Free Scientology Personality Test ($500 Value)!!!


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I found a really hot deal on Scientology. They offer a FREE Scientology Personality Test for you to take to find out if YOU belong with the Scientologists and the Aliens from planet Xenu. Normally, this test would cost you $500. But they are offering this test completely free of charge, which is a FABULOUS DEAL!!!!!!!!!

YOU too, can join such mental giants and illuminaries as John Travolta and Tom Cruise. Their membership certainly lends validity to this wonderous religion.

Don't thread crap if you don't like Scientology, which is the greatest made-up "religion" in recent history. The title clearly indicated the thread content, so you shouldn't have clicked unless you are interested in joining this cult. Keep your other religions out of this discussion.

They also have a FREE ticket for their movie "Orientation" so that you can learn more.

OK, for the skeptics, log onto This site is completely free as well! No charge whatsoever.


Senior member
Nov 16, 1999
i'm going to crap on this thread anyway... if anybody is at UT Austin, you know those punks on the drag can get annoying... they don't know when to stop. They don't even remember who they approached.

We politely say no thank you. And they can't even remember that. Annoying punks.



May 25, 2000
What a deal! I was hoping I could find a way to join a cult without parting with any of my hard earned cash up front! Now I can keep my money until AFTER I am brainwashed. I like it so much better that way...



Senior member
Jul 19, 2001
John Travolta and Tom Cruise are mental giants?

Are you sure you aren't mocking Scientology yourself with that statement? I'm sorry, but when I think of mental giants, those two names do not come to mind.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh come on, Chatterjee, don't be such a fascist ;)

Your body is comprised of thousands of little aliens, each vying for control. That is apparently what they told Tom Cruise, and since it can't be proven or disproven, you should believe it.

You will be assimilated.


Mar 9, 2001
Page 1 (of 5) of the test (now this is some funny stuff!):

1. Do you make thoughtless remarks or accusations which later you regret? + ? -

2. When others are getting rattled, do you remain fairly composed? + ? -

3. Do you browse through railway timetables, directories, or dictionaries just for pleasure? + ? -

4. When asked to make a decision, would you be swayed by your like or dislike of the personality involved? + ? -

5. Do you intend two or less children in your family even though your health and income will permit more? + ? -

6. Do you get occasional twitches of your muscles, when there is no logical reason for it? + ? -

7. Would you prefer to be in a position where you did not have the responsibilities of making decisions? + ? -

8. Are your actions considered unpredictable by other people? + ? -

9. Do you consider more money should be spent on social security? + ? -

10. Do other people interest you very much? + ? -

11. Is your voice monotonous, rather than varied in pitch? + ? -

12. Do you normally let the other person start the conversation? + ? -

13. Are you readily interested in other people's conversations? + ? -

14. Would the idea of inflicting pain on game, small animals or fish prevent you from hunting or fishing? + ? -

15. Are you often impulsive in your behavior? + ? -

16. Do you speak slowly? + ? -

17. Are you usually concerned about the need to protect your health? + ? -

18. Does an unexpected action cause your muscles to twitch? + ? -

19. Are you normally considerate in your demands on your employees, relatives, or pupils? + ? -

20. Do you consider that you could give a valid ?snap judgment?? + ? -

21. Do your past failures still worry you? + ? -

22. Do you find yourself being extra-active for periods lasting several days? + ? -

23. Do you resent the efforts of others to tell you what to do? + ? -

24. Is it normally hard for you to ?own up and take the blame?? + ? -

25. Do you have a small circle of close friends, rather than a large number of friends, speaking acquaintances? + ? -

26. Is your life a constant struggle for survival? + ? -

27. Do you often sing or whistle just for the fun of it? + ? -

28. Are you considered warm-hearted by your friends? + ? -

29. Would you rather give orders than take them? + ? -

30. Do you enjoy telling people the latest scandal about your associates? + ? -

31. Could you agree to ?strict discipline?? + ? -

32. Would the idea of making a complete new start cause you much concern? + ? -

33. Do you make efforts to get others to laugh and smile? + ? -

34. Do you find it easy to express your emotions? + ? -

35. Do you refrain from complaining when the other person is late for an appointment? + ? -

36. Are you sometimes considered by others a ?spoilsport?? + ? -

37. Do you consider there are other people who are definitely unfriendly toward you and work against you? + ? -

38. Would you admit you were wrong just to ?keep the peace?? + ? -

39. Do you have only a few people of whom you are really fond? + ? -

40. Are you rarely happy, unless you have a special reason? + ? -



Senior member
Nov 16, 1999
they're not fighting for control.. stupid @ss. cells make up tissues and tissues make up organs.. they function TOGETHER. did you learn ANYthing in 5th grade science class?



Senior member
Nov 16, 1999
i'm beginning to think subpar was being sarcastic from the start... although I'm not sure... but what a stupid thread anyway... here's my chance to say puck you to all those scientologist boogers out there.



Senior member
Nov 28, 2000
Looks like there is a standard graph that's shown to everyone irrespective of how you did in the test.

There are 5 other graphs number 801 through 805 (maybe more). Did any one get any other graph? And this is what it said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>The above personality test profile is being sent to you to give you a basic picture of your personality and what you think about you. This test graph provides an overall analysis, but there is a <B>lot more</B> to be said about this graph and your personality which can be given to you at no charge by our professional test evaluators at your nearest Church of Scientology testing center. Find out all the details about your personality, and what can be done to raise the different points on your personality test graph. <B>Something can be done to change conditions in life.</B>
<!--0-0--><B>Go to:</B>
<B>Church of Scientology of Brisbane</B>
106 Edward Street, 2nd Floor
Brisbane, Queensland 4000
Phone: 61-732298602
Fax: 61-732298602

<!--0-0-->Or email:
<B>and find out.</B> <!--0-1--></BLOCKQUOTE>


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
Join my cult! Pay nothing now, we'll brainwash you for free! Then after 90 days of living in a shed in rural alabama and eating only vegetables, if you still want to leave you can...for a mere $2000.00 we will provide you with a map back to your state. Its a can't lose oppurtunity! Keep watching Fox for our upcoming infomercials starring a spectacular Tony Robbins look-a-like!*

Thank You for your time and we await your arrival!

*Tony Robbins impersonator may or may not be a muppet, sock puppet, or other inanimate object with a Tony Robbins pic attached.


Senior member
Sep 4, 2000
takhyon: i answered the questions honestly and got graph16

That's not a good sign :p

The IQ ratings are waaaaaaaay off


Mar 9, 2001
Here are some funny ones:

54. Do you consider the good of all concerned rather than your own personal advantages? + ? -

55. When hearing a lecturer, do you sometimes experience the idea that the speaker is referring entirely to you? + ? -

56. Does ?external noise? rarely interfere with your concentration? + ? - (as opposed to...internal noise?)

58. Can you confidently plan and work towards carrying out an event in six months time? + ? - (what are they planning for in 6 months!?)

63. When you criticize - do you at the same time try to encourage? + ? - (like the guys on Montel who call their wives cows?)

71. Do you often ?sit and think? about death, sickness, pain and sorrow? + ? - (.....don't we all...?)

73. Are you always collecting things which ?might be useful?? + ? - (they're stock-piling weapons!!!)

77. Do you greet people effusively? + ? - (nope..I usually just say hi!)

81. Are you usually undisturbed by ?noises off? when you are trying to rest? + ? - (what...?)

84. Do you prefer to abide by the wishes of others rather than seek to have your own way? + ? - (must be a sheep....must be a sheep!)

86. Do you bite your fingernails or chew the end of your pencil? + ? - (YES, what do you want from me!?)

88. If we were invading another country, would you feel sympathetic towards conscientious objectors in this country? + ? - (so NOW the plan is showing itself......we're invading Canada with our stock-piled pencil collection!!!!)

91. Do you ever get a single thought which hangs around for days? + ? - (Like invading Canada?)

98. Would you use corporal punishment on a child aged ten if it refused to obey you? + ? - (So first we invade their country, then punish their children? Sounds good so far...)

100. Are you logical and scientific in your thinking? + ? - (I got two words for ya..Battlefield Earth.)

104. Do you ?wax enthusiastic? about only a few subjects? + ? - (Come again?)

106. Do you sometimes wonder if anyone really cares about you? + ? - (*Sniffle*)

113. Would it take a definite effort on your part to consider the subject of suicide? + ? - (Wait...I thought we were invading Canada?!?!?)

118. Do you smile much? + ? - (No.)

119. Are you easily pleased? + ? - (Could we please have a presidential definition of 'pleased', please? Thank you.)

122. Do you ever get disturbed by the noise of the wind or a ?house settling down?? + ? - (There are monsters in my closet!)

124. Do you often make tactless blunders? + ? - (Tell me about it!)

127. Can you get quite enthusiastic over ?some simple little thing?? + ? - (Like enslaving Canadians?)

128. Do you frequently take action even though you know your own good judgment would indicate otherwise? + ? - (You betcha!)

129. Are you in favor of color bar and class distinction? + ? - (Only if I'm at the top!)

130. Are you aware of any habitual physical mannerisms such as pulling your hair, nose, ears, or such like? + ? - (Who the @#!$ pulls their nose?)

131. Can you quickly adapt and make use of new conditions and situations even though they may be difficult? + ? - (Like invading Canada?)

132. Do some noises ?set your teeth on edge?? + ? - (What is it with these guys and noises!?!?!?)

136. Do children irritate you? + ? - (...................? Just irritating ones.)

138. Do you usually carry out assignments promptly and systematically? + ? - (Like a robot?)

141. Do you frequently dwell on your past illnesses or painful experiences? + ? - (They ask a LOT of these type of questions, just re-worded..)

143. Do you usually criticize a film or show that you see or a book that you read? + ? - (I got two words for ya..Battlefield Earth.)

146. Do you have a tendency to tidy up a disorder of somebody else's household? + ? - (A lot of these questions too..)

149. Are you ever ill at ease in the company of children? + ? - (What is it with children!?!?)

162. Would you like to ?start a new activity? in the area in which you live? + ? - (Like stock-piling pencils?)

163. Would you make the necessary actions to kill an animal in order to put it out of pain? + ? - (C'mon..they're Canadians, we don't need to refer to them as animals..)

165. Do you have little regret on past misfortunes and failures? + ? - (Well I did until you kept asking me this!)

166. Does the idea of fear or apprehension give you a physical reaction? + ? - (Like a twitch...which you mentioned about a dozen times so far?)

169. Do you find it hard to get started on a task that needs to be done? + ? - (Second or third time this was asked..)

170. Are you opposed to the ?probation system? for criminals? + ? - (Second time this was ask..)

177. Can you take a ?calculated risk? without too much worry? + ? - (Like inva....sorry..)

181. Do you often ponder over your own inferiority? + ? - (I hate you test man!!! *Cries*)

184. Do you frequently not do something you want to do because of other people's desires? + ? - (About the tenth time this was re-worded..)

185. Are you sometimes convinced of the correctness of your opinions about a subject even though you are not an expert? + ? - (Second or third time..)

188. Is the idea of death or even reminders of death abhorrent to you? + ? - (Why, do you have good news for me?)

191. Does life seem rather vague and unreal to you? + ? - (Yes)

192. Do you often feel upset about the fate of war victims and political refugees? + ? - (Why?)

194. If you lose an article, do you get the idea that ?someone must have stolen or mislaid it?? + ? - (Dozens of 'paranoid' type questions..)

Let's see...the test says:

On a +100(good) to 0(desirable/acceptable) to -100(deathly urgent of attention)

Stable/Unstable: -55 (I thought I was more stable tha that..)
Happy/Depressed: -90 (probably right)
Composed/Nervous: -90 (somewhat wrong)
Certain/Uncertain: +32 (That's right, I think)
Active/Inactive: -58 (Correct)
Aggressive/Inhibited: +21 (VERY wrong!)
Responsible/Irresponsible: +5 (sure)
Correct Est./Critical: -5 (I guess)
Appreciative/LackOfAccord: -80 (VERY wrong, I appreciate a whole lot, I think this result stems from the 'seeing beauty in others' questions)
Commun Level/Withdrawn: -90 (I should be a hermit.... :( )
IQ: ??? Either it was too low to put on the chart, or it didn't give me any results for it...

Well, that sure was a hot deal!!


Nov 27, 2000
shoot. this isn't a hot deal. $500 value is total bogus. they're pretty willing to proselytize you anyday. i was stopped at one place by them, and they didn't want to let me go or something. i told them no go, ET phones me all the time.