Full Spectrum Warrior


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2001
Had it since Wednesday....Excellent game.

At first I was a little leery of picking it up since it seemed like a straight strategy game, but went with it and am loving it. I am surprised at how well they have combined it with action elements to steer away from the standard "move from point A to B" game play like a lot of the others.

Im in the middle of level 4 and If the quality of game play is kept up for the rest of the game, and I'm assuming it will, it's definitely one of the most unique and better games this generation. While it's not for everyone because of the RTS style play, it is definitely something worth renting and/or buying if you have an Xbox (or later this Fall, a PC).


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
I'd definatly like to check it out as well as Chronicles of Riddick.

I'm still playing the Gamecube right now, still too many games I havn't beat.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2001
Originally posted by: SilentZero
is it better than those Conflict Desert Storm I and II games?

Havent tried those, but based on what I've read about them, FSW blows them away.

Be warned, FSW is more strategy then shooter though as you DO NOT shoot, you only direct them where and when to shoot.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
Conflict Desert Storm (both 1 and 2) are average squad based shooters, at best. Pretty much their only redeeming quality is the fact that you can play 4-player split screen.


Sep 27, 2003
Dear god how can anyone compare or even mention CDS in the same name as FSW? CDS was one of the worst fvcking games I've ever played. I swear I was playing a game meant for the Dreamcast or a first gen PS2 game. It was just awful. Ghost Recon and R6 both blow CDS out of the water. I couldn't finish more than 2 levels in CDS before giving the game back to my friend.

At $35 for FSW it's a must have - especially since there's a Fry's in Oregon Wingz :) Riddick is supposed to be pretty damn good too, just no multi.

Right now I'm in the last level/part of training, so far it's extremely cool. Like Smolek said - you don't shoot - you strictly point the guys where to go, where to shoot at, etc. I had my reservations but it's a hell of a fun game so far and takes some real strategy and precision. I'm looking forward to playing it all day tomorrow :)


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
Dear god how can anyone compare or even mention CDS in the same name as FSW? CDS was one of the worst fvcking games I've ever played. I swear I was playing a game meant for the Dreamcast or a first gen PS2 game. It was just awful. Ghost Recon and R6 both blow CDS out of the water. I couldn't finish more than 2 levels in CDS before giving the game back to my friend.

At $35 for FSW it's a must have - especially since there's a Fry's in Oregon Wingz :) Riddick is supposed to be pretty damn good too, just no multi.

Right now I'm in the last level/part of training, so far it's extremely cool. Like Smolek said - you don't shoot - you strictly point the guys where to go, where to shoot at, etc. I had my reservations but it's a hell of a fun game so far and takes some real strategy and precision. I'm looking forward to playing it all day tomorrow :)
I'm in the middle of moving now... So there are no new Xbox games on my immediate horizons. I'll pick it up in a couple of weeks. :)


Sep 27, 2003
I thought your ass was supposed to be moving

*breaks out the whip and the chains*

(Please tell me you only spent $35 on it at Fry's)

BTW - hell yes it is awesome. I just got through the airport mission - I died a good 2-3 times on that one trying to figure out exactly what to do - I don't know if I did it wrong or it's impossible to save it or what - but one US tank gets blown up when you move towards the entrance - I redid that thinking there's a way to save it :|


Feb 15, 2000
This looks like the next game I will buy. Schweet!

edit: just called Frys and they have it at $$49.99
Oct 19, 2000
I'm loving it as well, although I only usually play on the weekends. I'm at the beginning of the 4th mission right now, so I've made decent progress so far with only one weekend of play time. Couple that with the fact that my brother and I had a marathon Halo co-op session where we beat the entire game in about 6 hours time (on Easy, of course, we didn't want frustration, just fun), and I did pretty good for myself.

With FSW, it's great, but there are so many areas to improve, that I could only hope for a sequel where Pandemic listens to the suggestions. Random enemy locations, better camera control (IMO), farther grenade throwing distance (balance this with fewer grenades), more realistic injuries when shot, quicker response times (I hate issuing a fire command from around a corner, and it taking atleast 10 seconds for them to start shooting), adversial multiplayer play, and much much more. Kinda weird to have a game that feels just right, yet there is so much that could've been done still.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
I thought your ass was supposed to be moving

*breaks out the whip and the chains*

(Please tell me you only spent $35 on it at Fry's)

BTW - hell yes it is awesome. I just got through the airport mission - I died a good 2-3 times on that one trying to figure out exactly what to do - I don't know if I did it wrong or it's impossible to save it or what - but one US tank gets blown up when you move towards the entrance - I redid that thinking there's a way to save it :|
When packing up my Xbox games, I decided to trade in a few... So, I ended up getting it from EBGames.


Senior member
Nov 5, 1999
Originally posted by: Wingznut
This game is kind of tough... I can't imagine playing it on the hard level.

heh...I was just thinking the same thing. I'm on chapter 4 and I'm having a pretty tough time. After the first 3 chapters I thought it would be a piece of cake :p Great game though.


Sep 27, 2003
I think I'm on the last level. I'm on one of the last savepoints (I think). Wish this game was longer.

Oh yea - last level you get the help of a Charlie team made up of Army Rangers with sniper rifles :D That is just bad ass :)


Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
What is the last level like again?

Arnt you hunting for that rebel leader.

I got to a sport where I am suppose to take out multiple RPG to help this one bradly get to its poisition. The game keep on giving this hint that I am on the last last level. But I got so sick of crwaling behind walls and getting hit by RPG. This game is really repitive and its just using the same stratgies over and over.

And yes I have been playing on Hard.