F fonzinator Senior member Nov 5, 2002 953 0 0 Jan 31, 2003 #2 Free T-Shirts are always good! Go Boilers!! <----My alma mater
P PurdueJeep Junior Member Oct 3, 2002 10 0 0 Jan 31, 2003 #3 Yeah, it's not the coolest T Shirt, but it'll do for yard work or painting, etc. Or even as a rag... Go BOILERS!!! My Alma Mater too :-D
Yeah, it's not the coolest T Shirt, but it'll do for yard work or painting, etc. Or even as a rag... Go BOILERS!!! My Alma Mater too :-D
F fastman Golden Member Oct 9, 1999 1,521 4 81 Jan 31, 2003 #7 Did mine, wonder how much spam it will bring?
C Controller Senior member Jan 7, 2001 205 0 0 Jan 31, 2003 #9 I'd rather pick up some of the sale t-shirts from www.geekgarb.com. They have computer humor t-shirts on sale for as little as $3, and no spam.
I'd rather pick up some of the sale t-shirts from www.geekgarb.com. They have computer humor t-shirts on sale for as little as $3, and no spam.
S SilverEdge Member Nov 7, 2000 155 0 0 Feb 1, 2003 #10 Well, didnt work for me...link not found. Sucky. Dead Thread I guess.
B BornStar Diamond Member Oct 30, 2001 4,052 1 0 Feb 1, 2003 #12 Wish I knew what that link was. Just thought I'd report in as attending Purdue.
N nvmyz71 Senior member Jun 23, 2001 284 0 0 Feb 1, 2003 #14 Holy Crap... there are a lot of Purdue students/grads here. I just graduated in December from Purdue... woo hoo!
Holy Crap... there are a lot of Purdue students/grads here. I just graduated in December from Purdue... woo hoo!
C Crackabot Senior member Dec 14, 2001 282 0 0 Feb 1, 2003 #15 I've never seen a single free thing I've ever signed up for like this.... but I get lots of spam. Now where's my damn guiness bottle opener.
I've never seen a single free thing I've ever signed up for like this.... but I get lots of spam. Now where's my damn guiness bottle opener.
D dimwit Golden Member Jun 28, 2000 1,189 0 0 Feb 1, 2003 #16 Deader than Hillary's love life. And never use your eral email address, sign up for a hotmail account and use that, and never check it.
Deader than Hillary's love life. And never use your eral email address, sign up for a hotmail account and use that, and never check it.
C cookj Diamond Member Feb 19, 2001 3,128 0 0 Feb 1, 2003 #17 I got a dead link,but I did get my damn guiness bottle opener
W whalen Golden Member Dec 5, 2000 1,176 0 0 Feb 2, 2003 #19 WESTSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYDE....of Lafayette