Folding@Home: 24 hour stats 2-1-2006


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
The TeAm is in 25th place.

Total _ 31,646,467
24hr Avg_ 54,190
Last 24hr_ 45,695

Active Users_ 195
Avg PPD _ 277.9

The Knights Who Say Ni!________ 2.1 months
General [M]ayhem_____________ 3.9 months
SilentPCReview Folding@Home___ 7.6 years

Team Hack-a-Day___ 1.1 years
Team Engadget_____ 1.6 years
Portugal@Folding____ 2.1 years
TSC! Russia________ 2.4 years
Purdue TLT Labs ____ 2.8 years

These 125 sent in results in the last 24 hours:
The :)'s are for TeAmMates that posted in yesterday's thread

__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 ______ 1 ___ 5,455 ____ Gravity
2 ______ 3 ___ 2,836 ____ Mark_F_Williams
3 _____ 82 ___ 2,086 ____ CupCak3 :)
4 _____ 85 ___ 1,527 ____ Hurricane Andrew :)
5 _____ 75 ___ 1,391 ____ Athlex
6 _____ 14 ___ 1,086 ____ BCinSC
7 _____ 52 ___ 1,050 ____ amdborg
8 _____ 62 ___ 1,020 ____ MEDISIN
9 _____ 55 ____ 986 ____ xbassman
10 ____ 19 ____ 926 ____ mike9o
11 ___ 221 ____ 904 ____ HardBall :)
12 ____ 11 ____ 728 ____ GLeeM
13 ____ 83 ____ 661 ____ maheshh
14 ____ 10 ____ 640 ____ GimpyDaHoundDog
15 ____ 17 ____ 635 ____ mgpaulus
16 ____ 15 ____ 625 ____ PokeyTA
17 ____ 21 ____ 603 ____ bastula
18 ___ 239 ____ 603 ____ ironcrotch
19 ___ 231 ____ 600 ____ dnoyeb
20 ____ 42 ____ 547 ____ dawks-rawks
21 ___ 296 ____ 547 ____ XPBLACKDRAGON :)
22 ___ 120 ____ 512 ____ TeAmDeception.Net :) RaySun2Be :) Spacehead
23 _____ 6 ____ 504 ____ digsunshine
24 ____ 58 ____ 502 ____ KingSalami
25 _____ 8 ____ 485 ____ IceCreamMan
26 ___ 179 ____ 482 ____ NMDJuggler :)
27 _____ 7 ____ 442 ____ RustyNale
28 ____ 22 ____ 434 ____ mrn8
29 ____ 12 ____ 410 ____ mikecel79
30 ___ 245 ____ 408 ____ biodoc :)
31 _____ 9 ____ 389 ____ MartinTrevino
32 ___ 107 ____ 376 ____ TheTerl
33 ____ 47 ____ 364 ____ MechEng
34 ____ 34 ____ 340 ____ mytime34
35 ____ 95 ____ 326 ____ jkresh
36 ___ 104 ____ 324 ____ ripship
37 ____ 76 ____ 315 ____ maluman
38 ____ 66 ____ 304 ____ HappyCracker
39 ____ 41 ____ 302 ____ buddry
40 ____ 80 ____ 302 ____ jtmiller
41 _____ 5 ____ 296 ____ osage
42 ____ 25 ____ 289 ____ Uppsala9496
43 _____ 2 ____ 284 ____ Poopflingers
44 ____ 54 ____ 284 ____ Sniderhouse
45 ___ 119 ____ 281 ____ Paladin3
46 ____ 23 ____ 280 ____ JoshLiechty
47 ____ 44 ____ 273 ____ Sparky1969­2
48 ___ 232 ____ 255 ____ fhonyotski
49 ____ 90 ____ 247 ____ wnorth
50 ____ 68 ____ 244 ____ Syntax
51 ___ 717 ____ 244 ____ McSilence
52 ____ 33 ____ 241 ____ DainBramaged
53 ____ 49 ____ 241 ____ HayZeus2000
54 ___ 138 ____ 241 ____ daniels25143
55 ___ 219 ____ 241 ____ asb002
56 ___ 225 ____ 241 ____ Slider76 :)
57 ___ 319 ____ 241 ____ TA_ThomasL
58 ___ 320 ____ 241 ____ Habibibibi
59 ___ 111 ____ 229 ____ Gabort
60 ___ 146 ____ 229 ____ TGS
61 ____ 13 ____ 227 ____ orion7144
62 ____ 35 ____ 212 ____ cwa
63 ___ 142 ____ 206 ____ ChristianTrader
64 ___ 155 ____ 206 ____ tr00p
65 ___ 159 ____ 206 ____ Echonic
66 ___ 556 ____ 206 ____ Jadam
67 ____ 81 ____ 201 ____ JSSheridan
68 ___ 614 ____ 186 ____ dasfast
69 ___ 203 ____ 182 ____ ChristopherSautter
70 ____ 46 ____ 176 ____ MAGratton
71 ____ 88 ____ 174 ____ Spyrano
72 ____ 67 ____ 166 ____ Kensai
73 ____ 86 ____ 166 ____ MrBig
74 ___ 139 ____ 166 ____ mrwizer
75 ___ 307 ____ 166 ____ HLouie
76 ___ 509 ____ 166 ____ Ray
77 ___ 181 ____ 161 ____ Scott66
78 ____ 24 ____ 153 ____ ShotgunSi
79 ____ 71 ____ 153 ____ jei3
80 ____ 78 ____ 153 ____ OmrTech
81 ____ 79 ____ 153 ____ AlexBrickel
82 ___ 134 ____ 153 ____ ArthurWhs
83 ___ 173 ____ 153 ____ chemzen
84 ___ 304 ____ 153 ____ cjacobs2
85 ___ 325 ____ 153 ____ Aiyre
86 ___ 357 ____ 153 ____ Cthulhie
87 ___ 370 ____ 153 ____ aLeoN
88 ___ 176 ____ 136 ____ snoopydk
89 ____ 32 ____ 135 ____ lobadobadingdong
90 ___ 100 ____ 128 ____ jpunzel
91 ____ 70 ____ 125 ____ Xitar
92 ___ 206 ____ 121 ____ BuckNaked
93 ____ 56 ____ 120 ____ Czar
94 ___ 154 ____ 120 ____ phreaqe
95 ___ 235 ____ 118 ____ sheik124
96 ___ 308 ____ 116 ____ Wraithkiss
97 ___ 557 ____ 116 ____ KieranHirpara
98 ____ 99 ____ 112 ____ natethegreat
99 ___ 238 ____ 112 ____ felmerm
100 __ 249 _____ 92 ____ Kryai
101 ___ 77 _____ 87 ____ Moltres
102 __ 363 _____ 81 ____ JSkorna
103 ___ 40 _____ 74 ____ randompt
104 ___ 92 _____ 72 ____ SloMoe
105 __ 166 _____ 72 ____ JustAnAverageguy
106 __ 240 _____ 72 ____ randomfool
107 ___ 18 _____ 56 ____ Thump553
108 ___ 65 _____ 56 ____ BobBobson
109 ___ 96 _____ 56 ____ Vikesrock8411
110 __ 124 _____ 56 ____ Brian
111 __ 217 _____ 56 ____ TurtleBlue :)
112 __ 271 _____ 56 ____ astralusion
113 __ 432 _____ 56 ____ bluewall21
114 __ 136 _____ 51 ____ ZeroPoint
115 __ 117 _____ 48 ____ timswim78
116 __ 527 _____ 48 ____ idlorj
117 ____ 4 _____ 41 ____ Zuke
118 __ 190 _____ 41 ____ dawks
119 __ 333 _____ 41 ____ crainbeau
120 ___ 73 _____ 39 ____ Vexx
121 __ 152 _____ 39 ____ brainwrinkle
122 __ 220 _____ 39 ____ ecvs85
123 ___ 94 _____ 36 ____ Cebesius
124 __ 464 _____ 36 ____ dibin
125 __ 201 _____ 33 ____ allencope

Todays Climbers

110 __ McSilence
27 ___ dasfast
26 ___ Jadam
19 ___ Kieran_Hirpara
18 ___ Ray
7 ____ aLeoN
5 ____ HardBall
4 ____ dnoyeb
3 ____ biodoc
3 ____ Wraithkiss
3 ____ Habibibibi
3 ____ idlorj
2 ____ Athlex
2 ____ CupCak3
2 ____ TGS
2 ____ Christopher_Sautter
2 ____ ironcrotch
2 ____ Aiyre
2 ____ dibin
1 ____ Pokey_TA
1 ____ dawks-rawks
1 ____ amd_borg
1 ____ MEDISIN
1 ____ jtmiller
1 ____ ripship
1 ____ timswim78
1 ____ ChristianTrader
1 ____ tr00p
1 ____ chemzen
1 ____ NMDJuggler
1 ____ Scott66
1 ____ asb002
1 ____ Kryai
1 ____ astralusion
1 ____ cjacobs2
1 ____ TA_ThomasL
1 ____ Cthulhie
1 ____ bluewall21

Sorry about any slight name differences. Or errors.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small :D
And thanks to those who are crunching a WU and will be on the list soon ;)

Folding@Home TeAm #198

MDEs setup guide.


Golden Member
Nov 11, 2005
those damn ellusive knights who say ni!

we seem to keep playing cat and mouse with them

Thanks GLeeM!


Oct 10, 1999
Thanks! for the stats, GLeeM! :D

22 ___ 120 ____ 512 ____ TeAmDeception.Net RaySun2Be Spacehead
:Q low output day for us. And with the addition of a P4 2.4Ghz cruncher at that. :Q


Dec 14, 2004
Thanks for the stats Gleem!

I was noticing the decline also, but not just with the team. My own stats are suffering due to error with the client or these pidly point WUs.

Oh well, as long as they are getting the data they need I'm content.

BTW...Anyone know what this error could be from...

Gromacs error.
[23:25:08] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNKNOWN_ERROR
[23:25:12] CoreStatus = 79 (121)
[23:25:12] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x79
[23:25:12] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[23:25:33] - Preparing to get new work unit...

I've had more than one of these recently and am wondering if it is a bad core or ....



Platinum Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Xitar
Thanks for the stats Gleem!

I was noticing the decline also, but not just with the team. My own stats are suffering due to error with the client or these pidly point WUs.

Thanks Gleem! Smiley face, i get a smiley face!! Woot!!:laugh:

I feel your pain Xitar, been gettin hammered with 56 pointers---grrrr!:shocked:


Jun 2, 2002
Originally posted by: RaySun2Be
Thanks! for the stats, GLeeM! :D

22 ___ 120 ____ 512 ____ TeAmDeception.Net RaySun2Be Spacehead
:Q low output day for us. And with the addition of a P4 2.4Ghz cruncher at that. :Q

Got that right. I'll have a meager 51 points in a couple of hours & another 23 hours to finish off a 241 pointer.


Golden Member
Nov 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Xitar
Thanks for the stats Gleem!

I was noticing the decline also, but not just with the team. My own stats are suffering due to error with the client or these pidly point WUs.

Oh well, as long as they are getting the data they need I'm content.

BTW...Anyone know what this error could be from...

Gromacs error.
[23:25:08] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNKNOWN_ERROR
[23:25:12] CoreStatus = 79 (121)
[23:25:12] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x79
[23:25:12] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[23:25:33] - Preparing to get new work unit...

I've had more than one of these recently and am wondering if it is a bad core or ....


i haven't it once b/f but all i did was restart and never had it again


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
I have been getting all small units of late till yesterday.

now I have 2x of these..
Protein Core Gromacs
Credit 414.00
Deadline 77.00
Current Frame 56 of 100 (44 left )
Time Per Frame 47 mins, 35 sec
Time Left 1 day, 10 hours

they are taking forever, much longer than the 600pt WUs I used to get, these are running on A64 3200 Clawhammers, gig of ram each and all they do is fold. seems very slow to me.


Senior member
Dec 5, 2004
Thanks for the stats GleeM :thumbsup:

I have a quick question though:

Can anyone help me insert my project data into FAHLogstats, I have one of the p2306 wu's and it is not showing any point info (Pic). I rember people explaining how to edit the point info into the logstats program but I can't find any info on it.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Thanx Gleem! ;)

7 _____ 52 ___ 1,050 ____ amdborg :D

Well I'm way down from 2000 ppd but all my TAS machines are back on TAS projects now, so daily avg should stay like this..