I decided a couple of days ago to fiddle with Slackware again on my "other" system (Soyo 400 w/ Athlon 2400+ & TI4600; my "real" system runs Debian). I think the last time I installed Slack it was version 8.1. After I got KDE 3.2 installed, among other things, I decided that I would take a peek at Dropline Gnome; I've heard a good bit about it in the past from Slack users.
I haven't logged into Dropline Gnome yet (it's installing as I write this), but the installer is quite nifty...install 1 package, run the installer, and select what you want. Kudos to the maintainers - it was almost as easy as installing Gnome on my Debian box!
The only thing that threw me off a touch was that there was no .bashrc or .bash_profile files after the initial install, so I had to write up my own to get things like ls --color set as the defaults. Actually, it was interesting having to tinker with those files again...it's been a while (most 'nix flavors have reasonable defaults in the .bashrc after setup these days).
I haven't logged into Dropline Gnome yet (it's installing as I write this), but the installer is quite nifty...install 1 package, run the installer, and select what you want. Kudos to the maintainers - it was almost as easy as installing Gnome on my Debian box!
The only thing that threw me off a touch was that there was no .bashrc or .bash_profile files after the initial install, so I had to write up my own to get things like ls --color set as the defaults. Actually, it was interesting having to tinker with those files again...it's been a while (most 'nix flavors have reasonable defaults in the .bashrc after setup these days).