Fighting against a 2nd degree black belt?


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
I was wondering if people with black belt in martial arts can fight in real fights, like street fights and stuff like that?


Jan 8, 2002
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say 9/10 times someone who has a black belt in something would be able to defend themself some how some way. 10/10 times if someone has a black belt in Jiu Jitsu which takes years to complete unlike Karate taking one year, they can thoroughly defend themself in any street situation. Take into consideration that the very first UFCs showcased grappler vs karate and the grappler (Royce Gracie) managed to win the tournament three times.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
You would think that someone that has a black belt would have enough discipline not to get into a street fight... right? That being said, my cousin was a red belt in kempo(sp?) and I threw him across the room... after he kicked me about 20 times before I could react. :Q


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
I used to do Jiu-Jitsu and after 8 months, all three of us failed for the yellow belt. We gave all we had and they still didn't let us get our second belt haha. That was like 8 years ago.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say 9/10 times someone who has a black belt in something would be able to defend themself some how some way. 10/10 times if someone has a black belt in Jiu Jitsu which takes years to complete unlike Karate taking one year, they can thoroughly defend themself in any street situation. Take into consideration that the very first UFCs showcased grappler vs karate and the grappler (Royce Gracie) managed to win the tournament three times.


Offense seems different to me. Instead of learning moves dealing with your reactions. You soley have to depend on the reactions to your reactions...seems a little harder...


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: LivinLaVivaPollo
You would think that someone that has a black belt would have enough discipline not to get into a street fight... right? That being said, my cousin was a red belt in kempo(sp?) and I threw him across the room... after he kicked me about 20 times before I could react. :Q

No, this is just theorical. We were just kidding about a small guy at university who has a 2nd degree black belt and being fairly larger than him, I was wondering how "strong" they are. Strong meaning the ability to defend themselves.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2001
Originally posted by: kag
I was wondering if people with black belt in martial arts can fight in real fights, like street fights and stuff like that?

Not if I have a shotgun.


Jan 8, 2002
Originally posted by: kag
I used to do Jiu-Jitsu and after 8 months, all three of us failed for the yellow belt. We gave all we had and they still didn't let us get our second belt haha. That was like 8 years ago.

Where were you taking Jiu Jitsu up at? I don't recall a yellow belt. I know of white, blue, purple, brown, and then black. I think yellow is for anyone < 18?


Senior member
Jul 8, 2002
One of the nice things about a black belt is that if people know you have one, nobody tried to pick a fight. I have been in one fight (nothing serious, fortunately), I dropped a guy with a broken nose and a bruise or two. So, I guess it's fully possible that I get me ass kicked, but it's damned useful to have trained for three years in specific self-defense combinations.


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
Originally posted by: kag
I used to do Jiu-Jitsu and after 8 months, all three of us failed for the yellow belt. We gave all we had and they still didn't let us get our second belt haha. That was like 8 years ago.

Where were you taking Jiu Jitsu up at? I don't recall a yellow belt. I know of white, blue, purple, brown, and then black. I think yellow is for anyone < 18?

well whatever... i just meant the second belt


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2000
It depends I think, I knew some black belts that could get beat up easily by a football player and then there were some that could kick ass in street fights.


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: DaWhim
easy, just kick their balls ;)

My sensei when I was in Jiu Jitsu would get his nuts kicked during demonstrations. Sometimes he could barely walk after the stunt, but he said it didn't hurt him during the stunt.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
Originally posted by: kag
Originally posted by: LivinLaVivaPollo
You would think that someone that has a black belt would have enough discipline not to get into a street fight... right? That being said, my cousin was a red belt in kempo(sp?) and I threw him across the room... after he kicked me about 20 times before I could react. :Q

No, this is just theorical. We were just kidding about a small guy at university who has a 2nd degree black belt and being fairly larger than him, I was wondering how "strong" they are. Strong meaning the ability to defend themselves.

"Strenght" has nothing to do in winnig a fight. I dont care how big a guy is, once I brake his knee I can just walk away...

I have a blue belt in 3 different forms of Karate, in Jiu-jitsu and in Tactical Krav maga. I am not a good fighter, and I know that. But against a non martial artist, one only needs to know and practise a couple of good moves and thats it!

Normally the one who delivers the first blow wins...


Apr 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say 9/10 times someone who has a black belt in something would be able to defend themself some how some way. 10/10 times if someone has a black belt in Jiu Jitsu which takes years to complete unlike Karate taking one year, they can thoroughly defend themself in any street situation. Take into consideration that the very first UFCs showcased grappler vs karate and the grappler (Royce Gracie) managed to win the tournament three times.

That highlights the one weakness of most martial arts. They train to fight on their feet on rely on that leverage. If you get them down the training disappears and the carefully honed skills no longer work. The problem is, can you get them down? Against a very well trained, higher belt with good discipline, the answer is probably no. He'll stand his ground and deliver one careful shot to the right joint (likely the knee) which will end things. Against a lower level, the charge will usually work. They'll rush the strike, miss the key area and get tackled, at that point they're likely screwed. In high school I played football and wrestled, if I get inside on a guy and can take him down, I'm going to win. From the outside trying to trade punches and kicks against a martial artist I'd get destroyed. The entire fight would hinge on the first second, whoever scores first wins.


Sep 7, 2001
I was wondering if people with black belt in martial arts can fight in real fights, like street fights and stuff like that?
That's kinda like asking if people with college degrees will always be good at what they do. Too many variables.

Generally, yes, but there are more than enough examples of people training hard and achieving a high level of proficiency in martial arts only to have someone with no formal training except actual fighting experience hand their asses to them on a platter without breaking a sweat.


Jul 18, 2000
My experience is if a guy is bragging about his 2nd degree black belt, the guys sucks ass. Black belts are a dime a dozen. ALOT of the time, these martial arts students get so caught up in there own art, a street fighter may catch him by surprise when in a REAL fight. You'll only be able to tell how good a fighter REALLY is when he gets into a real fight. Now JiuJitsu balck belts are a different story. If someone really has a black belt in JiuJitsu, you better know how to keep this guy on his feet or you better be really good on the ground. ;)


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: JackBurton
My experience is if a guy is bragging about his 2nd degree black belt, the guys sucks ass. Black belts are a dime a dozen. ALOT of the time, these martial arts students get so caught up in there own art, a street fighter may catch him by surprise when in a REAL fight. You'll only be able to tell how good a fighter REALLY is when he gets into a real fight. Now JiuJitsu balck belts are a different story. If someone really has a black belt in JiuJitsu, you better know how to keep this guy on his feet or you better be really good on the ground. ;)

He's not bragging about it. It's someone else who told me he was doing karate. Looking up his name on the web revealed that he was 2nd degree. He's been 4th in some North American tournament and stuff like that. He has his own school supposedly.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: kag
Originally posted by: JackBurton
My experience is if a guy is bragging about his 2nd degree black belt, the guys sucks ass. Black belts are a dime a dozen. ALOT of the time, these martial arts students get so caught up in there own art, a street fighter may catch him by surprise when in a REAL fight. You'll only be able to tell how good a fighter REALLY is when he gets into a real fight. Now JiuJitsu balck belts are a different story. If someone really has a black belt in JiuJitsu, you better know how to keep this guy on his feet or you better be really good on the ground. ;)

He's not bragging about it. It's someone else who told me he was doing karate. Looking up his name on the web revealed that he was 2nd degree. He's been 4th in some North American tournament and stuff like that. He has his own school supposedly.

Then chances are, no you can't kick his ass.


Oct 7, 2001
If your a 1/2" piece of wood, you better stay away from him.
Those people have been known to break wood with BARE HANDS !!!


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2003
I don't know of any personally, however it would surprise me if they got into many fights at all.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: MindStorm
Originally posted by: kag
Originally posted by: JackBurton
My experience is if a guy is bragging about his 2nd degree black belt, the guys sucks ass. Black belts are a dime a dozen. ALOT of the time, these martial arts students get so caught up in there own art, a street fighter may catch him by surprise when in a REAL fight. You'll only be able to tell how good a fighter REALLY is when he gets into a real fight. Now JiuJitsu balck belts are a different story. If someone really has a black belt in JiuJitsu, you better know how to keep this guy on his feet or you better be really good on the ground. ;)

He's not bragging about it. It's someone else who told me he was doing karate. Looking up his name on the web revealed that he was 2nd degree. He's been 4th in some North American tournament and stuff like that. He has his own school supposedly.

Then chances are, no you can't kick his ass.

Well he 'may' have a chance.

Remember that he is a *sport fight* champion or 4th or whatever. Remember he fights 'within the limits' of his 'sport' and rightly so. Why the fvck would he train something that was NOT allowed in his competition? Waste of time. Or if he wanted to defend himself properly in a street. But chances are you are not going to take him. Unless his sport was point sparring and not full contact. He'll be quicker and may not be as forceful as he pulls his kicks/ punch's etc for points and speed and not full contact KO type of scoring. But that I do not know.

Strength isn't so important. Doesn't take a lot to hit someone in the face or body a few times and you feel battered about. Few blows here and there and you won't be moving much either.

GagHalfrunt do remember that UFC/grappling in a comp is also a 'sport' with set rules and variables. The floor in a pub/club/street is NOT SOFT and is HARD. But if your good you can take him down and not screw yourself too much. Also remember *chances* it will not be a 1v1 fight. His happy mate could and probably join in. If bottles you, you are fvcked. If he kicks your or smacks you from behind your a sitting duck, waiting to be KO'ed.

Ask him for a sparring fight with full blows but no joint strikes/ fish hooking/ in a judo room or padded room would be best or out on the field if you want to test. Gloves and headgear would help.

But if he is 'really' weak you could probably take him. But he did score 4th in that comp so that shows his skills to a certain degree. Depending on the credability of that tournament. Also if he has no ground work skills you could probably own him at that. You are only as good as how you train. But do remember that is no street fight also. You have rules, gear and a safer place to fight.




Golden Member
Oct 22, 2003
It obviously varies by the individual.
I have a brown belt myself, and have actually never been in a fight.

However, I am not particularly a small guy, and I don't think I would have much trouble defending myself in a fight. Unless I was up against someone 300+ pounds. o_O!


Senior member
Aug 1, 2000
Weird question. Black belt truly means novice and people keep thinking it represent somekind of high achievement in martial art. Remember that in most case, the japanese master wears white belt.