I don't want to sound like general ripper here, but I'm wondering how much people know about flouridation fo water. My grandfather was a biochemist whom I never met, he died when my dad was 18. In the 50's when flouridation was starting my dad says he used to rant and carry on about how bad this is. I'm not trying to make this a political issue, but I'm wondering what the facts are. I've done some research on google.
The story that was sold to the american people was that flouride prevents tooth decay and is healthy for you. It is true that with a chemical reaction, flouride ions bond to the teeth and make it harder. However, in the past 50 years, tooth decay rates in the US have been the same as countries that don't flouridate their water.
And many countries don't allow tampering with water supplies at all unless the goal is to make the water cleaner and safer to drink. The stuff that starts to sound crazy and interesting is reasons why countries won't allow flouridation of water. Supposedly, the Dutch conducted tests with baby chics and found that the ones fed non flouridated water would not sit in your hand, and the ones that were fed it sat complacently in your hand. Now I am no conspiracy theorist, I just want to know the facts. And if the Dutch experiements are true, then there may be a scary conspiracy truth lurking in the shadows.
On to my highly technical question. I'm not ready to put on my tin foil hat, but you can find links to expensive products online that supposedly make the water better to drink by giving it better "energy." It looks like these things just swirl the water around, and do not use any kind of chemical treatment. Supposedly this gets rid of "bad charge" in the ions in the water. I'm curious if anyone really know about this stuff and can explain to me if it is a bunch of hooey.
Or can anyone tell me how de-ionized water is made? I also know that drinking de-ionized water would be a very bad idea as it would use your body to ionize the water.
The story that was sold to the american people was that flouride prevents tooth decay and is healthy for you. It is true that with a chemical reaction, flouride ions bond to the teeth and make it harder. However, in the past 50 years, tooth decay rates in the US have been the same as countries that don't flouridate their water.
And many countries don't allow tampering with water supplies at all unless the goal is to make the water cleaner and safer to drink. The stuff that starts to sound crazy and interesting is reasons why countries won't allow flouridation of water. Supposedly, the Dutch conducted tests with baby chics and found that the ones fed non flouridated water would not sit in your hand, and the ones that were fed it sat complacently in your hand. Now I am no conspiracy theorist, I just want to know the facts. And if the Dutch experiements are true, then there may be a scary conspiracy truth lurking in the shadows.
On to my highly technical question. I'm not ready to put on my tin foil hat, but you can find links to expensive products online that supposedly make the water better to drink by giving it better "energy." It looks like these things just swirl the water around, and do not use any kind of chemical treatment. Supposedly this gets rid of "bad charge" in the ions in the water. I'm curious if anyone really know about this stuff and can explain to me if it is a bunch of hooey.
Or can anyone tell me how de-ionized water is made? I also know that drinking de-ionized water would be a very bad idea as it would use your body to ionize the water.