FX-55 Heatsink Installation Problem


Mar 29, 2005
I ordered the Asus SLI-Deluxe and AMD FX-55 with retail fan/heatsink.

Processor drops into Mobo no problem, of course ... but the heatsink .... no way will it lock. It doesn't matter how hard I yank on the plastic locking lever, it will not lock ... and I have pushed down on it plenty hard.

I tried reseating the heatsink, but it already felt welded to the CPU (and power was never even applied to the CPU/Mobo). Of course, I finally got it off, but not without half of the thermal pad stuck to the processor, and the other half stuck to the heat sink. So, I stuck it in again, exactly per both the Mobo and AMD instructions. I can get the retaning clips over the socket, but I can't possibly pull the plastic lock into the locked position.

FWIW, it is the heatsink with the copper pipes wrapped around it.

The HS seems to stay stuck to the chip, and may work without the lock (?), but as this is a workstation that will be running 24/7, I don't know if I am that thrilled without it being officially locked into place. And the removal of the heatsink with the thermal pad coming half off on the chip gives me pasue for concern too.

Does anyone have any idea on how to get the FX-55 Heatsink to lock onto the ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe.

My first thought was that the HS was defective, but that is quite rare.


Since you messed up the thermal pad it might be a good idea to clean it off of the cpu and heatsink and apply some aftermarket paste.


Mar 29, 2005
Well, the thermal pad is really just paste apparently. I put it on, took it off, and the cpu was slathered in it, much like thermal grease.

As long as there is a layer between the CPU and HS, i'm not sure there is a difference. I imagine everyone's thermal pads look like that after a day.


Mar 29, 2005
I just took it to two professional builders who build gaming machiens and workstations for a living (17 and 13 years experience respectively). Neither one could get the sink on. Used every tool in the shop to try to force it on. As hard as it is to believe, AMD made a defective retail heatsink. At least defective in the sense that it does not fit in an ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe motherboard. The metal clips simply flexed and twisted when they tried to snap the lock down, but never made any downward progress. Not even when they had an assistant helping them. they even had some other shop guys come to take a crack at it. Was like the sword in the stone. Nobody made any progess, and they didn't even charge me a dime.

First i've heard of this happening, but there you go ...

RMA time, unless someone wants to buy a heatsink that might not fit on anything.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Your sure the retaining clip, on the part that is roughly C shap, at the end of the arn, wasn't bent? Cause that would prevent it from locking.

Can we have pictures of your heatsink, and of you trying to install it?

That might help. Other than that, It's RMA time.

On a side note, I have an FX-55, and an A8N-SLI, and I used a thermaltake heatsink, works just peachy.


Mar 29, 2005
AMD has agreed to send me a new heatsink fan. My question is this: Has anyone gotten the AMD retail stock FX-55 fan to work in the Asus A8N SLI-Deluxe motherboard?

If not, then the replacement heatsink will also not work ... and thus the problem won't be resolved. The cooler I got is the one with copper pipes running throughout the heatsink.

I know I could go Thermaltake, but i'd like to keep the 3 year warranty by using AMD's rig. This is a workstation CPU, and won't be overclocked, ot voltage tweaked. Just run straight up stock with some fast components.

Anyone running stock on this chip/heatsink/mobo combo?



Diamond Member
Dec 16, 1999
FYI, very few people even own FX-55 parts, let alone the ASUS SLI board to plug them into.. but, FWIW, I have an FX-55 retail heatsing and clipped it successfully onto my Gigabyte skt 939 board. It was diffictult to flip the lever but it did go.


Mar 29, 2005
I got a replacement motherboard, and AMD is sending a new heatsink. Can I put the heatsink over the CPU as-is (basically doubling the amount of thermal paste), or do I need to clean the previous themal pad off of the CPU? If I need to clean it off, what is the best method for doing so?


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2003
Clean it off the CPU first. I always use rubbing alcohol and Q-tips. Works great for me.