R Raspewtin Diamond Member Nov 16, 1999 3,634 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #2 she better be hot if her last name is Futard-o. pics?
R Rogue Banned Jan 28, 2000 5,774 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #3 I give her one more album before she goes all "skank" on us.
P Presence Golden Member May 8, 2001 1,121 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #5 Opps sorry...here is her website to lazy to look for pics... Nelly
J JohnnyKnoxville Platinum Member Feb 24, 2001 2,947 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #7 Whoa you're right what a hottie! But that name has gotta go.Can you imagine her on Jacka$$ Hi I'm Nelly Futardo and this is diving for poo.....
Whoa you're right what a hottie! But that name has gotta go.Can you imagine her on Jacka$$ Hi I'm Nelly Futardo and this is diving for poo.....
P Piano Man Diamond Member Feb 5, 2000 3,370 0 76 Jun 15, 2001 #8 OMG, she is beautiful. Nice eyes. << she better be hot if her last name is Futard-o. pics? >> I think Futardo is a Portugese last name, but I could be wrong.
OMG, she is beautiful. Nice eyes. << she better be hot if her last name is Futard-o. pics? >> I think Futardo is a Portugese last name, but I could be wrong.
P Presence Golden Member May 8, 2001 1,121 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #9 Heheh looks like I goofed the spelling but still a silly sounding name....its Furtado... I saw her on Jay leno and she was singing with missy elliot....she has some body...and her skin color!!!! Sheesh!!
Heheh looks like I goofed the spelling but still a silly sounding name....its Furtado... I saw her on Jay leno and she was singing with missy elliot....she has some body...and her skin color!!!! Sheesh!!
R Rogue Banned Jan 28, 2000 5,774 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #10 She's Candian I think. That bagged milk and ketchup potato chips work wonders on canuck women!
S Sugadaddy Banned May 12, 2000 6,495 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #11 yeah, it's FURTADO... And BTW, she's canadian.
R Rogue Banned Jan 28, 2000 5,774 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #12 But then again, Alanis is pretty skank. Oh! Wait! That was after her second album that she went totally skank! That's right!
But then again, Alanis is pretty skank. Oh! Wait! That was after her second album that she went totally skank! That's right!
S Sugadaddy Banned May 12, 2000 6,495 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #13 nah, Alanis was always a skank. Nelly has much more talent...
F Finality Platinum Member Oct 9, 1999 2,665 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #14 She's pretty but I'd take Britney any day Skip Christina and J Lo. I dont even want those two.
M monto Platinum Member Oct 12, 1999 2,047 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #16 << She's pretty but I'd take Britney any day Skip Christina and J Lo. I dont even want those two. >> britney's getting a little old, mandy's a rather ripe ol' age
<< She's pretty but I'd take Britney any day Skip Christina and J Lo. I dont even want those two. >> britney's getting a little old, mandy's a rather ripe ol' age
D dawks Diamond Member Oct 9, 1999 5,071 2 81 Jun 15, 2001 #17 Too bad she cant sing for sh*t.. She is worth a bang or two though.
Deeko Lifer Jun 16, 2000 30,213 12 81 Jun 15, 2001 #19 << I give her one more album before she goes all "skank" on us. >> Nah, she performs what I like to call "old person pop", they usually don't do that.
<< I give her one more album before she goes all "skank" on us. >> Nah, she performs what I like to call "old person pop", they usually don't do that.
D Doggiedog Lifer Aug 17, 2000 12,780 5 81 Jun 15, 2001 #20 She was on ET a couple days ago and they said she can speak 3 languages. English, Portugeuse and HINDI.
She was on ET a couple days ago and they said she can speak 3 languages. English, Portugeuse and HINDI.
T TommyWDetroit Banned Mar 27, 2001 272 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #21 Ummm.. no? I don't find her attracive one bit. Can we say fugly?
M mztykal Diamond Member Apr 21, 2000 6,709 48 91 Jun 15, 2001 #22 I dunno. She doesn't look "hot" to me. She looks decent.
T teckmaster Golden Member Feb 1, 2000 1,256 0 0 Jun 15, 2001 #23 she's ok but I'd rather have the others
B bacillus Lifer Jan 6, 2001 14,517 0 71 Jun 15, 2001 #24 << she's ok but I'd rather have the others >> could you be more specific as there are lots of "others" out there!
<< she's ok but I'd rather have the others >> could you be more specific as there are lots of "others" out there!
IJump Diamond Member Feb 12, 2001 4,640 11 76 Jun 15, 2001 #25 She's alright, better than average, but hot is going a bit far in my book.