friend just fried PSU caz of static


Senior member
Apr 29, 2005
Hello all.

My friend called me a few days ago letting me know that after he cleaned up his PC with an air-duster can and a vacuum that it wouldn't turn on anymore.

Apparently he was pretty careful not to get too close with the vacuum and the air duster didn't shoot out any of its cold liquid. After a little research though I found out that his fatal mistake was probably unplugging the PSU during the cleaning and thus removing his only 'grounding'. Who would of thought unplugging the PSU from the wall plug would actually be a bad idea eh.. ? Well.. anyone that's smart I suppose

Anyway I tested his PSU on another computer and it ain't working so I'm having it replaced. I'm just wondering though how likely it is that it's only the PSU that got fried by the static ? I sure hope the rest of his components are ok but I have no way of testing those too for the time being. What are your thoughts on this ?


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Vesper8

Apparently he was pretty careful not to get too close with the vacuum

He lied to you. He got way too close (I'll bet he vacuumed off some of the components).

Originally posted by: Vesper8
After a little research though I found out that his fatal mistake was probably unplugging the PSU during the cleaning and thus removing his only 'grounding'

Nope. This isn't true. When you are working on a computer you are supposed to unplug it and touch the case itself to groud yourself before you mess with any components. It is completely safe to shut off a computer, unplug it and use the case as a ground.

His fatal mistake was using a vacuum on a computer. Even if he didn't actually touch the vacuum to the computer components the static charge likely lept from the vacuum to somehting in the case.

Hopefully for him, nothing is broke besides the PSU.

PS...never hook a suspect PSU up to a known working computer to test it. If it's shorted inside, it could take your computer out too. get a PSU tester for that.



Jun 19, 2004
Ouch! The PSU is about the only component I haven't heard horror stories about being damaged by ESD. Tell your friend you're keeping his computer till he hangs a sign around his vacuum saying "Computer Killer" and burns it in effigy.

Odds are if the ESD was strong enough to take out the PSU, he now has a truly ugly paper weight.


Jun 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Modular

Originally posted by: Vesper8
After a little research though I found out that his fatal mistake was probably unplugging the PSU during the cleaning and thus removing his only 'grounding'

Nope. This isn't true. When you are working on a computer you are supposed to unplug it and touch the case itself to groud yourself before you mess with any components. It is completely safe to shut off a computer, unplug it and use the case as a ground.

Please don't pass on incorrect information like this. If you unplug your PC, touching the case will NOT ground you because there now is no ground.

The correct procedure is to turn off the PC, leave it plugged into the UPS/powerstrip but turn off said appliance leaving it plugged into the wall. Now touch the case/PSU and you are grounded. Or, you can ground yourself by using a anti-static wrist band that is attached to a properly grounded point.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
Never heard of or even imagined a psu could be taken out by ESD. I have vaccuumed the fans of many a psu.