from an israeli point of view..


Senior member
Aug 11, 2001
found this on another message board... quite disturbing

Before I say anything, everyone should know that I am an Israeli, and I am living in Israeli right now. So take my bias as you will. I spent 6 years of my life In the U.S., and just moved back to Israel a year ago. Now, having lived in the U.S. for a large period of my life, I had an open mind about many topics and had absolutely no prejudices about different groups of people. Many of my friends here in Israel would say things like "we should kill all the Palestinians", "they're all terrorists", But I refused to believe that the majority of the Palestinians support the acts of terror. When the Intifadah started, I still stuck to my opinion. I truly believed that we can negotiate with them, and that it was just a VERY small percentage of the Palestinians who were for the bombings and shootings. Little by little, my opinion started to change. After seeing more and more Palestinians celebrate each suicide bombing, I wasn't so sure that it is really the minority of them who are terrorists. Now, what changed my mind COMPLETELY was after the lynch (slaughter in English?) of the Israeli soldiers. While the soldiers were getting stabbed by the Palestinian police in the building, the people started to gather around the building and cheer them on. There weren't just 50 or 60 people, there were THOUSANDS. After the soldiers were thrown out the window, all the people rushed like savages towards them, and scrambled to touch the soldiers and beat them some more. Keep in mind that they were ALREADY DEAD. Like beasts, the people paraded in front of the cameras and showed off the blood they managed to rub off the soldiers.

After this, and many other incidents, I realized that it is really the majority of the Palestinians who support the terror. The young kids are taught this in school by the their teachers, 10 years olds are taught how to kill soldiers, and 12 year old boys are sent out to throw stones at soldiers. Many people on this board are saying, "well we shouldn?t hurt innocent people, we should just kill those directly responsible". What you don't understand is that a very large chunk of those who are innocent now, won't be if they are given the opportunity. They will gladly go out and try to wipe out the "Evil Zionist State". When it comes to these people, you can't just assume that by attacking those directly responsible will end the terrorism, but you have to attack everyone who shares their beliefs.


Senior member
Sep 18, 2000
10-4.. that is sooooo true! Just think, we take out their leaders and military... Well, little 12 year old Amad Buheemi El-Mohammed will grow up in ten years to avenge his father's and former leaders' deaths, and will most definately strike back at us as hard as he (and his 5 million brothers and sister) can do...

<<from episode 1>> "Wipe them out..... All of them."


Senior member
Jan 23, 2001

<< found this on another message board... quite disturbing

["well we shouldn?t hurt innocent people, we should just kill those directly responsible". What you don't understand is that a very large chunk of those who are innocent now, won't be if they are given the opportunity.
[/i] >>

I'm very much back and forth on this statement. While it is true in it's nature, I don't believe killing childen is in the answer in this case. The military needs to be smart in it's attack of these foreign nations. Perhaps punishment will come from another way.

I am reminded of my dad who told a story that when he was growing up, he was taught to hate Russians. Well, he no longer hates Russians. People can be untrained in hating countries.



Senior member
Sep 10, 2000
You could of course turn that statement in the last sentence around, too, but with respect to the victims of WTC I won't.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
the russian vs american sentiements did change after the cold war, however there were ideological differences ie: democracy vs communism, religously we were similar.

the problem with the mid east is that their bible, says that for every christian you kill you go to a higher level of heaven. The russians never believed in that, and were not tryannical in that mind set.

The mid east leaders of these terror attacks use the muslim religion to whip their followers into a feverish fanatical tornado of hate which is VERY VERY Difficult to change.

yes, you could more htan likely "De program" a toddler, maybe upt o the age of 12, but after a certain age, the results just dont pay off. Do we have any psychologists here? there must be papers written on this.

Try and tell a kid who grew up in a ministers house that are extremely devoutly religious that god doesnt exist. Its REALLY hard, they grew up iwth this as a major part of their life, and to try and tear that away from them isnt just a matter of snapping your fingers.

So lets say that in 2 weeks, cruise missles hit vearious targets, ossama bin ladded, sadam hussein and several thousand otehrs are killed/assumed dead.

Great, you just threw a rock into a hornets nest and now there are dozens of qeens being produced to make up for hte loss.

2 years down the road, we see a repeat attack on teh west coast, anthranx or some other bio weapon is deployed by a ice cream truck diving through the suburbs or from a subway station or anything killing hundreds of thousands....

who's the culprit? the 22 year old kid who saw his one and only life long role model, osama bin ladden, riddled with bullets in a shoot out 2 years ago due to the WTC. He exacts revenge on his leaders death. He does not realize "darn, he died, if i do anything like that, i might die... i might get nuked/cruise missled/riddled iwth bullets", of course thats not what he thinks....

he thinks revenge, just like we in the US and else where are thinking about doing to them.

when you have cancer, and you can not root it out, you have to under go chemotherapy. You have to basically NUKE the entire area of the body that is infected iwth radiation to kill ALL cells that could potentially become cancerous. Its a very very drastic measure, but in certain cases you can not just perform a hyper targeted surgical biopsy to remove the cancer. It just doesnt work in every case.

Did anyone see the images when in the late 80's i believe, the Iyatollah Humeniey (sp?) of Iran, died? Millions came out to touch him. Could you JUST IMAGINE What sort of acts would have happened if it was found out he was assisinated by the US or Isreal? Man..... you just pissed off millions of people who are willing to die and lay their life down WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Because they ahve been brought up with that.

Many people here have stated they would sign up and go to war. However, how many of you would take the job if you were told your life was solely to blow yourself up? a suicide bomber? A few probably, but thousands? Millions? hardly. In these whack-o mid east countries, with the right leader, it is litterally as easy as snaping your fingers and promising a dozen virgins when you die.

its a very very sad and difficult scenario to deal with.


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

<< 10-4.. that is sooooo true! Just think, we take out their leaders and military... Well, little 12 year old Amad Buheemi El-Mohammed will grow up in ten years to avenge his father's and former leaders' deaths, and will most definately strike back at us as hard as he (and his 5 million brothers and sister) can do...

<<from episode 1>> "Wipe them out..... All of them."

Oh... so you'd like to wipe out all palestinans would you?

If someone killed your father... who wasn't doing anything to harm anyone... wouldn't you also want revenge?

Remember... many more palestinans than Israelis were killed.... stones are met with rockets.

Killing the Palestinans isn't the solution... we need to go after those involved in this... and then apply a policy of fairness in the middle east... this is the only way the ideas about the US can change in the minds of those who don't like the US.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2001
The problem here is the ideology of the people responsible. They believe, deep in their soul, without a doubt that what they are doing is right. That's what their parents taught them, thats what their friends taught them, thats what their teachers taught them. This is where the change has to be made; bombing, sanctions, revenge, assassinations, they wont help, not as long as kids are being taught that killing is an acceptable solution.

Now we thirst for revenge. But what message is that sending to OUR kids? NOW killing is okay. Its okay if you don't do it first! "well THEY started it!" What are we 3rd graders again? No, its not okay. I don't know what to do, I'm glad i'm not the president because its not up to me, but killing isn't the solution- change the ideas... change the minds of the children.. so when they grow up, they won't want to crash a plane, they won't want to lynch an israeli... and teach the israeli kids not to shoot the palestinians.

Whos quote is this, i really like it: Don't argue with an idiot; he'll bring you down to his level then beat you with experience.

Appropriate in this case. The US can't win a war against terrorists; just like we couldn't win in Vietnam.. life is too important for us, and not important enough for the enemy, so we get tired of losing our men and back down. Don't escalate this. Please.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
The Vietnamese never attack America. Don't compare the Vietnam war to this. This is more like World War II when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, even then the Japanese only targetted military targets.
May 23, 2001
Listen coward..
Please tell the other cowards over in ISRAEL ,instead of using TANKS and F16's and machine guns (top of the line) and much much more AGAINST children that throw rocks ,to stop acting like HITLER.

you think HITLER was bad ,have u ever read SHARON'S past??
Ohh ,if i was you i wont ,it would probably make you feel like a true NATZI.

So please before you call us "beasts" and other slandering names Please,Please stand up and find a mirror and take a look (NOT A GOOD LOOK BECAUSE IT IS VERY EASY TO SEE) at your greedy looking face and wonder how your life would have been if you did not Steel my house, KILL my family , deported my friends and Sucked a Big AMERICAN Dickessy.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2001

<< Listen coward..
Please tell the other cowards over in ISRAEL ,instead of using TANKS and F16's and machine guns (top of the line) and much much more AGAINST children that throw rocks ,to stop acting like HITLER.

you think HITLER was bad ,have u ever read SHARON'S past??
Ohh ,if i was you i wont ,it would probably make you feel like a true NATZI.

So please before you call us "beasts" and other slandering names Please,Please stand up and find a mirror and take a look (NOT A GOOD LOOK BECAUSE IT IS VERY EASY TO SEE) at your greedy looking face and wonder how your life would have been if you did not Steel my house, KILL my family , deported my friends and Sucked a Big AMERICAN Dickessy.

ummmm.... who are you directing this at?? you're not talking to me are you?
if you missed the first sentence of my post, i didn't write that statement... i found it on another message board