flashing bios???


Apr 23, 2000
How do you flash a mb bios????

This is how you do it on Epox boards,
The ALT+F2 Method

Download the required BIOS image file from the EPoX website.
Ensure the mainboard is set at LOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS and is not overclocked in any way.
Copy or extract the BIOS image file (named xxxxxxxx.bin) to a blank floppy disk with no bad sectors on it.
Restart the machine with the floppy disk in the floppy drive
When prompted at machine initialization, press ALT+F2 to begin performing the flashing of the BIOS.
The BIOS will automatically flash and reboot the machine.
After this, press DEL to enter the BIOS setup and select to "LOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS". After doing this select to "SAVE & EXIT"
Please note that this does not create a backup of the BIOS binary file.
This does not require you to have a bootable floppy disk.

The Boot Disk Method

Create a bootable floppy disk in accordance with the instructions laid out in the manual of your particular operating system. This bootable floppy needs to be able to boot to a DOS console capable of executing normal MS-DOS batch and executable files.
Download the required BIOS image file from the EPoX website.
Ensure the mainboard is set at LOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS and is not overclocked in any way.
Copy to this floppy disk a copy of AWDFLASH.EXE and also a copy of the BIOS binary image file called xxxxxxxx.bin
Insert the diskette into drive A, reboot your system and boot from the diskette.
When booting is finished, type awdflash *.bin /sn/py/cc/ (dependant of the name of the BIOS image file) and then press return to run BIOS upgrade program.
The BIOS will automatically flash and reboot the machine.
After this, press DEL to enter the BIOS setup and select to "LOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS". After doing this select to "SAVE & EXIT"
Please note that this does not create a backup of the BIOS binary file.
For Command line help on Award Flash utility, type AWDFLASH/? at the command prompt and press return.

Most boards are similar for flashing,you can also flash from within Windows with some boards,you should go to your motherboard`s website for exact BIOS flashing details.


Senior member
Jan 13, 2004
Your manufacturer will have BIOS downloads on their site. Download. Then when you run the downloaded file, it will ask you for a floppy (make sure the floppy is either new or that you know that it works). It will make a bootable disk. Restart your computer and have it boot from floppy. Follow the steps on the screen. Voila, it's done.

NOTE: You should make yourself familiar with some of the switches that are used when flashing. Some manufacturers are different than others. Flashing your BIOS should be done with care. MAKE SURE that you are flashing the correct BIOS to your chip! If you flash it to an incorrect version (Ex: a BIOS from a different motherboard than your own) you will inadvertently ruin your BIOS. If you screw up a BIOS flash, your computer won't know if it's a PC or a waffle iron - but flashing is USUALY foolproof.

(Anyone else can feel free to elaborate)



Senior member
Jan 13, 2004
PS: I would HIGHLY NOT recommend flashing a BIOS in windows...use the bootdisk method.


Senior member
May 7, 2002
Does the Epox 8KHA+ support windows XP???? Or does it require a bios flash???


Apr 23, 2000
Does the Epox 8KHA+ support windows XP???? Or does it require a bios flash???

With the Epox 8KHA+ don`t flash from within windows,use either of the two methods in my other post "The ALT+F2 Method" or "The Boot Disk Method".

Windows XP OS will install fine on the 8KHA+.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Dufrane
Does the Epox 8KHA+ support windows XP???? Or does it require a bios flash???

By the sound of your confidence or lack thereof, just don't do it ;).


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Originally posted by: TGHI
PS: I would HIGHLY NOT recommend flashing a BIOS in windows...use the bootdisk method.

I've flashed with AsusUpdate in Windows plenty of times on different boards. No problems here.

I've never used an Epox board before, so I don't know if Epox has a Windows based flashing tool. If the command-line flashing tool is what you'll be using, then go the boot-disk method.


Oct 9, 1999
I killed a board once using asus update myself,the board was dead and needed the bios replaced after.:(

But i never ever had a problem flashing from dos,so i use dos only when flash a bios.