Folding@Home: 24 hour stats - June 9, 2008


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Folding@Home TeAm #198

Welcome to the TeAm, MDeLo :) If you have any questions or need any help, just ask.

The TeAm is in 23rd place! :D

Join us in the drive for 22nd place! While helping find cures for diseases!

Total______ 123,529,860
24hr Avg______ 188,290
Last 24hr______ 171,254

Active Users_____ 211
Avg PPD________ 892.4

Overtakes :D
Dutch Power Cows________ 6.9 days
ABXZone.com____________ 3.6 months
Team Icrontic.com________ 5.4 years Folding@Home __ 5.9 years

Threats :(
OcUK _____________________ 2.2 years
2ch@PS3 __________________ 4.7 years Forums Team_ 4.7 years

Todays Milestone Makers :thumbsup:

Gravity ____________ 8,600,000
Mark_F_Williams_____ 7,000,000
BCinSC _____________ 800,000
brainwrinkle _________ 300,000
Foxery______________ 250,000
lightstar dj___________ 250,000
Slider76_____________ 150,000
Anusorn_______________ 5,000
thump ________________ 5,000
shallok _______________ 5,000

lightstar_dj ___________ Top 100
epc _________________ Top 150
steined ______________ Top 200

Top 30 Producers

__ Points in last 7 days
1 __ 175,378 ___ Gravity
2 ___ 93,516 ___ MarkF_Williams
3 ___ 49,379 ___ Uppsala9496
4 ___ 48,025 ___ Insidious
5 ___ 44,947 ___ Sniderhouse
6 ___ 39,258 ___ lightstardj
7 ___ 31,553 ___ Athlex
8 ___ 31,154 ___ o080o
9 ___ 29,839 ___ TurtleBlue
10 __ 27,741 ___ Foxery
11 __ 25,961 ___ mgpaulus
12 __ 25,012 ___ Cutthroat
13 __ 24,634 ___ HurricaneAndrew
14 __ 24,478 ___ GLeeM
15 __ 19,737 ___ Esquire
16 __ 18,197 ___ mdoogie169
17 __ 17,956 ___ KeithP
18 __ 17,883 ___ fhonyotski
19 __ 16,953 ___ LouisWong
20 __ 15,600 ___ xbassman
21 __ 15,584 ___ ripship
22 __ 14,080 ___ alfa147x
23 __ 13,935 ___ buddry
24 __ 13,430 ___ TomPhilippart
25 __ 12,514 ___ PokeyTA
26 __ 12,487 ___ Scott66
27 __ 12,481 ___ DavidBoaz
28 __ 11,417 ___ m1ldslide1
29 __ 10,498 ___ dmens
30 ___ 9,288 ___ mike9o

These 141 sent results in the last 24 hours:

____TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
... 1 ______ 1 __ 26,636 ___ Gravity
... 2 ______ 2 __ 11,360 ___ MarkF_Williams
... 3 ______ 7 ___ 5,984 ___ Insidious
... 4 _____ 15 ___ 5,943 ___ mgpaulus
... 5 _____ 11 ___ 5,572 ___ Uppsala9496
... 6 _____ 12 ___ 4,898 ___ HurricaneAndrew
... 7 ______ 8 ___ 4,335 ___ Athlex
... 8 _____ 94 ___ 3,992 ___ Foxery
... 9 ____ 154 ___ 3,967 ___ Slider76
. 10 _____ 13 ___ 3,840 ___ ripship
. 11 _____ 14 ___ 3,807 ___ o080o
. 12 _____ 49 ___ 3,792 ___ Cutthroat
. 13 ______ 4 ___ 3,626 ___ Sniderhouse
. 14 _____ 98 ___ 3,534 ___ lightstardj
. 15 _____ 31 ___ 3,071 ___ TurtleBlue
. 16 _____ 42 ___ 3,029 ___ fhonyotski
. 17 _____ 18 ___ 2,212 ___ PokeyTA
. 18 _____ 10 ___ 2,144 ___ GLeeM
. 19 ____ 652 ___ 1,920 ___ thump
. 20 ____ 678 ___ 1,920 ___ ScottFarland
. 21 ____ 276 ___ 1,861 ___ DustinD
. 22 ____ 141 ___ 1,800 ___ mdoogie169
. 23 ____ 113 ___ 1,790 ___ vigneron
. 24 _____ 85 ___ 1,760 ___ LouisWong
. 25 ____ 121 ___ 1,760 ___ alfa147x
. 26 ____ 157 ___ 1,760 ___ KeithP
. 27 _____ 17 ___ 1,646 ___ xbassman
. 28 ____ 135 ___ 1,644 ___ TomPhilippart
. 29 _____ 37 ___ 1,626 ___ DavidBoaz
. 30 _____ 34 ___ 1,583 ___ BCinSC
. 31 ____ 232 ___ 1,459 ___ dmens
. 32 _____ 19 ___ 1,448 ___ MartinTrevino
. 33 _____ 43 ___ 1,428 ___ Zensal
. 34 _____ 50 ___ 1,266 ___ KingSalami
. 35 _____ 16 ___ 1,263 ___ mike9o
. 36 _____ 69 ___ 1,234 ___ JHutch2000
. 37 _____ 51 ___ 1,198 ___ HappyCracker
. 38 _____ 41 ___ 1,000 ___ Scott66
. 39 ____ 115 ___ 1,000 ___ jedeyenite
. 40 ____ 215 ___ 1,000 ___ minendo
. 41 ____ 748 ___ 1,000 ___ shallok
. 42 ____ 137 ____ 978 ___ ShawnD1
. 43 _____ 29 ____ 963 ___ Thump553
. 44 _____ 63 ____ 941 ___ SilverSurfer042677
. 45 _____ 57 ____ 920 ___ MasterChef
. 46 ____ 321 ____ 920 ___ BangerCU
. 47 ____ 663 ____ 876 ___ MichaelP.Curran
. 48 _____ 27 ____ 875 ___ biodoc
. 49 _____ 72 ____ 875 ___ TAS-petrusbroder
. 50 ____ 132 ____ 875 ___ jonesthewine
. 51 ____ 361 ____ 875 ___ Grnstang93
. 52 _____ 80 ____ 771 ___ brainwrinkle
. 53 ____ 183 ____ 759 ___ mchan1
. 54 ____ 123 ____ 750 ___ Deyer
. 55 ____ 220 ____ 750 ___ JetBlack69
. 56 ____ 486 ____ 737 ___ PeeSee
. 57 _____ 92 ____ 682 ___ TheTerl
. 58 _____ 79 ____ 648 ___ abel007
. 59 ____ 150 ____ 645 ___ epc
. 60 _____ 73 ____ 635 ___ Nacelle
. 61 _____ 54 ____ 621 ___ Ruffilb
. 62 _____ 39 ____ 609 ___ JoshLiechty
. 63 ____ 346 ____ 593 ___ COPOHawk
. 64 ____ 103 ____ 525 ___ maluman
. 65 ____ 147 ____ 506 ___ felmerm
. 66 _____ 20 ____ 502 ___ bastula
. 67 _____ 59 ____ 468 ___ mrn8
. 68 ____ 109 ____ 463 ___ Imzjustplayin
. 69 ____ 251 ____ 450 ___ hoeser
. 70 _____ 83 ____ 429 ___ Bri79
. 71 ____ 160 ____ 416 ___ zacharygthomas
. 72 ____ 338 ____ 401 ___ snowdogg187
. 73 ____ 126 ____ 384 ___ MechEng
. 74 _____ 58 ____ 376 ___ TeAmDeception.Net
. 75 ____ 174 ____ 375 ___ PS3ojg
. 76 _____ 30 ____ 371 ___ dawks-rawks
. 77 ____ 144 ____ 338 ___ OmrTech
. 78 ____ 170 ____ 338 ___ Night201
. 79 ____ 343 ____ 338 ___ StefanLenz
. 80 ____ 501 ____ 338 ___ SSSnail
. 81 ____ 195 ____ 322 ___ cooldadd
. 82 ____ 199 ____ 322 ___ steined
. 83 _____ 23 ____ 292 ___ XPBLACKDRAGON
. 84 _____ 36 ____ 292 ___ phw
. 85 _____ 81 ____ 292 ___ kb3edk
. 86 ____ 344 ____ 292 ___ haphazard567
. 87 _____ 86 ____ 285 ___ kart17wins
. 88 ___ 1,279 ____ 285 ___ MDeLo
. 89 _____ 48 ____ 255 ___ legoman666
. 90 ____ 206 ____ 255 ___ lwalters
. 91 ____ 351 ____ 255 ___ Mike5008
. 92 ____ 168 ____ 250 ___ clicq
. 93 ____ 596 ____ 250 ___ idlorj
. 94 ____ 270 ____ 249 ___ Garfield3d
. 95 ____ 509 ____ 249 ___ tayloren
. 96 ____ 185 ____ 240 ___ ScottSwingleComputers
. 97 ____ 260 ____ 240 ___ herm0016
. 98 ____ 403 ____ 240 ___ ecvs85
. 99 ____ 758 ____ 240 ___ Anusorn
100 _____ 91 ____ 238 ___ Alyyx
101 _____ 53 ____ 234 ___ jkresh
102 _____ 62 ____ 234 ___ Desslok
103 ____ 105 ____ 234 ___ mitchellhollberg
104 ____ 275 ____ 234 ___ Titansfury
105 ____ 323 ____ 234 ___ slurm
106 ____ 116 ____ 231 ___ jtmiller
107 ____ 243 ____ 225 ___ dowxp
108 ____ 279 ____ 225 ___ pad1136
109 ____ 280 ____ 225 ___ chemzen
110 ____ 527 ____ 225 ___ Kryhs
111 ____ 612 ____ 225 ___ Andy
112 ____ 295 ____ 218 ___ DerekWilson
113 ____ 259 ____ 210 ___ DennyLam
114 _____ 87 ____ 203 ___ buddry
115 ____ 489 ____ 196 ___ HombrePequeno
116 _____ 56 ____ 178 ___ kravahn
117 _____ 46 ____ 168 ___ stevty2889
118 ____ 245 ____ 168 ___ McSilence
119 ____ 111 ____ 166 ___ zerocool1
120 _____ 26 ____ 149 ___ IceCreamMan
121 _____ 96 ____ 147 ___ MichaelK
122 ____ 416 ____ 132 ___ YoEddy
123 ____ 235 ____ 125 ___ kramerica147
124 ____ 122 ____ 119 ___ Vexx
125 ____ 264 ____ 119 ___ fhqwgads2005
126 ____ 412 ____ 119 ___ geokilla
127 ____ 584 ____ 119 ___ pillsburied
128 ____ 139 _____ 75 ___ wurkfur
129 _____ 64 _____ 50 ___ Antero
130 ____ 257 _____ 45 ___ tooker
131 ______ 3 _____ 30 ___ MadMurph
132 _____ 47 _____ 30 ___ Lnx227
133 _____ 68 _____ 30 ___ ShotgunSi
134 ____ 120 _____ 30 ___ Kryai
135 ____ 623 _____ 30 ___ RamonLi
136 ____ 813 _____ 30 ___ j9jacob
137 _____ 21 _____ 15 ___ CupCak3
138 _____ 52 _____ 15 ___ Bunker
139 ____ 196 _____ 15 ___ ChristopherSautter
140 ____ 265 _____ 15 ___ sam1080
141 ____ 465 _____ 15 ___ dlhuang

Todays Climbers

232 __ MDeLo
59 ___ thump
53 ___ Scott_Farland
33 ___ shallok
30 ___ Michael_P._Curran
7 ____ Grnstang93
7 ____ PeeSee
6 ____ DustinD
6 ____ SSSnail
4 ____ Anusorn
4 ____ j9jacob
3 ____ Andy
2 ____ jonesthewine
2 ____ Slider76
2 ____ KeithP
2 ____ steined
2 ____ minendo
2 ____ DerekWilson
2 ____ snowdogg187
2 ____ tayloren
2 ____ Kryhs
2 ____ pillsburied
2 ____ idlorj
1 ____ Thump553
1 ____ JHutch2000
1 ____ Foxery
1 ____ zerocool1
1 ____ vigneron
1 ____ jedeyenite
1 ____ Deyer
1 ____ Tom_Philippart
1 ____ ShawnD1
1 ____ mdoogie169
1 ____ epc
1 ____ clicq
1 ____ mchan1
1 ____ JetBlack69
1 ____ dmens
1 ____ hoeser
1 ____ BangerCU
1 ____ slurm
1 ____ StefanLenz
1 ____ haphazard567
1 ____ COPOHawk
1 ____ geokilla
1 ____ YoEddy
1 ____ HombrePequeno
1 ____ Ramon_Li

Sorry about any slight name differences. Or errors.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small :D
And thanks to those who are crunching a WU and will be on the list soon ;)

Folding@Home TeAm #198

Insidious's guide to set up two SMP clients on quad

Insidious's guide to set up static IP address to keep SMP client from stalling.

MDE's setup guide.

EOC stats

[L=F@H Stats]


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2005
Welcome MDeLo!:beer:

Congrats to the MMs!:beer::beer:

Gravity ____________ 8,600,000
Mark_F_Williams_____ 7,000,000:beer:
BCinSC _____________ 800,000
brainwrinkle _________ 300,000
Foxery______________ 250,000
lightstar dj___________ 250,000
Slider76_____________ 150,000

Anusorn_______________ 5,000
thump ________________ 5,000
shallok _______________ 5,000

Thanks GLeeM!:cool:



Senior member
Jan 27, 2003
Originally posted by: GLeeM
Todays Milestone Makers :thumbsup:

Gravity ____________ 8,600,000
Mark_F_Williams_____ 7,000,000
BCinSC _____________ 800,000
brainwrinkle _________ 300,000
Foxery______________ 250,000
lightstar dj___________ 250,000
Slider76_____________ 150,000
Anusorn_______________ 5,000
thump ________________ 5,000
shallok _______________ 5,000

lightstar_dj ___________ Top 100
epc _________________ Top 150
steined ______________ Top 200

These 141 sent results in the last 24 hours:

____TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
... 1 ______ 1 __ 26,636 ___ Gravity
... 2 ______ 2 __ 11,360 ___ MarkF_Williams
... 3 ______ 7 ___ 5,984 ___ Insidious
... 4 _____ 15 ___ 5,943 ___ mgpaulus
... 5 _____ 11 ___ 5,572 ___ Uppsala9496
... 6 _____ 12 ___ 4,898 ___ HurricaneAndrew
... 7 ______ 8 ___ 4,335 ___ Athlex
... 8 _____ 94 ___ 3,992 ___ Foxery
... 9 ____ 154 ___ 3,967 ___ Slider76
. 10 _____ 13 ___ 3,840 ___ ripship

Woot! Thanks for the hard work GLeeM.
I finally managed to reach the 150K milestone, its take quite a few years. Its the reason I joined these fantastic forums! Top 10 for the day was a nice surprise, but deffinatly a once off!

Congrats to the rest of the MM's its a great feeling being on that list. Mark with the big 7 million and Gravity with a number so big that its generating its own gravity! I can only dream of being able to generate the kind of numbers you guys have.

a big thumps up to the team.

Lets go Cow Tipping!



Diamond Member
Nov 2, 2001
Thanks for the stats GLeeM.

Congrats to the MM's - nice list with some huge numbers!