Frist Warns on Filibusters Over Bush Nominees


Aug 23, 2004
Frist Warns on Filibusters Over Bush Nominees

Published: November 12, 2004

WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 - Issuing a blunt warning to Democrats, the Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, said Thursday that the newly strengthened Republican majority would not allow filibusters to block action on judicial nominees in President Bush's second term.

"One way or another, the filibuster of judicial nominees must end," Dr. Frist, Republican of Tennessee, said in a speech to the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers' group. "The Senate must do what is good, what is right, what is reasonable and what is honorable."

With the possibility of multiple vacancies on the Supreme Court in coming months, the comments suggest that Republicans intend to take a harder line with Democrats than they did when the Senate was more narrowly divided in insisting on floor votes for Mr. Bush's judicial choices.

Democrats have blocked votes on 10 nominees to federal appeals courts while approving a vast majority of Mr. Bush's choices for the federal bench. Republicans and Democrats also struck a deal that allowed many nominees to be confirmed in exchange for White House agreement not to use its power to appoint judges when Congress recesses.

Dr. Frist did not specify what action Republicans would take if Democrats sought to derail a nominee through the procedural tactic, a maneuver that requires 60 votes to overcome, when the new Congressional term begins in January. Republicans gained four seats in the elections, bringing them to 55, but still short of a filibusterproof majority.

The Senate Rules Committee approved a plan last year that would gradually lower the threshold for filibusters against judicial nominees until a simple majority would allow a final vote. But a change in the rules requires 67 votes, and lacking anything near that support, the proposal never went to the floor.

Senator Trent Lott, the Mississippi Republican who is chairman of the Rules Committee, has been among the Republicans who have also suggested that the Republicans try to win a change by seeking a ruling from the chairman, a position that a Republican would hold, that filibusters against executive nominations are unconstitutional. A favorable ruling would require just a majority to uphold.

Some Republicans have been reluctant to try that maneuver. They call it the nuclear option, because it could come back to haunt them if they are in the minority. Democrats have also threatened to tie up the Senate in knots if they lose their right to filibuster in that manner.

"To implement it would make the last Congress look like a bipartisan tea party," Senator Charles E. Schumer, the New York Democrat who is on the Judiciary Committee, said. "For the sake of country and some degree of comity, I would hope and pray that the majority leader would not take away the Senate's time-honored, 200-year-old tradition."

Dr. Frist told the members of the Federalist Society here that Democrats were abusing the filibuster by extending it to the Senate's role of confirming presidential nominees. "This filibuster is nothing less than a formula for tyranny by the minority," he said, adding that if Democrats use procedural tactics to block more nominees, they "will have effectively seized from the president the power to appoint judges."

His comments show how the issue of judicial appointments is moving to the fore after the elections, because of questions about the health of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who has been given a diagnosis of thyroid cancer, and the possibility that other justices may step down in the next four years.

Theodore B. Olson, who resigned in July as solicitor general, also spoke to the society and said that Mr. Bush would have the opportunity to name up to three justices and that their confirmation fights would be intense.


Bout time. The Dems are going to take it hard.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Will the Democrats stand on principle or will they cave to fear. That is the question. They should do what a Republican would do if one more liberal justice would vote in RVsW.