figure skating


Jan 26, 2002
an axel is a jump right into a 1 and 1/2 rotation in the air and landing on the opposite foot you jumped into it on.

a toe jump is usually at the end of another jump its added to a jump like, -double axel double toe-
this is a jump when you go into it skating backwards, you dig your tow into the ice and jump off of it doing a rotation.
if this is done with a axel then you jump into the axel, land and the foot you land on you balance and then dig your other foot into the ice for the toe jump.

and a salcow is a jump that begins with a straight jump rotation off your foot while you are already skating backwards and land on the same exact foot you jumped into it with.

there is no easy way to explain them, but without pics to guide explainations along, there you go. :eek:)



Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2000
An axel is when the skater takes off from their left front outside edge and lands on their right back outside edge. That adds an extra half rotation, so a triple axel is actually 3 and a half revolutions.

A salchow is when the skater takes off from the left back inside edge and lands on the right back edge, swinging their free leg out to start the rotation before they start the jump.

A loop is when the skater takes off from the right back outside edge and lands on their right back outside edge, with their free leg wrapped around the takeoff leg as they push up with the takeoff leg.

A lutz is when the skater takes off from the left back outside edge and lands on the left back outside edge. Because they're not using their free leg to help the spin and they're coming at it from the left instead of the right (going against the direction of spin for most skaters), you'll usually see a skater going face forward, building up speed, then at the last second, turning, leaning and launching into the jump backwards.

Most of the toe jumps just mean they have the extra step of picking the ice with their takeoff leg rather than jumping from an edge of the skate. More height and the first quads were all toes (that sounds weird).

How's that? :D