GA-7VRXP and 8500LE Radeon 3D problems


Junior Member
Jul 9, 2000
i just put two systems together with
cpu temps ok
gigabyte 7VRXP
512MB pc2700
SB audigy
power color 8500LE 128mb radeon
Enermax 450watt p/s
running 2 maxtor 40gig on raid
windows XP

both these systems run great in 2d
but on each one as soon as a 3D game is played it crashes.
it reboots
tried different games , same thing happens
put in the 6071 drivers for Win XP
tryed lots of bios settings like increased the agp voltage from 1.5 to
with 1.8 volts i could play for 4min before it would crash.
i took out the audigy card and same thing happens

both systems respond the same way
does anyone know of a workaround for this?


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
What drivers are you using for the Radeon? I'm not using a 8500, but I'm using a AIW 7500 on my 7VXRP and it works well. Been playing some Dungeon Siege on it for a couple days now. I'm running a 150mhz FSB, so I decided to bump the AGP voltage up a notch to 1.6v just to make sure the card was getting enough juice to cope with the raised AGP speed. Try to get the latest drivers off ATI's site, and also check out as they have a great forum over there dedicated to the 8500. :) Good luck!