Freeware Or Cheapware For Keyboard To Absorb Hard Striking W/O Wiping Out The Message?


Feb 10, 2014
HP-17z, Windows 10, Malwarebytes Premium

This is the first laptop I've ever used for typing. I have to consciously try to lighten up my keystrokes when using it because if I press at my normal pressure, apparently it comes out as some kind of quick multiple strike and erases the whole message. This has occurred at least 20 times.

I'm okay as long as I keep the pressure light, but I have to actively try to do this, it doesn't come naturally. Although I have used computer keyboards with my desktop for years without trouble, I learned to type on the manual machines they had in junior high school way back when and I guess hard keystrokes never completely abandon you, no matter how long you try, lol.

I'm fine with a regular USB keyboard, that doesn't cause a problem and it is a last choice option. But when I use the computer at home it means I would have to push the screen back if I use a separate keyboard, and I like my 17" HD display a lot and would like to keep its position where it is. Also, I do use this laptop away from home fairly often, so the separate keyboard would be a pain to carry around.

I tried the Ease Of Access options on the Settings, but they slow things down a little too much, even on the lightest setting. Is there some freeware or cheapware to solve this? I'm open to most any solution, even if there's some shock-absorbing keyboard liner around I'd give it a try.
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Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2013
That's not how keyboards work.

My guess would be you're activating a gesture on the touch pad that's selecting the text in the text box.
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Feb 10, 2014
I think you might be right about that. I decided to try to disable the Touchpad. I went to the settings for Touchpad, the lowest setting was low sensitivity. Not quite what I needed. I went to the device manager, but the disable choice seemed to be greyed out. The only way it appeared I could disable the Touchpad would be to disable the driver, which I didn't want to do since I might need it when I'm away from the house with the laptop. Finally I poked around the internet for advice and somewhere it said I needed to go to the Touchpad options and click additional options. It was somewhat confusing from there, and it seemed momentarily I was in the mouse section, not the Touchpad. But it finally presented me with the opportunity to disable the Touchpad without uninstalling the driver, and to easily and quickly re-enable the Touchpad. Let's see if that stops my messages from disappearing suddenly, lol.

Much thanks for the heads-up. :)


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
If it's an HP, then you should be able to double-tap the upper left corner of the trackpad to disable/enable it. Unless that feature is only present on their business machines.