Originally posted by: Mephistokur
Or does someone know for sure that they'll take a shipping order over the phone?
Originally posted by: MuffD
Incidentally, San Diego has this board for $39.99 with a Duron 1.8ghz. Sucks because I just bought it last week for 54.99 with an XP2000 (which I just threw on ebay). I only needed the board.
Originally posted by: pxc
I've only seen K7VTA3 v8.0c boards (aside from a few returned old boxes, probably RMAs from ECS) for the last 3-4 months at my local Fry's. The boards I saw this this morning were 99%+ brand new 8.0c revision.
I got a MIUHB 0403 (fresh!) Duron 1.6GHz this morning. TbredB core goodness, but with only 64KB L2 enabled. The CPUs alone were on clearance for $34.90, so it's like getting a motherboard for $1.09 extra. I'm surprised that these are on clearance since the date code is so recent.
Originally posted by: Quixfire
Not Fair, Not Fair! I want a Fry's in my area. :|
Originally posted by: Quixfire
Not Fair, Not Fair! I want a Fry's in my area. :|
Well, that might be your problem then. If you have a Fry's with "90% returned" boards (which strangely you imply that *I* see, when I just said 99% were brand new) and such old stock that hasn't even been manufactured in 6 months (v6), you have a crummy Fry's. I'm glad I don't live near you.Originally posted by: Shooters
Originally posted by: pxc
I've only seen K7VTA3 v8.0c boards (aside from a few returned old boxes, probably RMAs from ECS) for the last 3-4 months at my local Fry's. The boards I saw this this morning were 99%+ brand new 8.0c revision.
I got a MIUHB 0403 (fresh!) Duron 1.6GHz this morning. TbredB core goodness, but with only 64KB L2 enabled. The CPUs alone were on clearance for $34.90, so it's like getting a motherboard for $1.09 extra. I'm surprised that these are on clearance since the date code is so recent.
The one I got was a version 6 and it was brand new, not a return like 90% of the motherboards you see at Fry's. Actually, I pulled it directly out from a shipping box full of brand new boards. A version 8 would have been nice, but I guess I can't really complain for $39.99.
Originally posted by: ttown
Good Lord.
If this trend continues, there'll be stacks of cpu/mobo's sitting next to the AOL disks you see on your way out of the grocery store.