- Jun 19, 2003
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Alright, i had shoulder surgery about 5 months ago, been going to the gym every other day for the past 2 months and I'm diggin it. I want to start ramping up, doing more than just shoulder/arm work outs. I do really like the every other day thing i'm doing now, and i find that i can actually get to the gym every other day. If i were to do every day I know i would skip sessions as time went on.
in reading up on the 5X5 program, i found another program, where you do a whole body work out MWF. I'm thinking i could do this. I have barely any classes MWF[at college] and I have been going that often[or more often] already for my shoulder recovery.
So you may be wondering what my question is here... im getting to that now. I am curious as to if this would be a good program for me.
My fitness goal is to lose 20-30 lb's in the next year. {Currently at 225ish, but I have a big frame and it suits me well. People figure me at 180lb's often, it's not in my belly, its all over}
I started towards this goal at the beginning of this school year by changing my eating habits. I have focused on incorperating healthy, low calorie meals to my life. the dorms were hoarded with horribly processed and fried foods. I belive I have this dialed down and I have lost 10 lb's so far(in the past 3 months) by doing this.
Since I can start ramping up my activities I want to ramp up my gym time. I really like the sound of this program and I am hoping to start it next monday (28th) assuming it's a good fit for my goals and I get a routine planned out.
Any ways, with my weight-loss[fat. I am not as concerned about my wieght, but more my fat % which is around 22% now] goals is this a fine routine for me?
One thing I am a bit confused about is all this reffering to "cutting" and "bulking". I am interested in neither, more just general fitness, so I am not sure if this is the proper routine for me.
Any ways, let me know what you think.
ah on a side note; one site said that in order to gain muscle{bulk} you must intake more calories than you burn. I want to lose weight, thus I am focusing on intaking less calories than i burn, so this is a bit confusing for me. I just assumed that the site was wrong in saying that you cannot make muscles while being on a calorie deficeit, but who knows.
After posting i realized this was pretty long;
225 lb's, goal weight of 190ish
22% body fat no definate goal %, but just less.
Modified diet ~3 months ago after a shoulder surgery
started gym every other day ~2 months ago for shoulder recovery
finally able to start pushing my shoulders a little and feel I am ready to ramp up my fitness aspect in my life
Contemplating whole body work out 3x per week
wondering if this is a good program to complement my weight loss goals and modified eating habits.
link to said program
EDIT: upon more reading and research, i discovered i was incorrect. I do in deed want to "cut". Additionally, from what I read, the difference between cutting and bulking is more or less diet, so you could really cut or bulk with any routine, more or less just by modifying your diet. This makes me think that a full body work out would be a good idea for me. I will be figuring out my routine in the next few days. I'm thinking ill make up a book for me to bring to the gym, keep tabs on my numbers etc. so i can see progress and push myself.
If you have any feedback on full body work outs I am all ears.
in reading up on the 5X5 program, i found another program, where you do a whole body work out MWF. I'm thinking i could do this. I have barely any classes MWF[at college] and I have been going that often[or more often] already for my shoulder recovery.
So you may be wondering what my question is here... im getting to that now. I am curious as to if this would be a good program for me.
My fitness goal is to lose 20-30 lb's in the next year. {Currently at 225ish, but I have a big frame and it suits me well. People figure me at 180lb's often, it's not in my belly, its all over}
I started towards this goal at the beginning of this school year by changing my eating habits. I have focused on incorperating healthy, low calorie meals to my life. the dorms were hoarded with horribly processed and fried foods. I belive I have this dialed down and I have lost 10 lb's so far(in the past 3 months) by doing this.
Since I can start ramping up my activities I want to ramp up my gym time. I really like the sound of this program and I am hoping to start it next monday (28th) assuming it's a good fit for my goals and I get a routine planned out.
Any ways, with my weight-loss[fat. I am not as concerned about my wieght, but more my fat % which is around 22% now] goals is this a fine routine for me?
One thing I am a bit confused about is all this reffering to "cutting" and "bulking". I am interested in neither, more just general fitness, so I am not sure if this is the proper routine for me.
Any ways, let me know what you think.
ah on a side note; one site said that in order to gain muscle{bulk} you must intake more calories than you burn. I want to lose weight, thus I am focusing on intaking less calories than i burn, so this is a bit confusing for me. I just assumed that the site was wrong in saying that you cannot make muscles while being on a calorie deficeit, but who knows.
After posting i realized this was pretty long;
225 lb's, goal weight of 190ish
22% body fat no definate goal %, but just less.
Modified diet ~3 months ago after a shoulder surgery
started gym every other day ~2 months ago for shoulder recovery
finally able to start pushing my shoulders a little and feel I am ready to ramp up my fitness aspect in my life
Contemplating whole body work out 3x per week
wondering if this is a good program to complement my weight loss goals and modified eating habits.
link to said program
EDIT: upon more reading and research, i discovered i was incorrect. I do in deed want to "cut". Additionally, from what I read, the difference between cutting and bulking is more or less diet, so you could really cut or bulk with any routine, more or less just by modifying your diet. This makes me think that a full body work out would be a good idea for me. I will be figuring out my routine in the next few days. I'm thinking ill make up a book for me to bring to the gym, keep tabs on my numbers etc. so i can see progress and push myself.
If you have any feedback on full body work outs I am all ears.
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