Finally obtained my CHL


Senior member
Feb 17, 2005
The great state of Texas finally granted me the right to legally conceal-carry a firearm. I'd take a picture of my license and post it, but the entire thing would be blotted out with all of the personal information on it.

I can however provide a pic of my shooting qualification. For those that do not know, you have to score a 70% or better (out of 250 points) in a shooting proficiency test. The law states that you have to put 50 rounds into a B-27 target at 3, 7, and 15 yards.

You can see my circled score of 249 just to the right of the neck of the silhouette. Anything inside the 8, 9, 10, and X rings count as 5 points, the 7 ring counts as 4 points, any other point on the silhouette counts as 3 points. Anything outside of that is 0 points.


Senior member
Feb 17, 2005
My damn CM40 was supposed to be in by 3/'s wasn't.

Did you have to use your conceal weapon? In SC, we could use anything in a holster.

No you don't have to in Texas. If you qualify with a semi-auto pistol, you can carry any semi-auto or revolver. If you qualify with a revolver, you can only carry revolvers.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
In Indiana you just have to basically pay money and pass a background check. I do like the idea of having a qualification too though. Might slim down the number of dumb hooligans who are allowed to have guns, but don't know what they're doing.


Senior member
Feb 17, 2005
In Indiana you just have to basically pay money and pass a background check. I do like the idea of having a qualification too though. Might slim down the number of dumb hooligans who are allowed to have guns, but don't know what they're doing.

Yes, I do like the qualification as well. You also have to show that you at least know basic gun safety. The instructors open-carry at the range for safety, and they will immediately disqualify you if you do something really crazy, like point your gun at someone else. Not to mention they also wear kevlar vests.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2006
Yes, I do like the qualification as well. You also have to show that you at least know basic gun safety. The instructors open-carry at the range for safety, and they will immediately disqualify you if you do something really crazy, like point your gun at someone else. Not to mention they also wear kevlar vests.
I like the qualification too, the instructors at our class here in Temple weren't nearly as paranoid though...they didn't wear a vest:p



Senior member
May 10, 2011
In Indiana you just have to basically pay money and pass a background check. I do like the idea of having a qualification too though. Might slim down the number of dumb hooligans who are allowed to have guns, but don't know what they're doing.


You do know that criminals who carry guns don't have to pass any test. ;)

Should a little old lady have to pass lots of tests just to defend herself? I think not.
If anything, all she should have to do it prove that she can load her gun safely.


Senior member
Feb 17, 2005

You do know that criminals who carry guns don't have to pass any test. ;)

Should a little old lady have to pass lots of tests just to defend herself? I think not.
If anything, all she should have to do it prove that she can load her gun safely.

I do somewhat agree with you. Criminals won't pass any tests and will still illegally conceal-carry.

I truly do think a proficiency test should be required to get a CHL, especially the risk you put yourself at by being untrained. Texas law states that if an innocent bystander is injured or dies as a result of you defending yourself, you are criminally liable. People need to practice and be proficient at not only shooting, but checking your environment as well (i.e. check what is behind your target before firing).

Not to mention your odds of hitting your target while hyped up on adrenaline are slim anyway.


Senior member
May 10, 2011
I do somewhat agree with you. Criminals won't pass any tests and will still illegally conceal-carry.

I truly do think a proficiency test should be required to get a CHL, especially the risk you put yourself at by being untrained. Texas law states that if an innocent bystander is injured or dies as a result of you defending yourself, you are criminally liable. People need to practice and be proficient at not only shooting, but checking your environment as well (i.e. check what is behind your target before firing).

Not to mention your odds of hitting your target while hyped up on adrenaline are slim anyway.

But have to hit a target 15 yards away?.... Maybe, maybe 2 yards max, that is 6 feet.

If you have to shoot someone from 15 yards away, that is mostly likely hunting or murder.

As you know, the constitution doesn't have any stipulations like these, none.

I always thought Texas was a self protection friendly state. I'm glad I live in a state where no test is needed. Not that even a CHL should be needed.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
If you have to shoot someone from 15 yards away, that is mostly likely hunting or murder.

Not even close, I can think of a half dozen off the top of my head where it would be a good shoot. 45' is pushing it but still well within deadly force area. Whether the state in question has a stand your ground law will also make a massive difference in whether it would be a good shoot or not.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
In Indiana you just have to basically pay money and pass a background check. I do like the idea of having a qualification too though. Might slim down the number of dumb hooligans who are allowed to have guns, but don't know what they're doing.

Not really. Most places it's ridiculously easy. In NC you shoot at 3/5/7 yards and IIRC need 30 rounds out of 50 in the silhouette. And even with that somehow people will still fail....


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008

You do know that criminals who carry guns don't have to pass any test. ;)

Should a little old lady have to pass lots of tests just to defend herself? I think not.
If anything, all she should have to do it prove that she can load her gun safely.

I think she should: There's a lot of potential liability wherever you point a firearm. And exponentially moreso when you do that in a public space. At the very least (anyone, really) should understand what happens once you've made the decision to draw/fire. Even in a fully justified shooting, the consequences are non~trivial.

For the record: I am a firearms owner, and I do support Concealed Carry.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
Should a little old lady have to pass lots of tests just to defend herself? I think not.
If anything, all she should have to do it prove that she can load her gun safely.

She absolutely should. If she isn't capable of using a gun competently she has no business carrying it in public.


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2001
Welcome to the ATOT CCW Club! Over 2100 strong!
Now, should you ever feel courageous enough to leave the safety of your basement, you can do so with a little less fear!
You may still shake uncontrollably, but at least you know you can kill anyone who may look like they would cause you bodily harm.

(I'm not anti-gun, own several myself, but if I ever felt the need to be armed in public, I would just holster my 38 or 45. I have yet to ever feel the need to be armed in public, though.)