Folding@Home: 24 hour stats - June 4, 2008


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Folding@Home TeAm #198

The TeAm is in 23rd place! :D

Join us in the drive for 22nd place! While helping find cures for diseases!

Total______ 122,605,630
24hr Avg______ 197,864
Last 24hr______ 188,062

Active Users_____ 209
Avg PPD________ 946.7

Overtakes :D
Dutch Power Cows________ 3.5 weeks
ABXZone.com____________ 3.4 months
DSL Reports Team Helix ___ 3.8 years Folding@Home __ 5.3 years

Threats :(
OcUK _____________________ 2.0 years
2ch@PS3 __________________ 2.1 years Forums Team_ 3.8 years

Todays Milestone Makers :thumbsup:

Uppsala9496 _________ 1,900,000
fhonyotski ____________ 600,000
Cutthroat _____________ 500,000
mdoogie169 ___________ 150,000
Jeff7 _________________ 150,000
DustinD _______________ 50,000
DerekWilson ___________ 50,000
Andy _________________ 10,000
Scott Farland ___________ 2,500
shallok ________________ 2,500
thump_________________ 2,500
Whizzmo ______________ 1,000

DustinD ______________ Top 300

Top 30 Producers

__ Points in last 7 days
1 __ 183,086 ___ Gravity
2 __ 101,155 ___ MarkF_Williams
3 ___ 54,945 ___ Sniderhouse
4 ___ 52,422 ___ Uppsala9496
5 ___ 47,083 ___ Insidious
6 ___ 41,421 ___ lightstardj
7 ___ 33,180 ___ Athlex
8 ___ 31,665 ___ TurtleBlue
9 ___ 31,283 ___ o080o
10 __ 29,514 ___ Cutthroat
11 __ 25,586 ___ mgpaulus
12 __ 24,821 ___ Foxery
13 __ 22,503 ___ HurricaneAndrew
14 __ 21,413 ___ Esquire
15 __ 21,334 ___ fhonyotski
16 __ 21,334 ___ mdoogie169
17 __ 19,688 ___ KeithP
18 __ 19,300 ___ ripship
19 __ 17,139 ___ Scott66
20 __ 16,821 ___ legoman666
21 __ 15,664 ___ GLeeM
22 __ 15,656 ___ DukeN
23 __ 15,193 ___ LouisWong
24 __ 14,080 ___ alfa147x
25 __ 14,023 ___ xbassman
26 __ 13,135 ___ TomPhilippart
27 __ 12,786 ___ COPOHawk
28 __ 12,572 ___ PokeyTA
29 __ 11,980 ___ DavidBoaz
30 __ 11,615 ___ buddry

These 138 sent results in the last 24 hours:

____TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
... 1 ______ 1 __ 26,891 ___ Gravity
... 2 ______ 2 __ 15,584 ___ MarkF_Williams
... 3 ______ 4 ___ 7,951 ___ Sniderhouse
... 4 ______ 7 ___ 7,680 ___ Insidious
... 5 _____ 11 ___ 7,520 ___ Uppsala9496
... 6 _____ 32 ___ 4,889 ___ TurtleBlue
... 7 _____ 12 ___ 4,598 ___ HurricaneAndrew
... 8 _____ 49 ___ 4,552 ___ Cutthroat
... 9 ______ 8 ___ 4,131 ___ Athlex
. 10 _____ 13 ___ 4,064 ___ ripship
. 11 ____ 104 ___ 4,020 ___ Foxery
. 12 _____ 15 ___ 3,889 ___ mgpaulus
. 13 ____ 169 ___ 3,520 ___ KeithP
. 14 ____ 153 ___ 3,092 ___ mdoogie169
. 15 _____ 14 ___ 2,777 ___ o080o
. 16 _____ 43 ___ 2,775 ___ fhonyotski
. 17 _____ 87 ___ 2,321 ___ kart17wins
. 18 _____ 83 ___ 2,052 ___ Bri79
. 19 _____ 38 ___ 2,042 ___ DavidBoaz
. 20 ____ 140 ___ 1,932 ___ TomPhilippart
. 21 _____ 48 ___ 1,920 ___ legoman666
. 22 _____ 88 ___ 1,920 ___ LouisWong
. 23 ____ 129 ___ 1,920 ___ ThymePuns
. 24 ____ 157 ___ 1,920 ___ xNIBx
. 25 ____ 883 ___ 1,920 ___ thump
. 26 ____ 262 ___ 1,818 ___ DennyLam
. 27 ____ 243 ___ 1,781 ___ dmens
. 28 _____ 84 ___ 1,760 ___ Esquire
. 29 ____ 122 ___ 1,760 ___ alfa147x
. 30 _____ 89 ___ 1,753 ___ buddry
. 31 ____ 253 ___ 1,753 ___ Mazizikoka
. 32 _____ 19 ___ 1,677 ___ MartinTrevino
. 33 _____ 10 ___ 1,585 ___ GLeeM
. 34 _____ 51 ___ 1,419 ___ HappyCracker
. 35 _____ 68 ___ 1,278 ___ deninc66
. 36 _____ 96 ___ 1,276 ___ MichaelK
. 37 _____ 30 ___ 1,256 ___ Thump553
. 38 _____ 16 ___ 1,203 ___ mike9o
. 39 _____ 57 ___ 1,125 ___ MasterChef
. 40 ____ 135 ___ 1,090 ___ jonesthewine
. 41 ____ 185 ___ 1,066 ___ mchan1
. 42 _____ 71 ___ 1,060 ___ JHutch2000
. 43 _____ 20 ___ 1,049 ___ bastula
. 44 _____ 50 ___ 1,033 ___ KingSalami
. 45 _____ 28 ___ 1,000 ___ biodoc
. 46 _____ 41 ___ 1,000 ___ Scott66
. 47 ____ 219 ___ 1,000 ___ minendo
. 48 ____ 366 ____ 998 ___ COPOHawk
. 49 ____ 116 ____ 916 ___ vigneron
. 50 ____ 139 ____ 916 ___ ShawnD1
. 51 ____ 294 ____ 914 ___ DustinD
. 52 ____ 151 ____ 903 ___ epc
. 53 ____ 117 ____ 875 ___ jedeyenite
. 54 ____ 125 ____ 875 ___ Deyer
. 55 ____ 529 ____ 805 ___ PeeSee
. 56 _____ 63 ____ 783 ___ SilverSurfer042677
. 57 ____ 113 ____ 772 ___ lightstardj
. 58 ____ 339 ____ 755 ___ chaos22
. 59 _____ 72 ____ 750 ___ TAS-petrusbroder
. 60 ____ 225 ____ 750 ___ JetBlack69
. 61 _____ 46 ____ 706 ___ stevty2889
. 62 ____ 329 ____ 662 ___ slurm
. 63 _____ 67 ____ 647 ___ ShotgunSi
. 64 _____ 54 ____ 642 ___ Ruffilb
. 65 ____ 869 ____ 625 ___ shallok
. 66 _____ 53 ____ 602 ___ jkresh
. 67 _____ 73 ____ 581 ___ Nacelle
. 68 ____ 147 ____ 576 ___ felmerm
. 69 _____ 42 ____ 547 ___ Zensal
. 70 ____ 159 ____ 535 ___ zacharygthomas
. 71 _____ 39 ____ 500 ___ JoshLiechty
. 72 ____ 186 ____ 468 ___ ScottSwingleComputers
. 73 ____ 269 ____ 431 ___ sam1080
. 74 _____ 17 ____ 418 ___ xbassman
. 75 _____ 29 ____ 416 ___ dawks-rawks
. 76 ____ 148 ____ 416 ___ Echonic
. 77 ____ 802 ____ 416 ___ Anusorn
. 78 ____ 111 ____ 412 ___ zerocool1
. 79 ____ 528 ____ 404 ___ Jinson
. 80 ____ 170 ____ 388 ___ Night201
. 81 ____ 364 ____ 388 ___ snowdogg187
. 82 ____ 679 ____ 388 ___ Lakevren
. 83 ____ 437 ____ 375 ___ Korny
. 84 ____ 507 ____ 364 ___ HombrePequeno
. 85 ____ 202 ____ 344 ___ steined
. 86 ____ 983 ____ 338 ___ Whizzmo
. 87 ____ 109 ____ 334 ___ Imzjustplayin
. 88 ____ 176 ____ 330 ___ soydios
. 89 ____ 618 ____ 310 ___ onei
. 90 ____ 835 ____ 300 ___ Razgriz08
. 91 _____ 23 ____ 292 ___ XPBLACKDRAGON
. 92 _____ 95 ____ 292 ___ Czar
. 93 ____ 343 ____ 292 ___ StefanLenz
. 94 _____ 47 ____ 285 ___ Lnx227
. 95 ____ 313 ____ 270 ___ Shoobie
. 96 ____ 168 ____ 250 ___ clicq
. 97 ____ 620 ____ 246 ___ Andy
. 98 ____ 650 ____ 243 ___ FooDaddy
. 99 _____ 34 ____ 238 ___ BCinSC
100 ____ 300 ____ 236 ___ tomiko
101 _____ 18 ____ 234 ___ PokeyTA
102 _____ 52 ____ 234 ___ Bunker
103 _____ 78 ____ 234 ___ abel007
104 ____ 161 ____ 234 ___ Schadenfroh
105 ____ 369 ____ 234 ___ Eldon
106 ____ 506 ____ 234 ___ SSSnail
107 ____ 749 ____ 234 ___ MichaelP.Curran
108 ______ 3 ____ 225 ___ MadMurph
109 ____ 411 ____ 225 ___ jerryossa
110 ____ 301 ____ 218 ___ DerekWilson
111 _____ 27 ____ 180 ___ digsunshine
112 ____ 108 ____ 180 ___ brianp34
113 ____ 252 ____ 180 ___ hoeser
114 _____ 56 ____ 166 ___ kravahn
115 _____ 65 ____ 165 ___ Antero
116 _____ 21 ____ 134 ___ CupCak3
117 _____ 22 ____ 134 ___ RustyNale
118 ____ 535 ____ 132 ___ Kryhs
119 _____ 58 ____ 131 ___ TeAmDeception.Net
120 ____ 246 ____ 131 ___ McSilence
121 _____ 26 ____ 119 ___ IceCreamMan
122 ____ 258 ____ 114 ___ herm0016
123 _____ 80 ____ 105 ___ brainwrinkle
124 ____ 471 ____ 105 ___ dlhuang
125 ____ 259 _____ 90 ___ tooker
126 ____ 217 _____ 84 ___ seanc85
127 ____ 230 _____ 84 ___ pkrush
128 ____ 272 _____ 84 ___ Garfield3d
129 ____ 414 _____ 84 ___ geokilla
130 ____ 591 _____ 47 ___ pillsburied
131 ____ 375 _____ 45 ___ Potato28
132 ____ 178 _____ 30 ___ ArthurWhs
133 ____ 410 _____ 30 ___ weberr13
134 ____ 101 _____ 15 ___ maluman
135 ____ 143 _____ 15 ___ OmrTech
136 ____ 283 _____ 15 ___ pad1136
137 ____ 358 _____ 15 ___ Mike5008
138 ____ 137 ______ 1 ___ wurkfur

Todays Climbers

208 __ thump
41 ___ shallok
38 ___ Whizzmo
22 ___ Razgriz08
16 ___ Anusorn
11 ___ Lakevren
9 ____ PeeSee
9 ____ FooDaddy
6 ____ Denny_Lam
5 ____ COPOHawk
5 ____ Jinson
5 ____ Michael_P._Curran
4 ____ DustinD
3 ____ xNIBx
3 ____ dmens
3 ____ Mazizikoka
3 ____ chaos22
3 ____ Eldon
3 ____ onei
3 ____ Andy
2 ____ Tom_Philippart
2 ____ mchan1
2 ____ JetBlack69
2 ____ snowdogg187
2 ____ Korny
2 ____ dlhuang
2 ____ HombrePequeno
1 ____ brainwrinkle
1 ____ Foxery
1 ____ vigneron
1 ____ Deyer
1 ____ ThymePuns
1 ____ Echonic
1 ____ epc
1 ____ KeithP
1 ____ steined
1 ____ seanc85
1 ____ minendo
1 ____ herm0016
1 ____ pad1136
1 ____ Shoobie
1 ____ slurm
1 ____ Potato28
1 ____ jerryossa
1 ____ geokilla

Sorry about any slight name differences. Or errors.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small :D
And thanks to those who are crunching a WU and will be on the list soon ;)

Folding@Home TeAm #198

Insidious's guide to set up two SMP clients on quad

Insidious's guide to set up static IP address to keep SMP client from stalling.

MDE's setup guide.

EOC stats

F@H Stats


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2005
Congrats on #22!!:beer::thumbsup:

Congrats to the MM's!!:beer:

Thanks GLeeM!:cool:


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
Congratulations on moving up another notch in the ladder.

We're all hopefully making some headway into generating promising research!

Team 11108


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: n0b0dykn0ws
Congratulations on moving up another notch in the ladder.

We're all hopefully making some headway into generating promising research!

Team 11108


Welcome to the AnandTech Forums and specifically to the AT Distributed Computing Forum, n0b0dykn0ws. I see you are a member of the Maximum PC team. You would be most welcomed to join us, Team #198. :)


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
Originally posted by: Smoke

Welcome to the AnandTech Forums and specifically to the AT Distributed Computing Forum, n0b0dykn0ws. I see you are a member of the Maximum PC team. You would be most welcomed to join us, Team #198. :)

Thanks for the welcome.

Naw, I'm happy at our little home.

Don't worry though. Won't try to steal anyone away either.
