Free Trial of


Senior member
Apr 8, 2002
sorry joker not to threadcrap but

do google for winvnc or tightvnc u will find that these programs do the same thing but 10x faster and of course free...


the Juice

Senior member
Dec 21, 2004
Originally posted by: JackRipper
sorry joker not to threadcrap but

do google for winvnc or tightvnc u will find that these programs do the same thing but 10x faster and of course free...




Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
Actually, from my experience GotoMyPC is MUCH faster than VNC or pcAnywhere. Also only requires a web browser on the remote end - no remote application to install.

Am I wrong about the speed?


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: JackRipper
sorry joker not to threadcrap but

do google for winvnc or tightvnc u will find that these programs do the same thing but 10x faster and of course free...

Have you ever used gotomypc?

It is VERY good. I haven't used any of the free varients in a couple years - but the biggest advantage to gotomypc is that it ALWAYS works, you can ALWAYS connect and a complete idiot can use it.

I've used it to get to a dozen various systems behind different corporate/home firewalls etc and never had an issue. It makes those 30 minute tech support phone calls from the parents last about 3 minutes instead... except when I have to explain that I can't log in to fix their internet connection being down... (although it even helps me troubleshoot that)

There are some fundamental differences in the way gotomypc works and the other solutions. It's actually a pretty interesting architecture. In short - you don't make a direct connection from client to host, but the connection is bridged through goto's servers. The advantage? No more router setup / port forwarding / advanced configuration required.

If you're an ubernerd trying to get from the PC in your bedroom to the PC in your kitchen, it's not for you. But if you want a quick and easy way to connect to remote machines (that you may or may not have easy network access to) then it is great. I use it all the time.



Platinum Member
Apr 17, 2001
Originally posted by: the Juice
What about using XP pro? Can anyone compare this to xp pro's remote access?

I use both gotomypc and windows terminal service and I think they are both about the same in terms of speed. However, gotomypc doesn't require any port forwardings while windows TS does. This can be a problem for some ppl if they have network sys admins who refuse to do that..


Apr 6, 2002
You have to give them your credit card in order to download the trial. It says

Enter Your Billing Information

"If it's a free trial, why do you need my credit card?"

Once your free trial has ended, your membership will be automatically renewed so you can continue the service without interruption. You will never be charged during your free trial, and you can cancel at any time.



Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2003
Originally posted by: flot
...but the biggest advantage to gotomypc is that [...] a complete idiot can use it.
Agreed. Great for the non-technical user.

Personally use Ultr@VNC and Radmin. For those using a VNC derivative, consider utilizing the approrpriate mirror driver as it greatly increases the speed in most cases, while reducing the CPU load as well.