Feedback on new CPU Build


Junior Member
Jan 26, 2006
Hello all,
I've been lurking these boards for a while now, even have an old account that I lost the password to!
Back then I upgraded to a 2.8Ghz P4, and now I am upgrading from that to a newer build.
I've mostly been reading the Motherboards/CPU/Video cards forums on AnandTech and finally decided to post a build and get feedback on. Feel free to critique, offer suggestions or even offer advice as far as the installation goes if you've ever used these similar parts.

Motherboard: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Manchester
CPU: ASUS A8N-SLi Premium
Memory: 2GB Crucial DDR400 PC3200
Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 160GB SATA (Not actually buying it from NewEgg, had it lying around the house for a while,)
Video Card: eVGA 7800 GT
Case: Cooler Master Centurion 5
Power Supply: Antec Truepower II
Sound Card: SoundBlaster X-Fi Platinum
Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 4.1

From what i've gathered so far from here, , 3dGuru, it seems as though the A8n-SLI premium is a much more stable board than the Deluxe version hence me going with that instead. I checked compatiblity with the RAM on the board, so "theoretically" it hopefully won't give any problems.

When I did build my computer however, it seemed pretty normal, but after reading topics about these new motherboards, would anyone mind telling me how the setup goes?
1. Install OS
2. Mobo Drivers
3. All other drivers?
And shouldn't it be recommended that you go ahead and download the latest drivers from the ASUS website for the board?
Also regarding the motherboard; to those that may know, is it drivers from nVidia or ASUS ?

And one last thing, any other A8N-SLI Premium users find any problems with the X-Fi Platinum sound card? I've heard bad things regarding compatibility.

Thanks all. :)