Forum is messed up


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001
My friend was over and we were reading through the forum. He wanted to join but when he went to the join page and typed in all his information then clicked "join Anandtech forums" it went to the 404 screen. Another thing is that these forums load incredibly slow as well. I am not impressed, you should put Vbulletin up instead.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
You shoud try again, the forums work fine. You can also subscribe and get access to the fast lane. :)


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001
You have to pay? What a scam if you ask me. I will take the slow forums....


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
LOL suit yourself, I disagree however with your recommendation to put up vbulletin, fusetalk is much more robust and feature filled.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002

<< You have to pay? What a scam if you ask me. I will take the slow forums.... >>

LOL :p Get ready for a slamming by the neighborhood Support AT patrol.


Oct 12, 1999

<< You have to pay? What a scam if you ask me. I will take the slow forums.... >>

You'll be s o r r y
Apr 5, 2000

<< Another thing is that these forums load incredibly slow as well. I am not impressed, you should put Vbulletin up instead.

You have to pay? What a scam if you ask me. I will take the slow forums....

vBulletin wouldn't handle the load - 80,000+ registered members with thousands of unregistered who browse the forums everyday. vBulletin would crack like a 400lb man standing on a 5 year old. And the bandwith that a couple thousand people command isn't free - you want speed - you have to pay for it. And instead of whining about it, if you had read the couple of other threads about vBulletin we've had in the past week, you'd know all this already.


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001


<< Another thing is that these forums load incredibly slow as well. I am not impressed, you should put Vbulletin up instead.

You have to pay? What a scam if you ask me. I will take the slow forums....

vBulletin wouldn't handle the load - 80,000+ registered members with thousands of unregistered who browse the forums everyday. vBulletin would crack like a 400lb man standing on a 5 year old. And the bandwith that a couple thousand people command isn't free - you want speed - you have to pay for it. And instead of whining about it, if you had read the couple of other threads about vBulletin we've had in the past week, you'd know all this already.

I find your statement very distasteful. I am not whining, but I will pass on the subscription service. If you have proof when you say Vbulletin would not handle the traffic then please please post so. You can however state a comment like "unfortunately, Vbulletin would not handle the load and this forum handles it better". Be some what mature in your posts man. I would like to be able to post without someone making personal duragatory remarks.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< vBulletin wouldn't handle the load - 80,000+ registered members with thousands of unregistered who browse the forums everyday. vBulletin would crack like a 400lb man standing on a 5 year old. And the bandwith that a couple thousand people command isn't free - you want speed - you have to pay for it. And instead of whining about it, if you had read the couple of other threads about vBulletin we've had in the past week, you'd know all this already. >>

I completely disagree that vBulletin is a sub-par forum package. The FuseTalk setup here on AT is better, no doubt -- but one of the main reasons this is so is because of the cluster that is set up here at Anandtech. vBulletin is a great forum package, I assume you've been to They have it hosted on a Dual PIII 733 machine, which is one of the main reasons you'll have a slight delay -- it's nothing compared to the cluster of servers here at AT, but vBulletin handles mysql calls and such just great.

If you want to bash a bad forum package, see how Ikonboard or another flat line database driven forum packages handles a couple hundred active users. Most web hosting companies will warn that it is highly recommended to install something based of PHP with a mysql backend (phpBB2, vBulletin...)
Apr 5, 2000



<< Another thing is that these forums load incredibly slow as well. I am not impressed, you should put Vbulletin up instead.

You have to pay? What a scam if you ask me. I will take the slow forums....

vBulletin wouldn't handle the load - 80,000+ registered members with thousands of unregistered who browse the forums everyday. vBulletin would crack like a 400lb man standing on a 5 year old. And the bandwith that a couple thousand people command isn't free - you want speed - you have to pay for it. And instead of whining about it, if you had read the couple of other threads about vBulletin we've had in the past week, you'd know all this already.

I find your statement very distasteful. I am not whining, but I will pass on the subscription service. If you have proof when you say Vbulletin would not handle the traffic then please please post so. You can however state a comment like "unfortunately, Vbulletin would not handle the load and this forum handles it better". Be some what mature in your posts man. I would like to be able to post without someone making personal duragatory remarks.

If you took that as a personal duragatory remark then you're a little bit too sensitive bud. Coming in here with an attitude about how we should put up vBulletin when you don't know a thing about Fusetalk is asking for it. I'm just one of several people who would have flamed you. Oh and I apologize if I offended you.

Geekish Thoughts - I never said it was subpar. I said it can't handle the load that forums like AT requires.

And for those who still think we should use vBulletin, please look at this thread:

If you're not a subscriber, copy that and replace "subscriber" with "forums"

All I did was restate what Zuni said. (One of the authors of Fusetalk)


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001
I am not being too sensitive, you are just being rude (I should have known by your forum name). Of course the author of Fusetalk would talk good about his software, he wants you to use his product. He might be right as well though, I don't know. I would rather see the proof than take the word from someone that owns a company that sells a forum board. HardOCP uses Vbulletin and seems to do fine despite being on only a dual CPU machine instead of a cluster like Anandtech. From the way Zuni makes it sound, it its the server giving the slow response due to a bandwidth limitation rather than the forum software. This sounds about right to me. All I know is that my friend was trying to register and the webpage was timing out. That's all I cared about and from a visitor standpoint this might look bad.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Raging- Maybe you didn't see my point. is indeed under a higher, or the same load than these forums, especially as of late. I'll restate those specs -- their forums are hosted by one machine, more or about the same active users. So your statement saying that vBulletin cannot hold the load is simply incorrect. Just go to their forums and check out the active users. I've been browsing these boards for so long I can't even remember. There used to be mild traffic in the old days, then a lot more traffic on these forums (in a short period of time); but as less and less people liked the bandwidth cap, quite a few have left. I'm a subscriber. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Of course Zuni is going to say that FuseTalk is better, he helped write the software, developed it, etc, ;) Of course he's going to think better of it than somebody else's forum package.


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000

<< I am not being too sensitive, you are just being rude (I should have known by your forum name). Of course the author of Fusetalk would talk good about his software, he wants you to use his product. He might be right as well though, I don't know. I would rather see the proof than take the word from someone that owns a company that sells a forum board. HardOCP uses Vbulletin and seems to do fine despite being on only a dual CPU machine instead of a cluster like Anandtech. From the way Zuni makes it sound, it its the server giving the slow response due to a bandwidth limitation rather than the forum software. This sounds about right to me. All I know is that my friend was trying to register and the webpage was timing out. That's all I cared about and from a visitor standpoint this might look bad. >>

dood hardforums has to go down every night for major database work to keep it even remotly as fast as these are. the forums are slow (for you) because of a bandwidth cap inplace NOT the forum software. these forms 6 months or so ago pulled a constant 29Mbits I don't know what the cap is set at. thats a CRAP LOAD of bandwidth. (30,000 dollars per month) the forums work fine.


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001
What type of database work would that be? Do they manually go through and delete all the posts older than 6 months? ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< dood hardforums has to go down every night for major database work to keep it even remotly as fast as these are. the forums are slow (for you) because of a bandwidth cap inplace NOT the forum software. these forms 6 months or so ago pulled a constant 29Mbits I don't know what the cap is set at. thats a CRAP LOAD of bandwidth. (30,000 dollars per month) the forums work fine. >>

From what I can see their forum has posts dating back to the first of this year (click here to see what I mean - you'll need to have an account there, though) . It's common practice to prune the database every once and a while, but I highly doubt they prune the database every single night, that sounds like something you're just making up. :) I really don't know what kind of other maintenance they would need to do to the database other than that, to keep it up. Just saying messing with the database could be all kinds of things, though .. just editing a post is changing the database.

<< What type of database work would that be? Do they manually go through and delete all the posts older than 6 months? >>

It's a mysql database, and yes, probably more than every six months considering the amount of traffic they go through. Anandtech probably uses a similar practice -- you'll notice when you do a search for an older topic, it searches a different database, at least that's what it seems to be from the search page (I could be wrong on that).


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001
On Designtechnica we use a MYSQL database as well. It is very effecient for our purposes and there is an option in the admin control panel to delete posts after a certain date. There is no need to take the server down for a hours to do this, so I highly doubt that HardOCP does that. They may be updating the website during that time. It looks to me like HardOCP has a static HTML website that is not database driven like Designtechnica or Anandtech, so that is probably why the server is down each night (if at all) for updating.


Oct 10, 1999
I pay 2.50 a month for a lightning fast connection. I ping the subscriber server(s) at 25-30 ms. That is outstanding. Anand used to use an enormous amount of bandwidth to run the forums. He was losing money even with ads. He hates ads. He and whoever else at Anandtech decided to start a subscriber service. You get more private messages, full text search(very intensive process) and a dedicated number of servers that don't have a bandwidth cap. Hell I would pay 5.00 a month if I had to. No banners and blazing speed? Sign me up. Oh wait I already am.



Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
you aparently dont fallow hardocp much, or visit hardforums at odd hours, it really does happen they go down every night for about 45 minutes or so. for what they say is "database work" and its not their main site that does it, its ONLY the forums.

here they use MSSQL.

and as I stated earlier, its not a forums issue, its the bandwidth cap.

god your one thick headed peice of work.

I dispise people who go around high headed, thinking they know everything better then everyone else, can do everything better then anything else, and know the perfect solution to every phantom problem they create in their head. Without doing any research into what the possible problem might be, read any of the 100 other posts that discuss the exact same issue, or anything else to keep from looking very closely at the detail of their anal cavity.

PS: at the top of this forum catigory READ!


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

Is that directed towards me? If you think I'm thick headed I find that pretty funny ;)

Anyway, I never complained about the slow-down here anyway. It's perfectly understandable. Bandwidth is hella expensive, we've got the same problem at an ISP where I work, and it's a HUGE problem... I know exactly how that goes. :(


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001
I agree with Geekish Thoughts. Bandwidth is very expensive and I can understand completely why there is a bandwidth cap here in the forums. I don't think MSSQL is any more effecient that what MYSQL is. I honestly believe that HardOCP does not go down every night for Database work (even if that is what the message says), I think they are just updating their website because I am pretty sure is a static HTML site. I know we have rat holed from the main discussion.

Thanks for everyones feedback. I don't think I visit these forums enough to justify paying a subscription fee. I will tolerate the bandwidth cap for now.




Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
sorry if I was way harsh, just see these threads pop up every two days ;). I don't think hardOCP prunes the DB at night eather, they may reoptimize it to maintain speed. I personally think Vbulletin is ugly, and I respect zuni to a high degree so I am biased to Fusetalk, I do belive it is one of the best if not the best solutions availible period.
Apr 5, 2000

<< god your one thick headed peice of work.

I dispise people who go around high headed, thinking they know everything better then everyone else, can do everything better then anything else, and know the perfect solution to every phantom problem they create in their head. Without doing any research into what the possible problem might be, read any of the 100 other posts that discuss the exact same issue, or anything else to keep from looking very closely at the detail of their anal cavity.

and that's not rude? (I don't see you complaining about that :p ) I'll say what I said in my first post - someone is going to flame you - it's the AT way - welcome to Anandtech.

<< sorry if I was way harsh, just see these threads pop up every two days ;). I don't think hardOCP prunes the DB at night eather, they may reoptimize it to maintain speed. I personally think Vbulletin is ugly, and I respect zuni to a high degree so I am biased to Fusetalk, I do belive it is one of the best if not the best solutions availible period. >>

narzy - thank you for backing me up.