from another forum, not a religious thread, more like... an enlightened one..


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
How we create our reality, and how our creations can limit us
So, our reality is created/manifested based on our beliefs and assumptions. It is the outflow of our current state of consciousness, which includes, and you could say is primarily based on, our current beliefs and assumptions. We have a very hard time moving past a linear time structure of reality. Therefore, we see NOW as the result of the past. Yet this is not ultimately true, although it appears to be true, based on our beliefs and assumptions. Now is, in truth, the result of NOW.

So, why does it appear that it was the past which formulated our present reality? Because, through our attachments, we carry the past into our present state of consciusness, and worldview. This is basically the concept of karma. Upon enlightenment, and the releasing of all attachments, karma loses its power over us. Karma could basically be looked at as the inevitable results of the past. Yet the past never TRULY has any power over the present. We are attached to things, and those things are merely of the past. Therefore, through our attachments to the past, which create our present worldview, we willfully carry the past into our present reality; therefore, we experience our karma, the inevitable results of the past, through our carrying the past into the present through our attachments.

Lose all attachments, which are only of the past, and are uncertainties; do this and your power will open up to you. Your power that you have ALWAYS had, yet have willfully diluded over infinity through your dividing reality, the outflow of your power, up endlessly. The more you do this, the more your present reality will be a direct manifestation of your current state of being/consciousness. The past is set in stone, but NOW there are infinite possibilities. If you attach, you are bound by karma, and reality is set in stone to the degree that that karma binds you. Yet by losing attachment, karma, the past, loses its power over you, and suddenly there are infinite possibilities.

I was slightly confused about this before, because sometimes something might seem obvious to me, and I "assume" it to be true, yet it doesn't come to pass. How can this happen, given the nature of reality? I never really thought about it much. I guess I figured, as I assume the typical answer would be, that I didn't REALLY, ultimately, believe/assume it to be true. However, suddenly it hit me, in relation to another topic I have thought about quite a bit. That is power structures.

Ultimately, I AM, WE ARE, the ultimate power. Everything comes into being through us. However, we believe in power structures, and through those beliefs give them power. Inherently, there is no absolute power over us, and power structure naturally have no power; we give them power. When I say "power structures," I could be referring to literally anything. The government. God/religion, popularity, any sort of social structure...ANYTHING. So, through our beliefs, we create power structures, that we BELIEVE TO have power over us. Therefore, they DO have power over us, because of our belief.

How does this tie in? Well, let's say I assume someone will act in a certain way. Inherently, that should be true. However, I may believe in a certain social structure, which that person may be a part of, or affected by, and that power that I have created external of me may cause that person to act differently. I believed that person would act a certain way, yet I believed in a social structure which I believed to trump my self, and that social structure caused that person to act differently.

So, we are the ultimate power, and we shape reality through our beliefs. Yet if we believe in a power structure external of us, that we believe to have power in and of itself, IT WILL have power in and of itself, and therefore it may trump us, even though it is US who gives it its power. Stop believing in any sort of power outside of yourself. Tear down your beliefs in these structures. Believe in YOUR power, and your ability to manifest it NOW. Then, watch these structures lose their power, and watch your power be unvieled now.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
It's important to note, it's not EXACTLY our thoughts which create our reality(assuming this is the secret you're talking about). I mean, it is in a way, but not in the way people would typically think. Your thoughts are more than the "words" which you understand them through. The concepts you believe in are more than the words which you understand them through. Rather, it is the ESSENCE, or spirit, of these things. This essence is your essential state of being. Your state of being, your state of consciousness, from which come these thoughts and concept, is what manifests in your reality. EVERYTHING in reality manifests from this essential nature, and thus there is no point in dividing things up, for that is merely dividing the outflow, when the truth is in the source/essence, which all shares. If you get caught in specific words or things, then you will only see that aspect, rather than the essence, and therefore you will only see a portion of reality. Lose attachment, and get in touch with the essence, and then ALL will open up to you, and your reality will be a direct manifestation of your state of being, your very essence, which is the essence of all things in your reality.


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
LOL stoners.

Actually, this is more Eastern philosophy/religion than anything else.

Though I've come to many similar conclusions on my own through various substances before ever knowing what Eastern philosophies/religions were about.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010

What a crock of shit. How is the present not defined by the past? If someone hit me over the head with a baseball bat, that bat did not materialize out of nowhere the instant it hits me. The bat will not go away if I refuse to believe in it.

The past is set in stone, but NOW there are infinite possibilities.
This isn't true. There are a very, very large number of possibilities, but that number is finite.

And even disregarding that, the number of possibilities may be endless, but the range isn't. Just believing you can won't make you teleport to the other side of the world and start making world peace (or whatever).


Sep 19, 2000

What a crock of shit. How is the present not defined by the past? If someone hit me over the head with a baseball bat, that bat did not materialize out of nowhere the instant it hits me. The bat will not go away if I refuse to believe in it.


This isn't true. There are a very, very large number of possibilities, but that number is finite.

And even disregarding that, the number of possibilities may be endless, but the range isn't. Just believing you can won't make you teleport to the other side of the world and start making world peace (or whatever).
Well, since my understanding of physics confirms what you are saying, I can only conclude that quantum physics states the opposite. Therefore, it must be possible via quantum physics for there to be infinite possibilities. :D.
May 11, 2008
zanejohnson, have you ever imagined that reality is not limited to what you can understand ? Reality is not something that only exists in your own mind. And the proof is with science. I know that also the scientific community gets it wrong occasionally but luckily the art of science is to improve and correct itself over time leading to greater benefits for those that wields its uses.

If you understand how physics in nature works, how life works, how evolution works, then karma is unfortunately very true. what happened in the past does have an effect on events happening at current time and what happens now together with what already has happened will determine the future. However, the amount of variables are extremely large. It is that big that if you take the known universe for example and discard all variables (meaning events on atom scale level ) for all galaxies in the known universe except the milky way, the result would still be a number that big that it is almost impossible to predict anything because of the possible combinations. Luckily, for serious events, looking around on microscopic and macroscopic level will do.

Furthermore, your post makes me scared because it made me think another sect is created.
It has nothing to do with enlightenment.
Mar 16, 2005
How we create our reality, and how our creations can limit us
So, our reality is created/manifested based on our beliefs and assumptions. It is the outflow of our current state of consciousness, which includes, and you could say is primarily based on, our current beliefs and assumptions. We have a very hard time moving past a linear time structure of reality. Therefore, we see NOW as the result of the past. Yet this is not ultimately true, although it appears to be true, based on our beliefs and assumptions. Now is, in truth, the result of NOW.

So, why does it appear that it was the past which formulated our present reality? Because, through our attachments, we carry the past into our present state of consciusness, and worldview. This is basically the concept of karma. Upon enlightenment, and the releasing of all attachments, karma loses its power over us. Karma could basically be looked at as the inevitable results of the past. Yet the past never TRULY has any power over the present. We are attached to things, and those things are merely of the past. Therefore, through our attachments to the past, which create our present worldview, we willfully carry the past into our present reality; therefore, we experience our karma, the inevitable results of the past, through our carrying the past into the present through our attachments.

Lose all attachments, which are only of the past, and are uncertainties; do this and your power will open up to you. Your power that you have ALWAYS had, yet have willfully diluded over infinity through your dividing reality, the outflow of your power, up endlessly. The more you do this, the more your present reality will be a direct manifestation of your current state of being/consciousness. The past is set in stone, but NOW there are infinite possibilities. If you attach, you are bound by karma, and reality is set in stone to the degree that that karma binds you. Yet by losing attachment, karma, the past, loses its power over you, and suddenly there are infinite possibilities.

I was slightly confused about this before, because sometimes something might seem obvious to me, and I "assume" it to be true, yet it doesn't come to pass. How can this happen, given the nature of reality? I never really thought about it much. I guess I figured, as I assume the typical answer would be, that I didn't REALLY, ultimately, believe/assume it to be true. However, suddenly it hit me, in relation to another topic I have thought about quite a bit. That is power structures.

Ultimately, I AM, WE ARE, the ultimate power. Everything comes into being through us. However, we believe in power structures, and through those beliefs give them power. Inherently, there is no absolute power over us, and power structure naturally have no power; we give them power. When I say "power structures," I could be referring to literally anything. The government. God/religion, popularity, any sort of social structure...ANYTHING. So, through our beliefs, we create power structures, that we BELIEVE TO have power over us. Therefore, they DO have power over us, because of our belief.

How does this tie in? Well, let's say I assume someone will act in a certain way. Inherently, that should be true. However, I may believe in a certain social structure, which that person may be a part of, or affected by, and that power that I have created external of me may cause that person to act differently. I believed that person would act a certain way, yet I believed in a social structure which I believed to trump my self, and that social structure caused that person to act differently.

So, we are the ultimate power, and we shape reality through our beliefs. Yet if we believe in a power structure external of us, that we believe to have power in and of itself, IT WILL have power in and of itself, and therefore it may trump us, even though it is US who gives it its power. Stop believing in any sort of power outside of yourself. Tear down your beliefs in these structures. Believe in YOUR power, and your ability to manifest it NOW. Then, watch these structures lose their power, and watch your power be unvieled now.

Let's not post disgusting pictures, please
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Sep 19, 2000
Is that a turd ? How can anybody release that amount of feces and not experiences the pain a woman must go through when giving birth the first time ? Or is it a boa constrictor ? A python ?

.... *sheepishly raises hand* ....

It runs in the family. On the plus side, we are all incredibly thin regardless of what we eat.