Im going to go take this next Tuesday and from what I heard last years was really easy in comparison and all my opinions come from people who took that one. I guess I'm wondering how much calculus you guys had to know. Ive been learning the E&M from a college text so Im doing a lot of vector products. I was wondering how you guys did this stuff, if theres something else theyre looking for other than vector calculus because I heard from someone who took it last year that there wasnt any vector calculus at all. Does this just imply that they wanted you to memorize five billion specific instances and their equations instead of deriving each situation with calculus? Also, if anyone can tell how easy/hard they thought the test was or if they found a particular portion of the test really hard and what kind of physics background they had, thatd be great for getting an idea of just how hard this test will be . And also, if and only if you really want, the score you got (1-5) and how well you thought you did percentage-wise (to see how curved the raw score->1-5 scale is). Thanks.