Feminism destroyed the family.


Jan 27, 2003
Imho, Feminism and the ERA were artificial creations designed to destroy family (values) and degrade women. Also, global bankers realized they needed a way to get women into the workforce because only half the population were paying taxes. I miss the femininity that women used to display. Women are now deliberately objectified and de-feminized into roles more like the male species. Women are no longer revered but are "engineered" to appear degraded and dominant.

This thread is not about a specific relationship question and the topic itself would be better served in P&N, so moving from L&R to P&N.

Administrator Idontcare
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Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
4 posts... weird philosophical thread...:hmm:

How would you define feminism, OP? It means something different to everyone.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2008
Also, global bankers realized they needed a way to get women into the workforce because only half the population were paying taxes.
yeah femnazis are all global bankers, we know this.

I miss the femininity that women used to display.
used to display when? are you 70 years old? are you sure that they're not just avoiding you because you're old?
or maybe you're not 70 years old and are basing yourself on culture or stuff like movies. Which doesn't represent reality at all.

Women are now deliberately objectified and de-feminized into roles more like the male species. Women are no longer revered but are "engineered" to appear degraded and dominant.
objectified yes, but de-feminized no.

Stick to chemtrails.


Jan 27, 2003
Unfortunately, the brainwashing that has occured around this issue has been successful. (This is not a personal life experience statement and I dont intend to respond to those statements.) Women bought into the controlled media message and took it hook first. The script supplied by the global media has been effective and people adopt the media content as their own thoughts. Too bad for the world-


Jan 27, 2003
for anyone who wants to seriously read a couple of well researched monographs on the issue, contact me, Good luck in your delusional worlds.


Jan 7, 2011
for anyone who wants to seriously read a couple of well researched monographs on the issue, contact me, Good luck in your delusional worlds.

So you throw out your humble opinion, and then call us delusional... :thumbsup:

International bankers don't make my wife work and pay taxes, that's her choice. And she is very feminine. ;)


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I got lost on how the global bankers were upset that only half the population were paying taxes. Why do the banks want any SO I might have to pay the state. What do they get out of that. I am sure that it was the state that schemed to get women into the work place, maybe even the military industrial complex because somebody had to rivet those bombers. I can see the NSA's hand in this.

And if you really do miss the femininity that women used to display then you are way way too old to be worrying about it or, alas, you are lying.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2005
OP, I bet you also wish slavery was back, less unemployment for black people, amrite?

You are probably some old fart talking about "good ol days". Too bad, the world is changing, and when your generation passes away, nobody will give a shit what you said.

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
Not my family. It was an angry alcoholic father.
But shorty, if your mom didn't have any education or autonomy then she would have just put up with it, as is proper.
Unfortunately, the brainwashing that has occured around this issue has been successful. (This is not a personal life experience statement and I dont intend to respond to those statements.) Women bought into the controlled media message and took it hook first. The script supplied by the global media has been effective and people adopt the media content as their own thoughts. Too bad for the world-

It's like women are mindless respondents to whatever outside force gudes them, huh OP?

I'm thinking this is why they should have stayed home, better for society that the easily controlled and manipulated not be allowed to gain wealth and autonomy...

Am I right OP?

/Notes person afraid of Virginia Wolf.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Also, global bankers realized they needed a way to get women into the workforce because only half the population were paying taxes.

I'm pretty sure women started working because a world war broke out, and there weren't many men here to do the work. :hmm: So technically, men destroyed the family. Good job guys!


Diamond Member
May 14, 2001
Yeah, uh, banks don't collect taxes. Now if you would of said that it was a mix of global bankers and governments, then your theory might of sounded a bit better. At least for a fictional book or movie anyway.


Platinum Member
Feb 23, 2011
. :hmm: So technically, men destroyed the family. Good job guys!

But everyone knows women love a man in uniform that is risking his life for "the greater good".

I wonder if as many men would have gone (outside drafting) if it was the other way round. :hmm:

edit: any cake left? I am late.


Platinum Member
Dec 5, 2007
Women have always been an equal part of the the "workforce". Only a fool would ignore the intrinsic value in keeping a home and raising children. Until recently (the last 20-30 years) this allowed the man to work outside the home and provide financial means with a single income. Today most women end up doing their best to work inside and outside the home and the strain has a negative impact on the family.

Western culture is a victim of it's own success. Not a mass conspiracy by "global bankers". Commercialism, materialism and the emergence of a disposable society have destroyed the family. We are victims of our own selfish wants and desires; driven by mass media bombardment that tells us we can and should have it "all" right now without working to earn it or appreciating what we already have.


May 3, 2004
Women have always been an equal part of the the "workforce". Only a fool would ignore the intrinsic value in keeping a home and raising children. Until recently (the last 20-30 years) this allowed the man to work outside the home and provide financial means with a single income. Today most women end up doing their best to work inside and outside the home and the strain has a negative impact on the family.

Western culture is a victim of it's own success. Not a mass conspiracy by "global bankers". Commercialism, materialism and the emergence of a disposable society have destroyed the family. We are victims of our own selfish wants and desires; driven by mass media bombardment that tells us we can and should have it "all" right now without working to earn it or appreciating what we already have.

Well said.