Oh my gosh. Are you serious?
The DNC lied constantly, even faking poll numbers against Bernie to show Hillary was winning when Bernie clearly had the most support in certain areas.
You just need to google to find loads of information. I'm not going to do all the work for you. The young turks covered it throughout the entire nomination process, you can just search their videos in 2015 and 2016 and find tons of videos along with links to back up their findings. They weren't making it up.
But here is one very telling post, I think.
Democrats did everything they could to suppress Sanders’ candidacy, including Wasserman Schultz changing a rule to help the Clinton campaign’s fundraising; Democratic Party officials perpetuating false, divisive narratives; the DNC whitewashing Sanders’ campaign; liberal media spreading fake stories that Sanders supporters threw chairs at the Nevada Democratic Party Convention; and then-DNC Vice Chair Donna Brazile giving Clinton debate questions ahead of time. T
They even purged Bernie backers from the DNC.
The amount of attacks he faced from the establishment media during the entire nomination process. Namely from CNN and ABC because of the huge sums of money they gave Hillary. Proof posted on reddit when poll numbers shown on these news outlets didn't line up with polls done in the areas by the cited sources.
You really need to educate yourself on the difference between the corporate democrats and the justice democrats because you seem to live in a fantasy world where all democrats are good people, and not out serving corporate interests just like Republicans do.