S Stile Member Feb 13, 2001 47 0 0 May 6, 2002 #1 Link i just picked any of the answers... enjoy -stile
allisolm Elite Member Administrator Jan 2, 2001 25,151 4,684 136 May 6, 2002 #3 First the Compaq radio offer (looks like the same radio in another color) and now this. Soon we shall be awash in tiny little radios! Thanks!
First the Compaq radio offer (looks like the same radio in another color) and now this. Soon we shall be awash in tiny little radios! Thanks!
K knightc2 Golden Member Jul 2, 2001 1,461 0 0 May 6, 2002 #4 Good find. More stuff for the wife to yell at me to get rid of.
G gard Member Aug 24, 2001 156 0 0 May 6, 2002 #7 Whoa ... that was easy. As allisolm said, first the Compaq radio and now this. Hope it comes, I can use a couple of these. gard
Whoa ... that was easy. As allisolm said, first the Compaq radio and now this. Hope it comes, I can use a couple of these. gard
J Jokersmokerwannabe Member Mar 29, 2002 139 0 0 May 6, 2002 #9 Thanks! Easy survey. Now it's Compaq vs. IBM.
D dimwit Golden Member Jun 28, 2000 1,189 0 0 May 6, 2002 #11 Reminds me of the calculators a year or so ago from Compaq and IBM, identical with the exception of the logo.
Reminds me of the calculators a year or so ago from Compaq and IBM, identical with the exception of the logo.
K Knightsman Guest Nov 10, 2001 138 0 0 May 6, 2002 #17 Thanks! compaq now ibm... hoep they both come true!
D deramon Senior member Jun 14, 2001 250 0 0 May 6, 2002 #18 Hey that was an easy one! Now I throw away my Bloomberg radio (which only gets 1 station)
V Valhalla1 Diamond Member Oct 13, 1999 8,678 0 76 May 6, 2002 #19 thanks.. what was the 'priority code' question all about?
S salfter Senior member Sep 11, 2001 240 0 0 May 7, 2002 #20 It's dead now...the AT effect strikes again.
H Hanpan Diamond Member Aug 17, 2000 4,812 0 0 May 7, 2002 #21 I just had a book from IBM come today. (Another one of these surveys. Definatly a good sign.)
W Woodie Platinum Member Mar 27, 2001 2,747 0 0 May 8, 2002 #22 Deal dead now. (webpage says they ran out.)
K kdegarmo Senior member May 8, 2001 626 0 0 May 8, 2002 #23 Our apologies... Due to overwhelming response, pocket radios are no longer available.