do you guys think finland might join nato?
Maybe, but not likely and it would take years. The majority of the population is still against NATO-membership altho according to more recent polls made in March opinions are changing more favourable to NATO. Usually in polls 20-30 % are for NATO, 50-60 % are against.
There are parliamentary elections coming in 2015, foreign policy, security and NATO are probably more in the discussions now than in many previous elections. The parties supporting NATO-membership aren't going to try to hold a referendum on NATO before polls show that the majority are for joining the NATO even if they win the elections. There are four major parties in the parliament with 15-25 % of the votes each. No single party can do anything in the parliament on their own. It would be a small miracle if pro-NATO parties became a majority in the parliament. For the pro-NATO crowd they would need support from those parties divided on NATO to start pursuing NATO-membership. And they'd still need to win the referendum which would be another miracle.
Major parties:
National Coalition party: centre-right, liberal conservative, pro-NATO, pro-EU
Centre party: centrist, eurosceptic, anti-NATO
Social Democrats: centre-left, pro-EU, anti-NATO
The Finns party: populist conservative, anti-EU, divided on NATO
Minor parties:
Green party: environmentalist, centre-left, pro-EU, anti-NATO
Left Alliance: socialist, anti-EU, anti-NATO
Christian democrats: social conservative, don't know, don't care
Swedish People's party: liberal, pro-EU, pro-NATO
Left Alliance dissidents: old-school socialists, anti-everything
Change 2011: nutjob
The National Coalition and Centre parties are likely to win the elections and so they'll likely form the government along with a couple of minor parties. We'll see how people's opinions have changed after the elections but I don't see Finland joining NATO atleast in the next 10 years.
here is a former prime minister that was muscovite oriented
the current prime minister is more eu oriented
here is something i support. this allows them to avoid the corruption of both russia and the us
Vanhanen was very much EU-oriented.