for built a workstation , wich is the best choice... IC7 IS7 P4P800 P4C800 ?


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2003
hello I need a good workstation.. for content creation.. an dI need to build a super fast and superstable system.
I dont need to OC I reallly want to run in default speed for not have stablity problem.

The system is:

IS7 or IC7 or P4C800 or P4P800 ?????? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
P4 2.4 C 800 FSB
2x512 DDR 400 Crucial
120 Gb WDJB
Saphire 9600 pro

ok.. the question is....
In this set up!!! WIch is the "most stable and faster mother" ?????? <<<<<<<<<<<<
tks a lot man

I as it becasue i read too much about that the 865PE and 875P chipset are the same and aren´t any diference between those... so .. really I dont know that is this true!!!!!!



Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Im not sure which mobo is more stable, I think they all are, as long as you get the right ram. All the 865,875 mobos seem to have stability proiblems with the lower latency ddr ram. So get like crucial or hyperx or maybe slower corsair and shouldnt be a problem. And yes, the 865 has a mimic PAT of the 875, so performance is pretty much the same, or at least not worth talking about. If yer willing to spend $190 or so, I would get the P4C800-E. That is the new asus board with intel csa lan and ide,sata raids and other things they fixed. The board is like $200 shipped. P4P800 delux is good also, about $136. I would stay away from IC7, that seems to have some problems, as well as lacks features and has a loud fan, which is to be replaced in revision models. Im sure Abit IS7/IS7-G is good also, but they seem to have alot of memory and audio codec problems right now, probably be fixed in bios releases though. Like every question on mobos I have answered, it always comes down to what money you want to spend and what features you want. You can get a good mobo for $100 if you wanted, but it wont have as many onboard features.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
If you want most stable, are not overclocking, and not on a budget you could get the intel 875 board.

If price matters (which I assume it does since you're only getting a 2.4C instead of a 2.6 - 2.8) then the IS7 after reading the thread on it and looking at the Anandtech review and memory article to see what memory to buy.