For those against gay marriage would you ban divorce?

If you are anti-gay marriage, should divorce be banned?

  • Make divorce illegal

  • Keep current divorce laws

Results are only viewable after voting.


Mar 6, 2008
As a nation we need to come together as one people and start minding our own fucking business.

We should all be ashamed at how much we allow our government to interfere with our personal lives.
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Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
As loony as the idea sounds the guy has a point.

*I didn't vote either way because I support equal rights.
Aug 23, 2000
As a nation we need to come together as one people and start minding our own fucking business.

We should all be ashamed at how much we allow our government to interfere with our personal lives.

Herein liest the problem. The gays won't let that happen. They want to force their beliefs and lifestyle on others and say we should accept them for what they are. But the gays won't accept people that do not agree with them. You can't have it your way or the highway.

Does your last statement infer that you are supportive of gay marriage, in that the government shouldn't meddle in our day to day lives? If so, I hope you are also against the "universal healthcare bill" they are trying to pass because not only will it interfere with your life, it will cost you money too.


Apr 25, 2001
Herein liest the problem. The gays won't let that happen. They want to force their beliefs and lifestyle on others and say we should accept them for what they are. But the gays won't accept people that do not agree with them. You can't have it your way or the highway.

OK..."forcing your lifestyle on others" means you are requiring them to live by your beliefs and morals. In order for "the gays" to be doing that, they would have to be trying to make YOU get married to a person of the same gender. The anti-gay rights folks, on the other hand, ARE passing legislation requiring OTHER people to marry (or not marry) based on a lifestyle those people don't agree with.

Only one group is "forcing their beliefs and lifestyle on others", and it's not the gay-rights advocates. Asking you to live in a society populated by things you don't agree with is what this country is about, requiring people to live by your personal belief system is not.

Banning gay marriage is the moral equivalent of requiring everyone to go to church because you personally think it's the right thing to do.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
They're oppressing the poor Christians by not letting them oppress gay people!


Mar 6, 2008
Herein liest the problem. The gays won't let that happen. They want to force their beliefs and lifestyle on others and say we should accept them for what they are. But the gays won't accept people that do not agree with them. You can't have it your way or the highway.

Does your last statement infer that you are supportive of gay marriage, in that the government shouldn't meddle in our day to day lives? If so, I hope you are also against the "universal healthcare bill" they are trying to pass because not only will it interfere with your life, it will cost you money too.

Are you serious? What "gays" have been forcing their lifestyle on you? Have you been sodomized recently by gays forcing their lifestyle upon you?

It is obscene that our government has laws that ban two consenting adults from forming a legally recognized union. This isn't about cops holding ministers at gunpoint forcing them to marry people, it's about affording homosexual couples the same rights traditional married couple have.

I have no interest in hijacking this thread to talk about healthcare.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Herein liest the problem. The gays won't let that happen. They want to force their beliefs and lifestyle on others and say we should accept them for what they are. But the gays won't accept people that do not agree with them. You can't have it your way or the highway.

Yes, I'm a total fucking monster bent on the destruction of our fair christian nation for wanting things like the ability to visit a dying partner in the hospital or see to it that my will is actually upheld should something happen to me.
Aug 23, 2000
Are you serious? What "gays" have been forcing their lifestyle on you? Have you been sodomized recently by gays forcing their lifestyle upon you?

It is obscene that our government has laws that ban two consenting adults from forming a legally recognized union. This isn't about cops holding ministers at gunpoint forcing them to marry people, it's about affording homosexual couples the same rights traditional married couple have.

I have no interest in hijacking this thread to talk about healthcare.

OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.

If homosexuality is a "lifestyle CHOICE" then please become sexually and emotionally attracted to men in order to prove it, just for an hour or so.

The rest of your post is the same slippery slope bullshit that has been rebutted a thousand times which always gets thrown up to obscure the real issue at hand.
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Feb 6, 2002
OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.

Damn right! Next thing you know those black people will want to start marrying whites.....oops!


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.

Quoted for stupidity and bigotry.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.

Gay people are not fighting for legislation to make you accept their lifestyle. They are fighting to remove legislation that removes rights from them. Your acceptance of what they do is not required, they just want you to leave them alone. Is that so hard?

If you had read the previous posts more closely you would not be asking these questions. Humans also have a genetic predisposition towards violence, but violence is illegal because you are hurting someone else. I have great faith in your ability to discern the difference between child rape and two consenting adults putting on suits, pledging love, and exchanging rings, so I won't address the rest of your post.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.

Did you choose to be hetero? See, I never made that choice... it was natural for me. That debunks your whole rant there.
Nov 29, 2006
OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.

WOW..seriously? Does two gay people marrying somehow affect you in anyway? Maybe being hetro is a CHOICE as well? Grow up.


May 1, 2006
Lebowski you bigot, you are an immoral person. who has a lack of logic as well.

You are confused about discrimination, you equate those who want to be free of discrimination as no more in the right than the people who immorally want to hurt others by discriminating.

Your argument is sthe same as saying anyoene who wants to end slavey or segregation is no better than the people who are for those things, because they aren't accepting of people who want them.

Those black slaves or blacks who want to eat at the same restaurants as whites are trying to 'force' people to 'accept' them and by your bad logic that no better than the bigots.

You are a scumbag, frankly, who has the disease of bigotry and wants to abuse your position as a citizen by demanding the freedom to deny other people rights for no good reason but your own bigotry.

It's not like you can justify the discrimination. We discriminate in some cases for a reason - 10 year olds can't marry, or buy cigarettes - but you are just an immoral bigot. For shame!

You are in the same class as the racist bigots, the anti-semitic bigots, and other bigots who are a menace to innocent people.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.
You're out of your mind:rolleyes:


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Does your last statement infer that you are supportive of gay marriage, in that the government shouldn't meddle in our day to day lives? If so, I hope you are also against the "universal healthcare bill" they are trying to pass because not only will it interfere with your life, it will cost you money too.
Its already costing me money, at least I'm get something in return for it.


Mar 6, 2008
OK maybe forcing was to strong a word, but they want people to accept them. Screw you. I don't have to accept anything. If I have a personal moral objection to homosexuality then I should be able to be as outspoken about it as gays are as outspoken about saying I should accept them. But that's not what happens. Gays want to shut people up that don't accept their lifestyle. They want to take it to a vote and see what the people think and when they loose, they bitch and complain and say it's not fair. Like I said, if you want people to accept one lifestyle CHOICE then you have to allow for ALL lifestyle CHOICES. Why stop at marrying just one person? Or why make having sex with children illegal, it can be proven that there is a genetic link to a plocivity for attraction to adolecents or pre-pubecent children, so if homosexuality is genetic, then you shouldn't stop someone from liking children or persuing a relationship with one. They can't help it right? Or is it you only feel that way when it's about a sunject that only affects you?

You stated the government shouldn't interfer with our personal lives, I just asked a question to see if you truely feel that way or only feel that way on certain subjects.

I personally have a lot more moral issues with the way straight people abuse their children and spouses than I have with gay people merely existing. Hell I don't like a lot of things that a lot of people do, but I can't justify that they should not be afforded the same rights I have.

I've known enough of them to be convinced that it isn't a choice. It is not a choice for me that the idea of blowing a guy makes me want to puke. I could not choose to be gay anymore than a gay person could choose to be straight.

Comparing gay people to pedophiles is absurd. This is about the right of adults to form a legally recognized union. This isn't about saying everybody should get down on their knees and kiss a gay person's ass everyday because you love them so much.