I'm sitting in class today and this guy walks in and starts talking to the teacher aobut his mp3s and how he can't play them. Well my teacher then proceeds to say "Real Player is the best". I immediately broke down laughing. I can't believe anyone can the worlds Real Player and Best in the same sentence.
Sad part is, its a CCNA class and he has no idea what he's talkinag about half the time. He pulls the internet cable so we can't go online. I'll just go into Internet Exploer and check Work Offline and fire up a Flash game I was playing recently. Then he doesn't know what to say and immediately runs to the wire to see if its still unplugged. You gotta love the dumbfounded look on his face after that. Pure gold...
Sad part is, its a CCNA class and he has no idea what he's talkinag about half the time. He pulls the internet cable so we can't go online. I'll just go into Internet Exploer and check Work Offline and fire up a Flash game I was playing recently. Then he doesn't know what to say and immediately runs to the wire to see if its still unplugged. You gotta love the dumbfounded look on his face after that. Pure gold...