Flash Drive Data Recovery


Junior Member
Apr 24, 2006
I have a 1GB Kingston Flash drive that recently died on me. I used it friday and when plugging it in saturday the light didn't come on and i got no response from the OS. That has happened on every machine ive had it on. I NEED the data on this drive as it contains an entire years worth of school work (i know im stupid to not back it up). Is there ANY way i can get the data back from this? I don't have alot of money to do some expensive data recovery.


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
Welcome to the AT forums.

There are several softwares that claim to be able to do that. Check on http://www.MajorGeeks.com for some that might be freely downloadable. But if the thumb drive is not even being recognized, then the prognosis for getting anything off it with software doesn't look good. You may end up having to send it back to Kingston and hope that they can get it working enough to get your data off. Check their web site to see if there is anything in the support info about it. If nothing is available there then call them to see what your chances are. Is there anything in their warranty regarding this potentiality?

" (i know im stupid to not back it up)" !!!



Apr 18, 2006
I know you already know, but...

If your data is really vital, keep it in at least three separate places. I keep mine on a flash drive, my pc, and an external HD.