Folding@Home: 7 day stats 1-15-2006 to 1-22-2006


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
These 199 sent in results in the last 7 days:

__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 ______ 1 __ 46,378 ____ Gravity
2 ______ 3 __ 20,475 ____ Mark_F_Williams
3 _____ 55 __ 13,428 ____ amd.borg
4 ____ 105 __ 10,122 ____ CupCak3
5 _____ 14 ___ 8,767 ____ BCinSC
6 _____ 58 ___ 8,652 ____ xbassman
7 _____ 13 ___ 8,356 ____ GLeeM
8 _____ 11 ___ 7,530 ____ GimpyDaHoundDog
9 _____ 84 ___ 7,412 ____ Athlex
10 ____ 16 ___ 7,240 ____ PokeyTA
11 ___ 162 ___ 6,991 ____ TeAm_Deception.Net
12 _____ 9 ___ 6,830 ____ MartinTrevino
13 ____ 19 ___ 6,750 ____ mike9o
14 ____ 45 ___ 6,227 ____ dawks-rawks
15 _____ 7 ___ 6,155 ____ RustyNale
16 ____ 90 ___ 6,139 ____ HurricaneAndrew
17 _____ 2 ___ 5,400 ____ Poopflingers
18 _____ 6 ___ 5,314 ____ digsunshine
19 ___ 236 ___ 5,166 ____ HardBall
20 ____ 26 ___ 4,756 ____ Uppsala9496
21 ____ 35 ___ 4,686 ____ mytime34
22 ____ 21 ___ 4,640 ____ bastula
23 _____ 5 ___ 4,457 ____ osage
24 ____ 18 ___ 4,439 ____ Thump553
25 ____ 83 ___ 4,405 ____ maheshh
26 ____ 24 ___ 4,153 ____ JoshLiechty
27 ____ 53 ___ 4,113 ____ Sniderhouse
28 ___ 101 ___ 3,883 ____ natethegreat
29 ___ 283 ___ 3,732 ____ biodoc
30 ___ 177 ___ 3,539 ____ Echonic
31 ___ 238 ___ 3,079 ____ TurtleBlue
32 ____ 32 ___ 3,030 ____ lobadobadingdong
33 ___ 197 ___ 2,861 ____ NMDJuggler
34 ____ 12 ___ 2,688 ____ orion7144
35 ___ 360 ___ 2,679 ____ XPBLACKDRAGON
36 ____ 70 ___ 2,535 ____ Xitar
37 ____ 69 ___ 2,499 ____ Kensai
38 ____ 81 ___ 2,485 ____ jtmiller
39 ____ 56 ___ 2,388 ____ wisc
40 ____ 43 ___ 2,356 ____ Sparky1969­2
41 ____ 17 ___ 2,321 ____ mgpaulus
42 ___ 387 ___ 2,303 ____ futuristicmonkey
43 ____ 98 ___ 2,250 ____ Vikesrock8411
44 ____ 47 ___ 2,187 ____ MechEng
45 ____ 46 ___ 2,160 ____ MAGratton
46 ____ 10 ___ 2,147 ____ mikecel79
47 ____ 96 ___ 2,103 ____ jkresh
48 ____ 79 ___ 1,965 ____ JSSheridan
49 ____ 57 ___ 1,931 ____ KingSalami
50 ___ 233 ___ 1,870 ____ Slider76
51 _____ 8 ___ 1,867 ____ IceCreamMan
52 ____ 85 ___ 1,859 ____ MrBig
53 ____ 61 ___ 1,816 ____ Homerick
54 ____ 41 ___ 1,800 ____ buddry
55 ____ 39 ___ 1,757 ____ kravahn
56 ____ 76 ___ 1,672 ____ maluman
57 ___ 106 ___ 1,619 ____ ripship
58 ___ 151 ___ 1,604 ____ TGS
59 ___ 242 ___ 1,598 ____ fhonyotski
60 ____ 86 ___ 1,594 ____ Spyrano
61 ___ 144 ___ 1,523 ____ mrwizer
62 ___ 168 ___ 1,484 ____ tr00p
63 ____ 64 ___ 1,478 ____ MEDISIN
64 ___ 118 ___ 1,471 ____ dwrobert
65 ____ 54 ___ 1,463 ____ Czar
66 ___ 134 ___ 1,458 ____ superHARD
67 ___ 107 ___ 1,408 ____ TheTerl
68 ___ 279 ___ 1,386 ____ DondoKing
69 ____ 40 ___ 1,351 ____ randompt
70 ____ 93 ___ 1,343 ____ SloMoe
71 ____ 71 ___ 1,335 ____ jei3
72 ____ 99 ___ 1,330 ____ jpunzel
73 ___ 191 ___ 1,324 ____ dawks
74 ___ 258 ___ 1,247 ____ Kryai
75 ___ 314 ___ 1,220 ____ Desslok
76 ____ 59 ___ 1,217 ____ markp
77 ___ 244 ___ 1,213 ____ randomfool
78 ___ 119 ___ 1,198 ____ Paladin3
79 ____ 34 ___ 1,180 ____ cwa
80 ___ 412 ___ 1,176 ____ JSkorna
81 ___ 124 ___ 1,158 ____ ToeRag
82 ___ 566 ___ 1,144 ____ smprather
83 ____ 77 ___ 1,140 ____ OmrTech
84 ___ 102 ___ 1,132 ____ tjmoney
85 ___ 335 ___ 1,130 ____ Aiyre
86 ____ 78 ___ 1,117 ____ AlexBrickel
87 ____ 31 ___ 1,112 ____ kb3edk
88 ___ 170 ___ 1,110 ____ JustAnAverageguy
89 ____ 92 ___ 1,085 ____ wnorth
90 ___ 211 ___ 1,076 ____ ChristopherSautter
91 ___ 212 ___ 1,066 ____ BuckNaked
92 ___ 204 ___ 1,025 ____ mdoliver
93 ____ 22 ___ 1,020 ____ mrn8
94 ___ 453 ___ 1,014 ____ dc912
95 ___ 252 ___ 1,010 ____ ironcrotch
96 ____ 66 ____ 983 ____ HappyCracker
97 ___ 196 ____ 978 ____ nexus9
98 ___ 396 ____ 977 ____ aLeoN
99 ____ 49 ____ 964 ____ HayZeus2000
100 __ 125 ____ 958 ____ Brian
101 ___ 68 ____ 957 ____ Syntax
102 ___ 73 ____ 951 ____ Vexx
103 __ 336 ____ 931 ____ TA_ThomasL
104 __ 150 ____ 920 ____ DavidPulling
105 ____ 4 ____ 890 ____ Zuke
106 ___ 44 ____ 881 ____ GSmith
107 __ 136 ____ 879 ____ ArthurWhs
108 __ 267 ____ 879 ____ AvisHunt
109 ___ 50 ____ 868 ____ mitchellhollberg
110 __ 143 ____ 849 ____ ChristianTrader
111 __ 142 ____ 837 ____ Shortass
112 __ 296 ____ 833 ____ Jynx980
113 ___ 80 ____ 816 ____ AdamDuritz99
114 __ 104 ____ 809 ____ Jeff7
115 __ 247 ____ 801 ____ khuang
116 __ 109 ____ 791 ____ CuriousMike
117 __ 275 ____ 787 ____ astralusion
118 __ 319 ____ 783 ____ Wraithkiss
119 __ 185 ____ 775 ____ Scott66
120 __ 643 ____ 775 ____ dibin
121 ___ 65 ____ 773 ____ BobBobson
122 ___ 74 ____ 773 ____ Overkiller
123 __ 241 ____ 763 ____ felmerm
124 __ 173 ____ 736 ____ chemzen
125 __ 202 ____ 724 ____ psm450
126 ___ 42 ____ 723 ____ AndrewMedley
127 __ 108 ____ 723 ____ GerryPSU80
128 __ 304 ____ 717 ____ BiggerHammer
129 __ 484 ____ 713 ____ alp
130 __ 485 ____ 705 ____ JarrettMowatt
131 __ 117 ____ 694 ____ timswim78
132 __ 112 ____ 687 ____ RicD'Intino
133 __ 463 ____ 665 ____ herm0016
134 __ 178 ____ 655 ____ DennyLam
135 __ 148 ____ 635 ____ Malakim
136 __ 316 ____ 635 ____ HLouie
137 __ 220 ____ 623 ____ asb002
138 __ 450 ____ 617 ____ thrae
139 ___ 33 ____ 605 ____ DainBramaged
140 __ 272 ____ 594 ____ Looney
141 ___ 28 ____ 576 ____ bruce.cowan
142 ___ 36 ____ 575 ____ brianp34
143 ___ 72 ____ 571 ____ Lnx227
144 __ 157 ____ 555 ____ brainwrinkle
145 __ 310 ____ 547 ____ cjacobs2
146 __ 665 ____ 547 ____ Ray
147 __ 135 ____ 541 ____ Bigal40
148 __ 325 ____ 512 ____ Habibibibi
149 __ 344 ____ 496 ____ crainbeau
150 __ 225 ____ 487 ____ Titansfury
151 ___ 27 ____ 482 ____ RAC420
152 __ 165 ____ 480 ____ balzams
153 ___ 75 ____ 478 ____ Moltres
154 __ 207 ____ 474 ____ allencope
155 __ 159 ____ 448 ____ Zensal
156 __ 133 ____ 442 ____ ZeroPoint
157 ___ 52 ____ 440 ____ KublaKhan
158 __ 641 ____ 423 ____ Jadam
159 __ 218 ____ 412 ____ ecvs85
160 __ 285 ____ 406 ____ oldch0rd
161 __ 137 ____ 394 ____ daniels25143
162 __ 186 ____ 367 ____ patrickb37
163 __ 100 ____ 360 ____ TZ77
164 __ 499 ____ 359 ____ MorningOil
165 __ 457 ____ 344 ____ bluewall21
166 __ 263 ____ 270 ____ zerocool1
167 __ 386 ____ 264 ____ kresgefc
168 __ 308 ____ 242 ____ [TA]Cawchy
169 __ 160 ____ 241 ____ gandrews35
170 __ 200 ____ 241 ____ mofunk
171 __ 201 ____ 241 ____ Totoro
172 __ 205 ____ 241 ____ FearoftheNight
173 __ 246 ____ 241 ____ yelo33
174 __ 331 ____ 241 ____ Valglo
175 __ 552 ____ 241 ____ clausing3
176 __ 183 ____ 225 ____ Garfield3d
177 __ 253 ____ 213 ____ long59driver
178 __ 206 ____ 206 ____ Lopez
179 __ 311 ____ 206 ____ Dennis7
180 __ 195 ____ 174 ____ PilotOfPeace
181 __ 126 ____ 166 ____ ChristianDiepold
182 __ 138 ____ 166 ____ CCityinstaller
183 __ 176 ____ 165 ____ snoopydk
184 __ 369 ____ 164 ____ Confusednewbie1552
185 __ 131 ____ 153 ____ sk560
186 __ 416 ____ 153 ____ Sui
187 __ 498 ____ 153 ____ Matrix21
188 __ 620 ____ 153 ____ Simo
189 __ 562 ____ 136 ____ MarcoRojas
190 __ 221 ____ 121 ____ JBoaz
191 __ 232 ____ 120 ____ dnoyeb
192 __ 541 _____ 93 ____ dopcombo
193 __ 256 _____ 83 ____ ccraig1526
194 __ 155 _____ 46 ____ phreaqe
195 __ 224 _____ 44 ____ LightRider
196 __ 432 _____ 44 ____ ddviper222
197 __ 517 _____ 44 ____ briap34
198 __ 214 _____ 42 ____ Mindstorm
199 _ 1,019 _____ 22 ____ wbrands2

Last Weeks Climbers

These 101 advanced in rank in the last week!

221 __ smprather
221 __ Ray
211 __ dibin
94 ___ Jadam
65 ___ futuristicmonkey
42 ___ dc912
41 ___ HardBall
41 ___ alp
39 ___ biodoc
39 ___ Jarrett_Mowatt
38 ___ JSkorna
28 ___ TeAm_Deception.Net
28 ___ clausing3
24 ___ aLeoN
23 ___ herm0016
22 ___ TurtleBlue
21 ___ thrae
20 ___ MorningOil
19 ___ NMDJuggler
19 ___ Aiyre
18 ___ Simo
16 ___ Desslok
16 ___ TA_ThomasL
14 ___ DondoKing
13 ___ bluewall21
12 ___ Marco_Rojas
11 ___ TGS
11 ___ Echonic
10 ___ Hurricane_Andrew
9 ____ Athlex
9 ____ CupCak3
8 ____ fhonyotski
8 ____ Kryai
8 ____ Habibibibi
7 ____ Slider76
7 ____ Jynx980
7 ____ Wraithkiss
6 ____ crainbeau
6 ____ dopcombo
5 ____ amd_borg
5 ____ xbassman
5 ____ mdoliver
5 ____ Buck_Naked
5 ____ Avis_Hunt
5 ____ astralusion
5 ____ HLouie
4 ____ dawks
4 ____ Christopher_Sautter
4 ____ asb002
4 ____ randomfool
4 ____ ironcrotch
4 ____ Valglo
4 ____ Confusednewbie1552
3 ____ natethegreat
3 ____ mrwizer
3 ____ David_Pulling
3 ____ brainwrinkle
3 ____ tr00p
3 ____ psm450
3 ____ Titansfury
3 ____ felmerm
3 ____ oldch0rd
3 ____ BiggerHammer
3 ____ cjacobs2
3 ____ Matrix21
3 ____ briap34
2 ____ Xitar
2 ____ Spyrano
2 ____ ToeRag
2 ____ Brian
2 ____ superHARD
2 ____ ArthurWhs
2 ____ Shortass
2 ____ ChristianTrader
2 ____ balzams
2 ____ Scott66
2 ____ nexus9
2 ____ Looney
1 ____ RustyNale
1 ____ GimpyDaHoundDog
1 ____ JoshLiechty
1 ____ Uppsala9496
1 ____ mytime34
1 ____ MAGratton
1 ____ MechEng
1 ____ mitchell_hollberg
1 ____ Vexx
1 ____ JSSheridan
1 ____ jtmiller
1 ____ maheshh
1 ____ SloMoe
1 ____ Vikesrock8411
1 ____ Paladin3
1 ____ sk560
1 ____ Malakim
1 ____ allencope
1 ____ ecvs85
1 ____ zerocool1
1 ____ Sui
1 ____ Rattledagger

Sorry about any slight name differences.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small :D

Folding@Home TeAm #198

MDEs setup guide.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2005
Wow!! More Stats!! :) :)

Here's to the TeAm! :beer:

Thanks GLeeM!!


Jun 2, 2002
11 ___ 162 ___ 6,991 ____ TeAm_Deception.Net

Just missed the top 10... but there's alway next week :D


Oct 10, 1999
Thanks for the stats, GLeeM! :D

11 ___ 162 ___ 6,991 ____ TeAm_Deception.Net

I should be able to add back some crunching power to TeAm Deception.Net, going to order the replacement CPU for my work PC today, so as soon as it comes in I can reclaim my P4 1.6Ghz CPU for home, and get that cruncher back up and running! :D


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2003
Thanks for the stats m8!!

Dang, it's hard to climb when reaching the 80's.

Keep folding!!



Senior member
Feb 10, 2004

31 ___ 238 ___ 3,079 ____ TurtleBlue

Really Nice!!!

These 101 advanced in rank in the last week!

221 __ smprather
221 __ Ray
211 __ dibin
94 ___ Jadam
65 ___ futuristicmonkey
42 ___ dc912
41 ___ HardBall
41 ___ alp
39 ___ biodoc
39 ___ Jarrett_Mowatt
38 ___ JSkorna
28 ___ TeAm_Deception.Net
28 ___ clausing3
24 ___ aLeoN
23 ___ herm0016
22 ___ TurtleBlue

Thanks, GLeeM!!!

Glad to know the 2 Intel P4 boxes are great for crunching F@H high value jobs than just heating up my apartment! :laugh: