From John Hogue- Nostradamus Scholar


Apr 13, 2001
Quoted from

From John Hogue- Nostradamus Scholar


"A King of Terror will come from the skies"

Nostradamus Century 10, Quatrain 72

Today the speed of events make my words brief and rough hewn in their composition.

In the 1550s, the French prophet, Michel Nostradamus, foresaw a great king of terror descending from the skies. Perhaps that terror, carried on wings of metal, guided by those fighting to die, sliced the World Trade Center and the Pentagon structures like butter the morning of September 11.

Seized by this terrible act, my mind recalls the many interpretations made from the prophet's cryptic words. I ask your forgiveness today. I only have time to make sweeping conclusions and overviews posted here for those of you who are browsing this site in these first frenetic days and weeks after the terrorist attack on America. I will eventually answer the hundreds of emails pouring in asking for my input with more detailed references to the prophecies in question.

I have issued many warnings based on my understanding of Nostradamus over the past 16 years, and many of you have heard them on television and radio or read them in my nine published books Now, a number of these observations take on the magic of prescience. They fall from the delicate sky of a September morn, arriving with the thunderclap of falling skyscrapers. This is some of what I understand is in the prophecies of Nostradamus concerning present and near future events. He spoke of a new type of world war to come; one using surprise and ambush.

A rogue leader from the Mideast will trigger it. He is a terrorist, code named in the prophecies as "Mabus" or the "Third Antichrist." This man will be one of the first to fall in his war. He could become a symbolic martyr for terrorists who will soak the world with blood for 27 years. Nostradamus spoke of the great new city made of high "hollow mountains" near the garden of the world. The state of New Jersey, from whose shore one can view the great hollow mountains of New York City, is known as "The Garden State." In two of Nostradamus, prophecies a thing his 16-century mind can only call "it" cuts a path to these hollow mountains. They are then seized and boiled in a cauldron (for the actual text of Century 6, Quatrain 97 and Century 10, Quatrain 49 please consult my book Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies .Over four centuries ago, Nostradamus may have seen those great hollow mountains hit by a huge, "scattered flame." He implied that the flame could not be put out and the smoke and debris would rise and ferment in boiling clouds, as if they were "plunged in a vat."

What is next for us? If my interpretations are correct we will soon know who the perpetrator " this Third Antichrist " is. If "Mabus" stands as an anagram for Saddam Hussein or Usama Bin Laden or someone we have yet to uncover, look for his death very soon in a retaliatory attack. If a more balanced American foreign policy in Mideast affairs is not forthcoming after the Antichrist falls, then the war is only beginning. America and her allies will endure almost thirty years of terror bombings and catastrophic loss of life.

More articles about the attack on New York and its future consequences will appear in essays in the coming days and weeks in the Hogue Prophecy Bulletins archived at my site For now I invite you to read my recently archived Hogue Prophecy Bulletin on "Who Will Be Mabus?"

I would like to add that there are a number of spurious and bogus prophecies of Nostradamus surfacing concerning "York's" destruction, etc. These frauds are mixing lines out of context from several authentic Nostradamus quatrains with phrases that are complete fabrications. Do not believe them. A bulletin on the REAL quatrains that might concern the New York and Pentagon attack will be forthcoming.


"In the year of the new century and nine months,

from the sky will come a great King of Terror...

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.

Fire approaches the great new city..."

"In the city of york there will be a great collapse,

2 twin brothers torn apart by choas

while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb

third big war will begin when the big city is burning."

My mailing list is down and I am being swamped by interview negotiations so I ask those of you on my mailing list and every one else to visit the Archives until further notice. There I will post updates and articles when I can. Those of you who would like to be on the mailing list when it is up again, please send me an email request. I will get back to you as soon as I have a new mailing list on line.

Regards, and stay ever-watchful,

John Hogue



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

Could you please use a little sense before posting this...use the search engine to see if anyone else has posted it, before you post it for the UMPTEENTH fscking time!



Jan 31, 2001
with all the people being yelled at and there threads being crapped...I have yet to see one legitamate thread on this subject.


Jan 13, 2000
On the Nostradamus subject, the best thing said about that was:

<< Just once, I'd like someone to tell me what one of Nostradamus' "prophecies" means in advance of the event it supposedly describes. If Nostradamus was such a great seer, then why is it that not one person in the world was able to decipher his warning in time to prevent the horrors of 11 September 2001? If I didn't have to explain what my "prophecies" meant until after the events they supposedly predicted had occurred, I'm sure I could manage a pretty impressive record for accuracy too. >>

That about sums up my feelings on this.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000

Right on.

Add to the fact that this particular nostradamus quote about the twin towers was written in the 90's by a college student for a paper and you understand why I actually get mad reading all this crap!


Dec 6, 1999
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