Freezing of PC...PLEASE HELP


Golden Member
Jul 24, 2010
So i just bought Starcraft 2 and the game is freezing on me, sometimes during the game, other times during the loading of a new skirmish map, once even upon the exit of the game... it freezes both screen and sound keeps playing in a loop, however i can switch to Task Manager and shut the game down (it says Not Responding)....
At first i thought it just some graphics driver problem, or something like that, therefore i wanted originally write this into Nvidia own forums...but at one occasion the game unfroze (means i could continue playing, despite the task manager said Not Responding), which caught my attention... i have a similar issue with PES 2011, that game freezes in a similar manner on menus, or when i substitute players during the match... however if i wait sometimes up to 2 minutes, it will allways un-freeze. I suppose this would happen with Starcraft too, if i waited longer the first times i found about the problem...

So my question is: what can cause this? Freezing both screen and sound in these games, but after few minutes "fix" itself? I have Black Ops, RUSE and SupCom2 as well and they work no problem... could it be graphics? Or something related to SSD (i have those games installed on Intel G2 80GB SSD) or SATA interface of the mobo (Gigabyte X58A - UD7 rev. 1.0)?

Thanks in advance


Elite Member
Jan 17, 2010
I would normally say heat, but if other games work fine, then that's probably not it. Still, it can't hurt to run HWMonitor in the background and take a look at the max temps.


Golden Member
Jul 24, 2010
Thanks but i dont believe its heat, i left GPU-Z and RealTemp open on the background and alt-tabbed during game to check it: GPU was at 76C and CPU not even 50C... thats Starcraft...
Regarding ProEvo, its really very hardware-light game, it definitely does not use much of the resources...and the freezing occurs in menus and when i substitute, NOT during actual gameplay (which i suppose is the part of the game, when both CPU and GPU are used more than on some menu)

Addendum: I tried to play SC on low details and it froze anyway, so i do not think its down to GPU overheating or anything like that. I was googling a bit though and found a board, where some people talk about exactly same problem, game freezing/sound looping and unfreezing... unfortunately there is no solution, but somebody suggested, the problem lies within a file called fmodex_4_28_08.dll... apparently in the moment of the freeze SC2.exe drops to 0 percent CPU usage and this fmodex jumps to 90-100 percent CPU usage....and once it drops, the game will kick back again... so could all this be down to the sound?

Here is the link:

It would make sense for Pro Evo, too as the freezing/sound looping there does have a influence onto game commentary, i mena when i start the match, the commentary should begin, it does not happen though, you can hear only the sounds on the stadium, which will eventually loop, and when it unfreezes, the commentary will appear as well...
Is there anything i can do bar buying new Soundcard into the PCI/PCI-E instead the onboard Realtek audio, i use now?
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Golden Member
Jul 24, 2010
Yes, i did it last night after the previous post of mine, i tried it on ProEvo only and it did not help. Today i plan to do disable onboard audio in BIOS and see what will happen...


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I had the same issue. I took my fairly clean PC and blew it out with an air compressor. No problems since. Seemed my video card was prone to heating up even though it looked mostly clear of dust. I would do it just to make sure.