First post! (and my first MSI-K7N2)


Junior Member
Apr 13, 2003
Hi everyone,

I discovered AT forums about a month ago, and I'm just getting around to posting. Here's my question...

My MSI-K7N2 mobo (nForce2 chipset) doesn't allow for the CPU multiplier to be set past 13 in the bios. What would happen if I dropped a chip in that had a multiplier that was higher (by default) than 13. For example, the XP 2400+ uses a multiplier of 15 (133x15=1995 MHz). Would it disable the option to mess with the multiplier? Would the mobo be like, "screw it...I'm not gonna work?" :) So sorry in advance if this topic has been discussed, but I can't find anything about it on the forums (or the rest of the internet).

Thanks for your help, long live AT forums!



Platinum Member
Nov 15, 2002
i was thinkng of that mobo too, but then i saw it said "max mult of 13" in the manual...that made me go away hehe

i dont know what happens
i dont know if anyone else found out what happens
try here...its all about nforce/nforce2 there, somone will probably know


Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2002
:cool: Your dumb mobo simply can't understand the 5th FID bit (needed for 13x + mults) and hence is limited to 5.5x - 12.5x, a TbredB (or other unlocked) CPU in this range is fully adjustable on almost any mobo (again up to 12.5x). If a CPU uses a higher mult it will simply appear locked until you do a bridge mod to drop it back into the lower mult table. The decent nForce2 mobos recognise the 5th FID bit and can address the hole range 5.5x - 21.5x (OWE). Since you have nForce2 you shoudl find ALL current CPUs will work in there but it only really makes sense to get a TbredB XP1700+ or XP2100+ unless you're scared of o/c'ing!