flashing my bios


Senior member
Feb 26, 2001
I've got no clue how to do this! lol I'm on an abit ka7-100, i have the flash utility and the latest bios update, but i can't seem to get it to work for me... can someone explain the process better than abit does, cause they really don't help much. Thanks



Senior member
Aug 17, 2000
what part arent you getting?
first off, you've identified a need for doing it? also. do you know what board and revision you have?
make a boot disk. add the awdflash exe to it also ad the necesary bios update. make sure youre set to boot up from floppy (do that in bios)
Boot up!


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2001
i flashed my ka7 and ka7-100 it was a bi***....they dont tell you you need the file abitfae.bat on the floppy too.........that file isnt on the cd or there web site .....i had to email them for it... then it worked.........


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2001
RAYZOR has very good advise.....if your board is unstable and you belive it ram related....like i did than flash with the updated "ty" bios.......like abit say's on web site in detail...go slow....be carfull.....dont just update the bios because its there.......like rayzor said

squirrel dog

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
You might want to really read up at the vendors website on exactly how to do this.You do it wrong and the bios chip will be unuseable as in afu.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Make a sytem disk, then take off drivespace bin as it is not needed, Extract the Award Flash and Bios on the new disk.
You will see a bios such as K7_tl as an example
Reboot with this disk
Type Awdflash, when Award comes up it will ask you if you want to save your bios, say Yes
Then it will ask you to type in the name of the new bios such as KT_tl as in the example
After you type this it will ask you if you are sure , say Yes and it will start to flash.
Do not turn off your computer or reboot until it is done.Do not reboot your computer is done.
Make sure you have the correct bios, double check.
There is a utility on Abits sight called abitfae If you use this utility make sure you have Awardflash and the new bios on the disk first, on a formatted system disk
The abitfae utility will do it for you automatically
Good luck
Also when your done flashing, you may have to set up your bios to adjust the settings back the way you want them, so if your unsure write them down first so you can set them back the way they were.