FTP troubles


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2006
I cant seem to log onto any ftp or download anything posted to any ftp. wether using windows explorer, firefox, IE, opera. i always get some error message. i have disabled firewalls, forwarded ports on router, etc. no luck. its probably something i changed a while ago messing around on my system, but i cant seem to figure it out. if anyone has any idea what i might have done to keep myself out of all ftps, please let me know.

TIA, greg


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2001
You haven't listed any real(ly good) ftp clients...try one. The easiest one is the one built into the command line ;)


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2006
ok, i tried the command line. it got me into an ftp, but as soon as i do anything i get an error and it kicks me off. i also tried smartftp (first google result for "ftp client") and it had an error connecting.

is there a certain "really good" client i should try?

edit: error from smart ftp is "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine."



Senior member
Jul 24, 2003
try leechftp
go to download.com and do a search
it is free, and always has worked well for me
at the very least, it may give you a clue as to why you are getting bumped


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2001
what errors are given in the command line version? that's going to be your best bet to find the problem.


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2006
Originally posted by: petey117
try leechftp
go to download.com and do a search
it is free, and always has worked well for me
at the very least, it may give you a clue as to why you are getting bumped

ok, leechftp give me this error: "~ Connecting...
! Socket Error: no connection
~ Could not login to ftp.abcefg.com"

*changed name of ftp to protect my employer

Originally posted by: nweaver
what errors are given in the command line version? that's going to be your best bet to find the problem.

heres what the command line ftp does, name changed as well:
"ftp> open ftp.abcefg.com
Connected to ftp.abcefg.com.
220 ftpserver Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
User (ftp.abcefg.com:(none)): ftplogin
331 Password required for ftplogin.
230-Welcome to the abcefg, Inc. FTP Site
230-Access is granted to authorized persons only.
230-Warning: All transactions are logged!!
230-Upload files into the /Incoming directory
230-Download files from the /Outgoing directory
230 User ftplogin logged in.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
Connection closed by remote host."

i know the login is right, it works from other computers just fine. only my home computer has issues.

hope this helps


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2006
Originally posted by: petey117
seems like the ftp has "auto" banned your IP
do you have access to the server?

no access other then i have a login, and ive used it from other computers without any issues. also, i get same error messages when connecting to my own ftp, which is also fine anywhere else.


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2006
in addition, i get errors when trying to download stuff from websites that simply link to a file on an ftp. for example, on http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/software/idu/ the "full version" link is ftp://download.intel.com/design/motherbd/software/idu/IDU_2.1.9.66.exe and i get this error message in opera: "Could not connect to FTP server, possibly because of too many users. Please try again later.

You tried to access the address ftp://download.intel.com/design/motherbd/software/idu/IDU_2.1.9.66.exe, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
Make sure your Internet connection is active and check whether other applications that rely on the same connection are working.
Check that the setup of any Internet security software is correct and does not interfere with ordinary Web browsing.
If you are behind a firewall on a Local Area Network and think this may be causing problems, talk to your systems administrator.
Try pressing the F12 key on your keyboard and disabling proxy servers, unless you know that you are required to use a proxy to connect to the Internet. Reload the page."

(same error i get when trying to access any ftp in opera, including company and my own)


Senior member
Jul 24, 2003
what port forwardiong have you done on your router? you should not need to forward any ports to connect to an FTP, only if you are hosting one.
give me a rundown on your router port configuration


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2006
Originally posted by: petey117
what port forwardiong have you done on your router? you should not need to forward any ports to connect to an FTP, only if you are hosting one.
give me a rundown on your router port configuration

port 21, just in case it was blocking it. i also added myself to the dmz host, just to see if that would solve my troubles. i forward a bunch of other ports for other apps, but that shouldnt affect ftp stuff, right?


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2001
Seems like a network issue, client side (multiple sites having issues). I would start by turning off any S/W firewalls, then reset router to default config, then try connecting direct, see if any of those work. If possible, get another PC to check with (friend with a laptop).


Senior member
Jul 24, 2003
forwarding port 21 is a bad idea.
when you forward ports, you are forwarding into your computer.
when you connect to an ftp server, the connection is formed at port 21 on the server and a random port on your computer (port 5540 for example)
due to stateful packet inspection, no port forwarding is necessary.

you only need to forward ports for applications that you are "serving" from your computer.

i agree with mweaver. disable firewalls, knock your router back to the default configs, at least for port forwarding