you aparently dont fallow hardocp much, or visit hardforums at odd hours, it really does happen they go down every night for about 45 minutes or so. for what they say is "database work" and its not their main site that does it, its ONLY the forums.
here they use MSSQL.
and as I stated earlier, its not a forums issue, its the bandwidth cap.
god your one thick headed peice of work.
I dispise people who go around high headed, thinking they know everything better then everyone else, can do everything better then anything else, and know the perfect solution to every phantom problem they create in their head. Without doing any research into what the possible problem might be, read any of the 100 other posts that discuss the exact same issue, or anything else to keep from looking very closely at the detail of their anal cavity.
PS: at the top of this forum catigory