Foreign Aide Tax Should Be Done Away With.


Jun 3, 2003
I believe that foreign aide or as I call it the foreign welfare tax by the federal government should be done away with as it is instituted today in this nation of ours. It is a flawed system which illegally taxes Americans and distributes our tax money to foreign nations and causes which some of us may not agree with and does so without our consent. As we all know the political system today is infested with foreign lobbies of all sorts. Foreign lobbies who splurge millions of dollars all over the place in Washington D.C. in order to get our own politicians to cater to their needs and wishes. This lobbying overrides the tax payers vote and corrupts our political system. We must come up with system that gives back some measure of control back to the tax payer. Whether you are a conservative, liberal or a moderate the fact that you have no say in controlling where your money is spent when it comes to foreign aide is disturbing and un-American.

It is may opinion that this current system should be replaced by a new system in which the tax payer him/herself receives the right to choose which nation they want to send foreign aide too. Or which allows us to decide to just get a refund for our tax money instead. This sort of system will ensure that the people of the United States of America ( and not a corrupt group of foreign lobbyist and politicians ) gets the final say when it comes to our taxes.

The options that would be given to the tax payer would be divided into nine or more check boxes of different criteria for which he/she can decide on when choosing to give aide voluntarily. If the tax payer chooses to have their tax money sent overseas to another nation the options would be as so....

1.) Industrial and Economical Aide ( includes agricultural development aide as well )

2.) Medical Aide minus PP ( Planned ParentHood and does not include Medical Research of any kind )

3.) Medical Aide plus PP ( includes Planned ParentHood but no Medical Research of any kind ) 4.) Educational Aide ( opening up schools, providing for education in other nations etc... )

5.) Food and Shelter ( help in feeding themselves and help in building their own homes, etc.. ) Aide

6.) Disaster Relief Aide

7.) Scientific Research ( Includes Medical research ) Aide

8.) Government Administrative Aide ( Helping nations develop their government infrastructure )

9.) Policing and Drug enforcement Aide

10.) Military Aide.

We should be allow to choose more then one or just one or none at all if we don't feel like giving our money away to a foreign nation. Depending on how and on what the persons choices are his/her tax dollars should then be divided evenly amongst their selections. The tax payer should also write in a percentage of how much of his/her yearly tax refund they feel should go to the nation of their choice. This would of course apply to the next's year taxes and then could be changed as the tax payer sees fit by checking a box which states that they decline to allocate their money for foreign aide. I am sure this sounds very rough to some but I am sure with time and with the right folks it could be smoothed out to make sure the tax payer is not steam rolled over by the federal government and special interest lobbies. This will allow that we the tax pay receive a greater freedom of choice to decided what we do with our own tax money. Of course keeping with today's world there would also be a list of nations which no one can send money to or which can only receive certain types of aide to ensure our national security and to not undermine our diplomatic policies. I feel that in the end this would be a better system for the American tax payer and ensure that our voices are being listened to in Washington D.C.



Feb 18, 2004
ah. that's an awful idea. while I don't trust the government to handle its money well, I trust the American public even less.

besides, foreign aid only accounts for something like 1% of the budget, and most people view it as foreign welfare, which is really isn't. from a purely practical purpose, it's useful towards building good will toward America.

edit: I overestimated. from --

U.S. foreign assistance has always had the twofold purpose of furthering America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while improving the lives of the citizens of the developing world. Spending less than one-half of 1 percent of the federal budget, USAID works around the world to achieve these goals.


Jan 10, 2004
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: amdfanboy
lol, good luck

So you support being taxed to pay for other foreign nations welfare systems ?

Sure, why not. It's not like it matters what I support because it won't change it. Both parties do this, so you have no choice.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: amdfanboy
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: amdfanboy
lol, good luck

So you support being taxed to pay for other foreign nations welfare systems ?

Sure, why not. It's not like it matters what I support because it won't change it. Both parties do this, so you have no choice.

No I have a choice. It's only when people give up that choice is taken away from them and they settle for good enough.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: loki8481
ah. that's an awful idea. while I don't trust the government to handle its money well, I trust the American public even less.

besides, foreign aid only accounts for something like 1% of the budget, and most people view it as foreign welfare, which is really isn't. from a purely practical purpose, it's useful towards building good will toward America.

edit: I overestimated. from --

U.S. foreign assistance has always had the twofold purpose of furthering America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while improving the lives of the citizens of the developing world. Spending less than one-half of 1 percent of the federal budget, USAID works around the world to achieve these goals.

Now include in millitary, policing aide and the cost of proping up goverments across the world . Even less then one-half of 1 percent is still to much.


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: loki8481
ah. that's an awful idea. while I don't trust the government to handle its money well, I trust the American public even less.

besides, foreign aid only accounts for something like 1% of the budget, and most people view it as foreign welfare, which is really isn't. from a purely practical purpose, it's useful towards building good will toward America.

edit: I overestimated. from --

U.S. foreign assistance has always had the twofold purpose of furthering America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while improving the lives of the citizens of the developing world. Spending less than one-half of 1 percent of the federal budget, USAID works around the world to achieve these goals.

Now include in millitary, policing aide and the cost of proping up goverments across the world . Even less then one-half of 1 percent is still to much.

do you have clear examples in mind, or are we just talking theoreticals?

I mean, take Russia, for example. we have given them aid in securing their nuclear arsenal -- if we hadn't, those weapons could have easily gotten in the hands of terrorists.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: loki8481
ah. that's an awful idea. while I don't trust the government to handle its money well, I trust the American public even less.

besides, foreign aid only accounts for something like 1% of the budget, and most people view it as foreign welfare, which is really isn't. from a purely practical purpose, it's useful towards building good will toward America.

edit: I overestimated. from --

U.S. foreign assistance has always had the twofold purpose of furthering America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while improving the lives of the citizens of the developing world. Spending less than one-half of 1 percent of the federal budget, USAID works around the world to achieve these goals.

Now include in millitary, policing aide and the cost of proping up goverments across the world . Even less then one-half of 1 percent is still to much.

do you have clear examples in mind, or are we just talking theoreticals?

I mean, take Russia, for example. we have given them aid in securing their nuclear arsenal -- if we hadn't, those weapons could have easily gotten in the hands of terrorists.

To late.....Where there is a will there is a way.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
The politicians distribute the money. The American peoiple elected them.

Why not allow a referedum every two years with a list of all supposed pork projects.
Have a checkbox to allow/dissallow.

Then you can go after the educational pork, welfare pork, water &amp; power pork.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
First of all, I think he's talking about the trade deficit, not actual foreign aid, which is pretty small. Fine, I guess we can fix that if you want to stop importing stereos, TV's, computer components, clothes, food, oil, and anything else you might car to name. I don't think the American people individually or the country collectively has the discipline to do that. Most people are content to drive around in their made-in-Mexico SUV burning pumped-from-Nigeria oil listening to made-in-China CDs on their made-in-Taiwan stereo wearing made-in-Bangladesh jeans on their way to work at their owned-by-Saudi Arabia company, without a care in the world.