mouse users?

Your best bet is to look for an ambidextrous design. Mice that are ergonomically left hand oriented are extremely rare and are generally office oriented. Most all mice from Razer (with the DeathAdder being an exception) are ambidextrous, so your best bet would be from them. That being said, there are some alternatives out there, the MX310 the OP inquired about is one such ambidextrous mouse offered by Logitech.