Here are some funny ones:
54. Do you consider the good of all concerned rather than your own personal advantages? + ? -
55. When hearing a lecturer, do you sometimes experience the idea that the speaker is referring entirely to you? + ? -
56. Does ?external noise? rarely interfere with your concentration? + ? - (as opposed to...internal noise?)
58. Can you confidently plan and work towards carrying out an event in six months time? + ? - (what are they planning for in 6 months!?)
63. When you criticize - do you at the same time try to encourage? + ? - (like the guys on Montel who call their wives cows?)
71. Do you often ?sit and think? about death, sickness, pain and sorrow? + ? - (.....don't we all...?)
73. Are you always collecting things which ?might be useful?? + ? - (they're stock-piling weapons!!!)
77. Do you greet people effusively? + ? - (nope..I usually just say hi!)
81. Are you usually undisturbed by ?noises off? when you are trying to rest? + ? - (what...?)
84. Do you prefer to abide by the wishes of others rather than seek to have your own way? + ? - (must be a sheep....must be a sheep!)
86. Do you bite your fingernails or chew the end of your pencil? + ? - (YES, what do you want from me!?)
88. If we were invading another country, would you feel sympathetic towards conscientious objectors in this country? + ? - (so NOW the plan is showing itself......we're invading Canada with our stock-piled pencil collection!!!!)
91. Do you ever get a single thought which hangs around for days? + ? - (Like invading Canada?)
98. Would you use corporal punishment on a child aged ten if it refused to obey you? + ? - (So first we invade their country, then punish their children? Sounds good so far...)
100. Are you logical and scientific in your thinking? + ? - (I got two words for ya..Battlefield Earth.)
104. Do you ?wax enthusiastic? about only a few subjects? + ? - (Come again?)
106. Do you sometimes wonder if anyone really cares about you? + ? - (*Sniffle*)
113. Would it take a definite effort on your part to consider the subject of suicide? + ? - (Wait...I thought we were invading Canada?!?!?)
118. Do you smile much? + ? - (No.)
119. Are you easily pleased? + ? - (Could we please have a presidential definition of 'pleased', please? Thank you.)
122. Do you ever get disturbed by the noise of the wind or a ?house settling down?? + ? - (There are monsters in my closet!)
124. Do you often make tactless blunders? + ? - (Tell me about it!)
127. Can you get quite enthusiastic over ?some simple little thing?? + ? - (Like enslaving Canadians?)
128. Do you frequently take action even though you know your own good judgment would indicate otherwise? + ? - (You betcha!)
129. Are you in favor of color bar and class distinction? + ? - (Only if I'm at the top!)
130. Are you aware of any habitual physical mannerisms such as pulling your hair, nose, ears, or such like? + ? - (Who the @#!$ pulls their nose?)
131. Can you quickly adapt and make use of new conditions and situations even though they may be difficult? + ? - (Like invading Canada?)
132. Do some noises ?set your teeth on edge?? + ? - (What is it with these guys and noises!?!?!?)
136. Do children irritate you? + ? - (...................? Just irritating ones.)
138. Do you usually carry out assignments promptly and systematically? + ? - (Like a robot?)
141. Do you frequently dwell on your past illnesses or painful experiences? + ? - (They ask a LOT of these type of questions, just re-worded..)
143. Do you usually criticize a film or show that you see or a book that you read? + ? - (I got two words for ya..Battlefield Earth.)
146. Do you have a tendency to tidy up a disorder of somebody else's household? + ? - (A lot of these questions too..)
149. Are you ever ill at ease in the company of children? + ? - (What is it with children!?!?)
162. Would you like to ?start a new activity? in the area in which you live? + ? - (Like stock-piling pencils?)
163. Would you make the necessary actions to kill an animal in order to put it out of pain? + ? - (C'mon..they're Canadians, we don't need to refer to them as animals..)
165. Do you have little regret on past misfortunes and failures? + ? - (Well I did until you kept asking me this!)
166. Does the idea of fear or apprehension give you a physical reaction? + ? - (Like a twitch...which you mentioned about a dozen times so far?)
169. Do you find it hard to get started on a task that needs to be done? + ? - (Second or third time this was asked..)
170. Are you opposed to the ?probation system? for criminals? + ? - (Second time this was ask..)
177. Can you take a ?calculated risk? without too much worry? + ? - (Like inva....sorry..)
181. Do you often ponder over your own inferiority? + ? - (I hate you test man!!! *Cries*)
184. Do you frequently not do something you want to do because of other people's desires? + ? - (About the tenth time this was re-worded..)
185. Are you sometimes convinced of the correctness of your opinions about a subject even though you are not an expert? + ? - (Second or third time..)
188. Is the idea of death or even reminders of death abhorrent to you? + ? - (Why, do you have good news for me?)
191. Does life seem rather vague and unreal to you? + ? - (Yes)
192. Do you often feel upset about the fate of war victims and political refugees? + ? - (Why?)
194. If you lose an article, do you get the idea that ?someone must have stolen or mislaid it?? + ? - (Dozens of 'paranoid' type questions..)
Let's see...the test says:
On a +100(good) to 0(desirable/acceptable) to -100(deathly urgent of attention)
Stable/Unstable: -55 (I thought I was more stable tha that..)
Happy/Depressed: -90 (probably right)
Composed/Nervous: -90 (somewhat wrong)
Certain/Uncertain: +32 (That's right, I think)
Active/Inactive: -58 (Correct)
Aggressive/Inhibited: +21 (VERY wrong!)
Responsible/Irresponsible: +5 (sure)
Correct Est./Critical: -5 (I guess)
Appreciative/LackOfAccord: -80 (VERY wrong, I appreciate a whole lot, I think this result stems from the 'seeing beauty in others' questions)
Commun Level/Withdrawn: -90 (I should be a hermit....
IQ: ??? Either it was too low to put on the chart, or it didn't give me any results for it...
Well, that sure was a hot deal!!