FreeBSD what to know ---- HELP Required !!


Senior member
May 30, 2000
This is exackly what I posted on my forum but so far no answers yet.

Okay I'm going to install FreeBSD v2.2.8 over this weekend, I'm actually new to Free BSD, totally no exprience on this OS. Just for the testing purpose. What do i need to know and during installation.

Thanks in advanced. Also please post your responce at my forum too. I'm trying to get my Unix/Linux forum going.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Why that version? I mean you could easily do either 3.5, 4.0, or 4.1. Just curious.

As to what you need to know. Well, understand disk labeling versus partitioning for FreeBSD systems. Do as I did and read the install instructions BEFORE installing. Those can be found here: FreeBSD Install Instructions.

These are quite helpful and I suggest printing them out to have on hand if you get stuck. Don't worry if you don't get it right the first time. IOW, be prepared to install it a few times to get the system setup correctly from the get go. Other than that...have fun!