1. What YOUR PC will be used for - Gaming mostly, entertainment
2. What YOUR budget is - Around $700-800
3. What country YOU will be buying YOUR parts from - USA
4. IF YOU have a brand preference - Prefer Intel/nvidia
5. If YOU intend on using any of YOUR current parts, and if so, what those parts are - Have OS, monitor, keyboard, mouse
6. IF YOU have searched and/or read similar threads - I have, but have not really found one for me
7. IF YOU plan on overclocking or run the system at default speeds - Probably run at default speeds. If i can save a substantial amount of money by overclocking, then I will consider it.
8. What resolution YOU plan on gaming with - 1920x1080
9. WHEN do you plan to build it? - In 1-2 months
Something I drafted up really quick: http://i55.tinypic.com/vify9v.png
It's currently at $900, but I'm trying to lower the cost of this build by maybe $100 to $200, if possible. I prefer the nvidia and intel, but I'm not entirely sure if I have picked the best parts. I've never built a computer before, so I'm down for any and all advice.
Thanks everyone!
2. What YOUR budget is - Around $700-800
3. What country YOU will be buying YOUR parts from - USA
4. IF YOU have a brand preference - Prefer Intel/nvidia
5. If YOU intend on using any of YOUR current parts, and if so, what those parts are - Have OS, monitor, keyboard, mouse
6. IF YOU have searched and/or read similar threads - I have, but have not really found one for me
7. IF YOU plan on overclocking or run the system at default speeds - Probably run at default speeds. If i can save a substantial amount of money by overclocking, then I will consider it.
8. What resolution YOU plan on gaming with - 1920x1080
9. WHEN do you plan to build it? - In 1-2 months
Something I drafted up really quick: http://i55.tinypic.com/vify9v.png
It's currently at $900, but I'm trying to lower the cost of this build by maybe $100 to $200, if possible. I prefer the nvidia and intel, but I'm not entirely sure if I have picked the best parts. I've never built a computer before, so I'm down for any and all advice.
Thanks everyone!