For use with SoftFSB on Asus P2B. Where is the clock generator chip?


Mar 11, 2000
There are essentially no instructions for SoftFSB.

I can get it to work with the Asus P2B 1.10 setting fine, but it gives me no options other than what I can already get through jumpers.

It seems there is direct access to the clock generator, if I'm understanding the software correctly, assuming I know which chip I have. It may seem stupid, but where is located on the P2B? Will this give me more FSB options or will I still be limited to those 16 bus speed options? I don't want to rip apart my computer (yet again) blindly looking for that chip if it's not going to be of any benefit. It would be nice to test this thing at 936 just for fun. (It took a day of 100% load at 960 before it crashed once.)


Elite Member | For Sale/Trade
Jul 4, 2000
The clock generator is just to the right of the memory slots, just above the IDE connectors... Its the horizontal mounted chip with a bunch of connections coming out of it... Some boards do not have all the buss speeds listed or used in bios or manual and can be acessed using Softfsb. But also most of the time these dont work some do, but your clock generator only supports 16 from what I have found... nice board but getting older now... newer boards support 1mhz steps to allow for chips that dont make the "inbetween buss speeds". The nice use of Softfsb is to boot at a lower speed and "ramp up to" the overclocked speed you wish to run (basicly overide your jumpers). BTW what processor are you trying to OC???


Mar 11, 2000

<< BTW what processor are you trying to OC??? >>

See my sig. It's the 8X multiplier. The next jump up from my current 115 FSB is 120. That's a 40 MHz jump. At the same voltage I have very good stability (but not perfect - see above). I suspect that 936 and 944 and maybe 952 would be stable.

I'm not complaining, but I was just wondering how high this chip would go. (I probably wouldn't even run any higher anyway, since I'm getting so near the chip max, and the PCI bus speeds are starting to make me nervous. I'm already at 38.3 MHz PCI.)

Thanx for the info.


Elite Member | For Sale/Trade
Jul 4, 2000
Doh!!! I`m too poor to pay attention... :) but sounds like you have a good chip there. Just being curious what are the #`s on the chip if you have them written down (dont take it apart for this). I have a 533a that runs up to 1000mhz on about anything I have put it on and would just like to compare the #`s...