Firing a Government Employee


Mar 4, 2004
How can it be done? I know it is damn near impossible. Other alternatives would be acceptable as long as it removes the person from the organization (Forced transfer, etc).

Anyone know of ways it is possible and how quickly it can be done?

Yes, Federal Employee. Government Civilian.

No one in particular, just curious (was asked to research).
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Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2000
You've gotta get a whole lot more specific than that. Which government, which agency, which department within that agency, whether there are any involved unions or contracts, etc.


Jul 5, 2000
It is not that hard. We are letting many people go right now.

With the Fed Gov we just have to follow the rules. If you have good admins that follow the rules and a good HR staff then it is not a problem.

<-- HR Dept. of State


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2002
Only time I ever saw someone let go is due to their basically abandoning the job, and that was twice in the past 17 years.

I did hear about one guy, when I worked in Guam, who was let go immediately when he was caught stealing from the warehouse he worked in. Idiot had 12 years in govt service, easy job, but threw it all away for $25 worth of steak knives! :rolleyes:


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2001
Only time I ever saw someone let go is due to their basically abandoning the job, and that was twice in the past 17 years.

I did hear about one guy, when I worked in Guam, who was let go immediately when he was caught stealing from the warehouse he worked in. Idiot had 12 years in govt service, easy job, but threw it all away for $25 worth of steak knives! :rolleyes:

In that case, to fire a govt. employee, just plant something on them & accuse them of stealing.


Sep 25, 2001
It is not that hard. We are letting many people go right now.

With the Fed Gov we just have to follow the rules. If you have good admins that follow the rules and a good HR staff then it is not a problem.

<-- HR Dept. of State

HR at FEMA is horrible!
near immposible to fire someone there


Golden Member
Dec 17, 2004
if you accused them of sexual harrassment more than likely they would be transferred to a different section.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
drugs or porn


Or sexual harassment, rape, treason or other felonies. I actually knew a guy fired for trying to fire an underling by planting weed in his drawer as it was only way he saw to fire him.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
I work for the state right now, I can tell you it's quite hard. In the state and like in the federal we have corrective action system. You have to go through a series of steps (lengthly) before the employee is actually let go. Within each step the employee must be given ample apportunity to correct their action. There must also be lots of documentation.

In the state they have a "fake" courthouse that employees go to with their boss to hammer out problems (usually at the very last stage).

It's sad really, If you think about it many bosses don't even start the process because they know what's up against them. This is well known and gives the employee the opportunity to misbehave, knowning they will never get punished properly. As a result when you work in many gov agencies you work either work around employees: no one wanted, negative, slackers (lazy) and low standard

One reason I'm getting out from the gov for good.........
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Jul 16, 2001
I've seen safety sensitive public emp's fired for post accident/random positive drugy test.


Jul 5, 2000
HR at FEMA is horrible!
near immposible to fire someone there

Admins are usually the problem, not HR or legal.

I have seen some Managers ask to fire someone and they told us how bad they are what what they have done. And the first thing we ask is have you written him/her up and/or documented it with them? When they say no then we say then you can't get them for that, its history now and you let it slip by.

Like I said its not hard to fire someone, you just have to follow the rules. Most Admins/Managers are lazy and don;t follow the rules.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
Admins are usually the problem, not HR or legal.

I have seen some Managers ask to fire someone and they told us how bad they are what what they have done. And the first thing we ask is have you written him/her up and/or documented it with them? When they say no then we say then you can't get them for that, its history now and you let it slip by.

Like I said its not hard to fire someone, you just have to follow the rules. Most Admins/Managers are lazy and don;t follow the rules.

But in general it's easier to fire a person within a company v.s. a government organization.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2002
In that case, to fire a govt. employee, just plant something on them & accuse them of stealing.

Well, in that case, this guy actually wrapped the box with the steak knives in a plastic bag, walked out of the warehouse, and dumped the bag over the fence, into the high grass. The warehouses were in a secure area with a gate guard, and your vehicle is subject to search going out, so he figured he'd get away with it by dumping the package over the fence, outside the secured area.

Problem was, one of the security guys saw him do it, and contacted base security. They figured out what his plan was, and waited for him to get off work. Once he stopped on the road running by the fence (outside the secured area), picked up the package, and got back in his car, they had him. He got pulled over immediately, and there was no way he could ditch the evidence.

The really dumb part is that the knives were still in the cardboard box with the stock number on it! Otherwise, he might have had some wiggle room, and been able to claim he'd been given the knives, or bought them out in town. :rolleyes:

Planting evidence and getting someone fired with it would be difficult, imho.


Jul 5, 2000
But in general it's easier to fire a person within a company v.s. a government organization.


With the Fed gov the way we do it cases rarley end up in courts and they have little steam even if they do.

Look up the numbers of cases, and payouts, on % compared to a IBM type company.


Jul 5, 2000
Well, in that case, this guy actually wrapped the box with the steak knives in a plastic bag, walked out of the warehouse, and dumped the bag over the fence, into the high grass. The warehouses were in a secure area with a gate guard, and your vehicle is subject to search going out, so he figured he'd get away with it by dumping the package over the fence, outside the secured area.

Problem was, one of the security guys saw him do it, and contacted base security. They figured out what his plan was, and waited for him to get off work. Once he stopped on the road running by the fence (outside the secured area), picked up the package, and got back in his car, they had him. He got pulled over immediately, and there was no way he could ditch the evidence.

The really dumb part is that the knives were still in the cardboard box with the stock number on it! Otherwise, he might have had some wiggle room, and been able to claim he'd been given the knives, or bought them out in town. :rolleyes:

Planting evidence and getting someone fired with it would be difficult, imho.

Not only that but you have to prove intent.
Just because I take my laptop home does not mean I am stealing, so you can;t prove intent just on that. So we would then fire the person for removing Gov Prop. without permission.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
The only way is for them to hang themselves (something of the EEOC level or worse) and even at that it depends on their supervisor and the HR rep that covers their department.


Aug 4, 2007
I work for the state right now, I can tell you it's quite hard. In the state and like in the federal we have corrective action system. You have to go through a series of steps (lengthly) before the employee is actually let go. Within each step the employee must be given ample apportunity to correct their action. There must also be lots of documentation.

In the state they have a "fake" courthouse that employees go to with their boss to hammer out problems (usually at the very last stage).

It's sad really, If you think about it many bosses don't even start the process because they know what's up against them. This is well known and gives the employee the opportunity to misbehave, knowning they will never get punished properly. As a result when you work in many gov agencies you work either work around employees: no one wanted, negative, slackers (lazy) and low standard

One reason I'm getting out from the gov for good.........

i've worked with state and fed agencies where the FTEs were extremely sharp, knowledgeable, not lazy at all. productivity and morale was high and they used cutting edge technologies.....