Folding@Home: 24 hour stats - December 27, 2007


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
TAS needs your help in the Holiday Race.
Big output or small, you CAN help!

Folding@Home TeAm #198

Welcome to the TeAm, MithShrike :) If you have any questions or need any help, just ask.

The TeAm is in 23rd place! :D

Join us in the drive for 22nd place! While helping find cures for diseases!

Total_______ 86,447,174
24hr Avg______ 265,502 :shocked:
Last 24hr______ 278,731 :shocked: :shocked:

Active Users_____ 230
Avg PPD________ 1154.4

Overtakes :D
Dutch Power Cows________ 3.0 months
p2p-community___________ 4.1 months
ABXZone.com____________ 5.5 months
Team Engadget___________ 5.9 months
DSL Reports Team Helix ___ 7.0 months

Threats :(
2ch@PS3 ________________ 2.8 years

Todays Milestone Makers :thumbsup:

scottv67 ___________ 1,500,000
landwing ____________ 100,000
steined ______________ 75,000
blert ________________ 50,000
chaos22 _____________ 25,000
narzy-AT _____________ 5,000
crackrabbit ___________ 2,500
Ramon Li_____________ 1,000

blert ________________ Top 250
ch33zw1z ____________ Top 400

Top 30 Producers

__ Points in last 7 days
1 __ 192,217 ___ MarkF_Williams
2 __ 162,851 ___ MadMurph
3 ___ 75,565 ___ scottv67
4 ___ 66,880 ___ biodoc
5 ___ 53,018 ___ Neurodog
6 ___ 51,975 ___ XPBLACKDRAGON
7 ___ 47,520 ___ Insidious
8 ___ 46,516 ___ caferace
9 ___ 45,080 ___ mjquilly
10 __ 41,855 ___ TAS-petrusbroder
11 __ 40,980 ___ Sniderhouse
12 __ 40,480 ___ landwing
13 __ 39,742 ___ Gravity
14 __ 35,563 ___ jdiddy
15 __ 32,163 ___ ripship
16 __ 30,352 ___ GLeeM
17 __ 28,286 ___ o080o
18 __ 27,748 ___ HurricaneAndrew
19 __ 27,003 ___ Athlex
20 __ 25,629 ___ FullmetalChocobo
21 __ 24,370 ___ blert
22 __ 23,642 ___ Uppsala9496
23 __ 22,000 ___ [TA]Assimilator1
24 __ 21,620 ___ natethegreat
25 __ 20,079 ___ mgpaulus
26 __ 17,760 ___ xbassman
27 __ 17,600 ___ GenHoth
28 __ 17,222 ___ CupCak3
29 __ 16,627 ___ m1ldslide1
30 __ 16,216 ___ PokeyTA

These 127 sent results in the last 24 hours:

__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 ______ 9 __ 30,103 ____ MadMurph
2 ______ 2 __ 22,444 ____ MarkF_Williams
3 ______ 6 __ 13,359 ____ scottv67
4 _____ 77 __ 12,024 ____ Neurodog
5 ____ 126 ___ 8,800 ____ caferace
6 ____ 257 ___ 8,361 ____ mjquilly
7 _____ 26 ___ 7,634 ____ XPBLACKDRAGON
8 ______ 7 ___ 7,040 ____ Sniderhouse
9 _____ 61 ___ 7,040 ____ biodoc
10 _____ 1 ___ 6,593 ____ Gravity
11 ___ 164 ___ 5,280 ____ landwing
12 ____ 29 ___ 4,952 ____ jdiddy
13 ___ 115 ___ 4,615 ____ TAS-petrusbroder
14 _____ 8 ___ 4,537 ____ HurricaneAndrew
15 _____ 5 ___ 4,497 ____ GLeeM
16 ____ 18 ___ 4,275 ____ PokeyTA
17 ___ 239 ___ 4,167 ____ blert
18 ____ 16 ___ 4,157 ____ xbassman
19 ____ 43 ___ 4,020 ____ natethegreat
20 ____ 20 ___ 3,726 ____ ripship
21 ____ 24 ___ 3,695 ____ o080o
22 _____ 4 ___ 3,547 ____ Athlex
23 ____ 13 ___ 3,520 ____ Insidious
24 ___ 114 ___ 3,520 ____ Azuen
25 ___ 270 ___ 3,520 ____ GenHoth
26 ____ 63 ___ 3,241 ____ HappyCracker
27 ____ 21 ___ 2,895 ____ mgpaulus
28 ___ 267 ___ 2,895 ____ FullmetalChocobo
29 ___ 216 ___ 2,760 ____ mooseracing
30 ___ 395 ___ 2,646 ____ ch33zw1z
31 ____ 10 ___ 2,424 ____ CupCak3
32 ____ 50 ___ 2,322 ____ TurtleBlue
33 ____ 12 ___ 2,103 ____ Uppsala9496
34 ___ 177 ___ 2,090 ____ [TA]Assimilator1
35 ____ 37 ___ 2,000 ____ DavidBoaz
36 ____ 15 ___ 1,885 ____ mike9o
37 ____ 38 ___ 1,760 ____ GSmith
38 ____ 42 ___ 1,760 ____ phw
39 ____ 67 ___ 1,760 ____ ishould
40 ____ 99 ___ 1,760 ____ BobBobson
41 ___ 105 ___ 1,760 ____ Cutthroat
42 ___ 453 ___ 1,760 ____ rabrittain
43 ____ 54 ___ 1,708 ____ PeterBarriga
44 ____ 60 ___ 1,658 ____ Antero
45 ____ 47 ___ 1,590 ____ fhonyotski
46 ____ 69 ___ 1,453 ____ jimmys3
47 ___ 442 ___ 1,433 ____ FallenHero
48 ___ 157 ___ 1,343 ____ kart17wins
49 ____ 90 ___ 1,303 ____ deninc66
50 ___ 306 ___ 1,295 ____ legoman666
51 ___ 406 ___ 1,294 ____ ltspongebob
52 ____ 66 ___ 1,270 ____ MasterChef
53 ___ 111 ___ 1,217 ____ SilverSurfer042677
54 ___ 133 ___ 1,153 ____ Estrella
55 ____ 98 ___ 1,110 ____ PS3tedfishr
56 ___ 228 ___ 1,110 ____ Deyer
57 ____ 75 ___ 1,072 ____ Nacelle
58 ____ 48 ___ 1,047 ____ kravahn
59 ___ 533 ___ 1,025 ____ fralicga
60 ____ 49 ___ 1,000 ____ jkresh
61 ____ 78 ___ 1,000 ____ brainwrinkle
62 ___ 512 ___ 1,000 ____ Crono
63 ____ 71 ____ 985 ____ Sparks
64 ___ 314 ____ 985 ____ jonesthewine
65 ___ 268 ____ 980 ____ AEnigmaWI
66 ____ 65 ____ 973 ____ DainBramaged
67 ___ 848 ____ 950 ____ crackrabbit
68 ____ 41 ____ 936 ____ stevty2889
69 ___ 630 ____ 885 ____ Johnmal
70 ___ 143 ____ 864 ____ vigneron
71 ___ 240 ____ 786 ____ cooldadd
72 ___ 192 ____ 776 ____ Creig
73 ____ 64 ____ 755 ____ abel007
74 ___ 212 ____ 750 ____ plonk420
75 ___ 913 ____ 725 ____ dionx
76 ____ 53 ____ 706 ____ Ruffilb
77 ___ 355 ____ 686 ____ Slocketman
78 ___ 149 ____ 650 ____ jedeyenite
79 ___ 184 ____ 635 ____ PS3ojg
80 ____ 83 ____ 630 ____ TheTerl
81 ____ 80 ____ 629 ____ JHutch2000
82 ___ 886 ____ 590 ____ Shortcut
83 ____ 96 ____ 574 ____ jtmiller
84 ___ 104 ____ 542 ____ ChrisHuff
85 ____ 34 ____ 529 ____ JoshLiechty
86 ____ 36 ____ 500 ____ Zensal
87 ___ 102 ____ 500 ____ Vexx
88 ___ 122 ____ 500 ____ futuristicmonkey
89 ___ 204 ____ 500 ____ jbubrisk
90 ___ 213 ____ 500 ____ clicq
91 ___ 300 ____ 500 ____ YoungGun21
92 ____ 45 ____ 443 ____ mrn8
93 ___ 359 ____ 443 ____ Shoobie
94 ___ 653 ____ 388 ____ magomago
95 ___ 700 ____ 385 ____ narzy-AT
96 ____ 14 ____ 351 ____ bastula
97 ____ 73 ____ 343 ____ sparkyclarky
98 ___ 107 ____ 343 ____ Kryai
99 ___ 113 ____ 343 ____ Imzjustplayin
100 __ 131 ____ 343 ____ wurkfur
101 __ 134 ____ 343 ____ Hefner
102 __ 196 ____ 343 ____ epc
103 __ 235 ____ 343 ____ dowxp
104 __ 342 ____ 343 ____ Ionoxx
105 __ 535 ____ 343 ____ dlhuang
106 __ 760 ____ 343 ____ Axoliien
107 _ 1,042 ___ 343 ____ RamonLi
108 __ 610 ____ 302 ____ Eldon
109 ___ 40 ____ 297 ____ Bunker
110 ___ 22 ____ 292 ____ IceCreamMan
111 __ 229 ____ 292 ____ Icondog
112 __ 392 ____ 288 ____ chaos22
113 ___ 46 ____ 226 ____ Lnx227
114 ___ 52 ____ 226 ____ ShotgunSi
115 __ 195 ____ 218 ____ steined
116 __ 310 ____ 218 ____ tooker
117 ___ 17 ____ 206 ____ RustyNale
118 __ 407 ____ 206 ____ salvorhardin
119 ___ 94 ____ 186 ____ mitchellhollberg
120 __ 201 ____ 186 ____ mgtboy
121 __ 504 ____ 186 ____ Liberia
122 _ 1,349 ___ 186 ____ MithShrike
123 ___ 11 ____ 179 ____ MartinTrevino
124 _ 1,115 ___ 176 ____ sharad
125 ___ 70 ____ 107 ____ MadAmos
126 __ 356 ____ 107 ____ juliusjacksonus
127 __ 261 _____ 15 ____ seanc85

Todays Climbers

105 __ dionx
90 ___ crackrabbit
72 ___ Ramon_Li
63 ___ Shortcut
54 ___ sharad
38 ___ mjquilly
24 ___ ch33zw1z
22 ___ narzy-AT
20 ___ Crono
20 ___ Johnmal
19 ___ fralicga
19 ___ magomago
17 ___ blert
17 ___ Axoliien
13 ___ rabrittain
12 ___ FallenHero
11 ___ ltspongebob
10 ___ caferace
10 ___ GenHoth
9 ____ Fullmetal_Chocobo
7 ____ legoman666
7 ____ Eldon
6 ____ mooseracing
6 ____ jonesthewine
5 ____ Neurodog
4 ____ biodoc
4 ____ landwing
4 ____ cooldadd
4 ____ Ionoxx
4 ____ dlhuang
3 ____ plonk420
3 ____ Deyer
3 ____ Slocketman
3 ____ Shoobie
2 ____ TheTerl
2 ____ Azuen
2 ____ TAS-petrusbroder
2 ____ Estrella
2 ____ [TA]Assimilator1
2 ____ tooker
2 ____ chaos22
2 ____ Liberia
1 ____ xbassman
1 ____ jdiddy
1 ____ natethegreat
1 ____ Peter_Barriga
1 ____ Sparks
1 ____ Nacelle
1 ____ Bob_Bobson
1 ____ Vexx
1 ____ Cutthroat
1 ____ SilverSurfer042677
1 ____ futuristicmonkey
1 ____ vigneron
1 ____ kart17wins
1 ____ epc
1 ____ dowxp
1 ____ YoungGun21

Sorry about any slight name differences. Or errors.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small :D
And thanks to those who are crunching a WU and will be on the list soon ;)

Folding@Home TeAm #198

MDE's setup guide.

EOC stats

F@H Stats


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
Welcome to our Folding@Home team MithShrike :beer:

Congratulations to the Milestone Makers

scottv67 ___________ 1,500,000
landwing ____________ 100,000
steined ______________ 75,000
blert ________________ 50,000
chaos22 _____________ 25,000
narzy-AT _____________ 5,000
crackrabbit ___________ 2,500
Ramon Li_____________ 1,000

That's a BIG one at the top....

Nice Crunching Everybody :thumbsup:


Thanks for the stats tonite GLeeM :beer: :cool:


Senior member
Jul 10, 2007
Originally posted by: Insidious
Welcome to our Folding@Home team MithShrike :beer:

Congratulations to the Milestone Makers

scottv67 ___________ 1,500,000
landwing ____________ 100,000
steined ______________ 75,000
blert ________________ 50,000
chaos22 _____________ 25,000
narzy-AT _____________ 5,000
crackrabbit ___________ 2,500
Ramon Li_____________ 1,000

That's a BIG one at the top....

Nice Crunching Everybody :thumbsup:


Thanks for the stats tonite GLeeM :beer: :cool:

Yeah, what he said ^^^. Kudos!! :beer::thumbsup:


Senior member
Jan 11, 2000
__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 ______ 9 __ 30,103 ____ MadMurph
2 ______ 2 __ 22,444 ____ MarkF_Williams
3 ______ 6 __ 13,359 ____ scottv67
4 _____ 77 __ 12,024 ____ Neurodog
Thanks for the stats GLeeM!

Close but no cigar for a medal again!


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2005
Originally posted by: MadMurph
Originally posted by: Insidious
Welcome to our Folding@Home team MithShrike :beer:

Congratulations to the Milestone Makers

scottv67 ___________ 1,500,000
landwing ____________ 100,000
steined ______________ 75,000
blert ________________ 50,000
chaos22 _____________ 25,000
narzy-AT _____________ 5,000
crackrabbit ___________ 2,500
Ramon Li_____________ 1,000

That's a BIG one at the top....

Nice Crunching Everybody :thumbsup:


Thanks for the stats tonite GLeeM :beer: :cool:

Yeah, what he said ^^^. Kudos!! :beer::thumbsup:


Thanks GLeeM!!:cool:


Dec 2, 2006
Todays Milestone Makers

scottv67 ___________ 1,500,000

Don't put the 1.5 Megapoint bell away just yet. We'll be ringing that bell for MadMurph within a week. He'll pass me within two weeks (barring an ice storm, "help" from Markfw, etc.)

MadMurph's PPD is simply amazing. I think he's using that Ukranian Smp Affinity program that I read about... ;) ;)

-s :beer:


Senior member
Sep 30, 2005
Total_______ 86,447,174
24hr Avg______ 265,502 :shocked:
Last 24hr______ 278,731 :shocked: :shocked:

Active Users_____ 230
Avg PPD________ 1154.4

Great Job everyone!

Thanks GLEEM!:thumbsup:



Senior member
Jul 10, 2007
Originally posted by: scottv67
Todays Milestone Makers

scottv67 ___________ 1,500,000

. . . I think he's using that Ukranian Smp Affinity program that I read about... ;) ;)

-s :beer:

Congrats to you Scotty!! on the BIG MM ~ :beer::thumbsup: (and thanks for the forebearance. :) )

Ya, Ukranian program, I be using. Ya. (and a couple more boxes to keep Mark on his toes and you looking in the rear view mirror. :laugh: )


Senior member
Jan 29, 2004
These 127 sent results in the last 24 hours:

__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 ______ 9 __ 30,103 ____ MadMurph :shocked:
2 ______ 2 __ 22,444 ____ MarkF_Williams

Tanks GleeM:beer:
Congrats to you Scotty:thumbsup:
and all the MM's


Senior member
Jan 29, 2004
MadMurph Last updated: Fri Dec 28 14:00:03 PST 2007
Fri Dec 28 22:00:03 UTC 2007

Date of last work unit 2007-12-28 13:12:18
Total score 1420397
Overall rank (if points are combined) 1024 of 880455
Active processors (within 50 days) 54
Active processors (within 7 days) 51

that is a lot of power Murph:shocked: