<< DAMN divinemartyr, your being a bit of an @$$! i do have a clue as to what im doing, and i bought the best equipment im my price range by doing the research. I do understand the principale behind bi wireing, im just not sure how to impliment it. as far as the sub goes, it is connected with an rca cable, but there are also outs to the speakers (i would asume they are there to utilize the crossover in the sub) i brought this option up because with the 1250 watt amp the sub has it offers an optional power supply for the lows in the speaker. and even IF i had no clue as to what im doing, at least im trying to learn. im sure you wernt born ALL KNOWING, so even you had to learn, and ask questions first! >>
Most receiver manuals tell you HOW to bi-wire, my point was, did you even read the fvcking manual? Did you ask the guys at the audio shop when you bought the stuff, how to do it? Did you try ANYTHING before you asked questions here? No I wasn't born all-knowing but I certainly read the manual when I came into problems. I was first trying to offer you help, but when you ask ridiculous questions, it becomes incresingly more difficult.
Secondly, no you do not need to use those speaker outs on your sub. When you set up your receiver (which again you would have figured out by reading the manual) there is an option for "Subwoofer: yes or no" when you set this to yes, the receiver automatically crosses over the sub frequencies for you, and will send all low frequencies to the sub, and with MOST receivers, everything above 80hz is sent to your main speakers. It could be a different frequency depending on your receiver. My Denon crosses over at 80hz.
I was not being an ASS as you've so kindly pointed out, you honestly don't even know what tone I was using as this is the internet, just because what I worded 'sounded' harsh, doesn't necessarily mean that's how I intended it. I don't think I was being overly dramatic, saying you bought a bunch of stuff and have no clue how to use it. If you'd at least read your receiver's manual, you would have some idea how to do some of the things you've asked us. Denon has some of the most poorly written manuals I know of, and after reading mine, I pretty well understood things you've already asked. I'm not being condescending, just stating facts, that with high end audio gear, read what you're given because it's there for a reason.
If you want our help, you have to learn to accept constructive criticism. Under certain circumstances, people will berate you much worse than anything I have done in this thread, as at least I have posted solutions to your problems! I do this for free, just like everyone else on this board. Just because I don't sugar-coat everything I say, is no reason for you to get an attitude about it.