Fed a pot head today

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
So I'm at McDonalds and just step out of the car and this guy walks up to me and says he's from Utah, moved here because pot is legal and said he's looking for something to eat. I told him I don't have any cash on me, but I'd buy him three Mc Doubles (I use a debt card exclusively.). He wanted to give me a hug, but I gave him a fist bump instead.

All the time I was in the Mc Donalds I was thinking to myself, "this dude isn't going to be employable." I mean if your are that dependent on a drug where you uplift from one state over and come here to Colorado just because pot is legal you have issues. Dude will probably feed off Joe dirt tax payer all his life.

Now some of you may say, "why buy him anything?" And I say I have given money to all kinds of homeless people and chances are they bought booze or drugs, but it's the thought that counts I guess. At least this guy stated his was hungry, so I bought him some food. But dude seriously needs to get his shit straightened out. :rolleyes:

Since the asshole Coloradans voted in pot legalization we have seen more damn homeless and actual fuck ups on the street. It's just ridiculous.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I don't know how to respond to this rant...

Legalization absolutely needs to happen as there is no reason for it not to. ...but I also agree that when one state legalizes it, this is what you see: isolated pockets of riff raff.

If it takes baby steps, fine--but the only way to make it right is to just kick the evil government out of your house (something OP seems to want? the government up in his business? weird...) and legalize it across the country.

It's a fine substance--completely harmless compared to alcohol and far safer than nicotine sticks, class 1 is a fucking joke to anyone with common sense--but because of this history, when you have tiny pockets of legalization, you concentrate the scummery of the world.


Aug 16, 2015
Brilliant rant good sir. Potheads are indeed a fresh urban scourge. I expect nothing less from the smartest poster on anandtech.

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
I don't know how to respond to this rant...

Legalization absolutely needs to happen as there is no reason for it not to. ...but I also agree that when one state legalizes it, this is what you see: isolated pockets of riff raff.

If it takes baby steps, fine--but the only way to make it right is to just kick the evil government out of your house (something OP seems to want? the government up in his business? weird...) and legalize it across the country.

It's a fine substance--completely harmless compared to alcohol and far safer than nicotine sticks, class 1 is a fucking joke to anyone with common sense--but because of this history, when you have tiny pockets of legalization, you concentrate the scummery of the world.

Brilliant rant good sir. Potheads are indeed a fresh urban scourge. I expect nothing less from the smartest poster on anandtech.

I'm not even going to respond. A simple meme will do. And this meme is for all future posts to people who think a drug problem will make you employable.



Nov 23, 2003
People who buy pot legally aren't homeless. Why? Because it is cheaper to buy elsewhere.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
You smoke cigarettes, which is a fucking gross, disgusting, horrid addiction, and you talk shit about a pot smoker? This is as fitting a time as ever for a signature John Connor "LOL!".


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
404, evidence of things improving in neighbor states because "homeless and actual fuck ups" have moved to Colorado not found.

Because of guys like the one you fed and the public perception of him, many pot users act like it's still illegal.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
"You are a Scholar and a Gentleman"

Say that to the next "Pothead" you feed.


Oct 20, 2003
I've been 99% sober for many years (1% = occasional beer/glass of wine) but I think pot should be 100% legal everywhere and all drug-enforcement efforts should be devoted to the hard stuff. (Cocaine, Heroin etc)


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I'm not even going to respond. A simple meme will do. And this meme is for all future posts to people who think a drug problem will make you employable.

Eh, I know from experience that people with "drug problems" certainly get hired. And they are absolutely employable. This is a spectrum, obviously.

I also know that ignorant, illiterate corn-holers are just as easily employable (read: OP's OP)...so you know. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

The funny thing here is that the OP kinda makes fun of itself for making these comments, and doesn't realize it. I will leave it at that. Simple things for simple folks.

But hey--kudos to you for giving food to a tour rat. I hate those folks and never give them anything. Gratuitous, excessive remark deleted.

You said - "I will leave it at that." You should have.
admin allisolm
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Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
The only problem I have with weed is running out. Luckily I haven't had a problem with weed for years. :biggrin:

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
You people really try to grasp at straws, don't you?

I was taking my mom to the ER to have her leg checked out after the nurse practitioner at Urgent Care told her she needed an ultra sound. We stopped at McDonalds for dinner in case my mom had a blood clot. She wasn't sure if she would have to stay over night. Do I really need to turn a to the point post into a fucking diary of what I encountered today? Here's what I think: Your posts are made up!

I don't have a problem with people smoking pot in general, but this guy, by his mannerisms and saying shit like, "oh Colorado is so cool I can smoke pot and on and on, I'm hungry could you spare some money so I can buy a few sandwiches?"

Two of my younger cousins smoke weed and I give 'em shit about it all the time. But they are not a major stoner that this guy was that I encountered. I mean this guy was like Haley's boyfriend that lives in his shity van in the cartoon American Dad. Complete with poncho hoodie.
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
There are plenty of people who use drugs, where it does not constitute a 'drug problem'. Drug usage does not equal a problem unless someone has let it become one. Most common example being the widespread use of the drug alcohol, only some people become alcoholics. Alcohol is just like the other drugs in that you can use it responsibly or become an addict. This is true of people who smoke pot, snort coke, drink alcohol and do whatever other drugs.

The ideal is one day all drugs are fully legalized and taxed like alcohol and tobacco currently are. This will solve the big issues of drugs with the criminal gangs, mafias and cartels that deal in them and the violence that comes from it. In one fell swoop you destroy their business overnight and put it in the hands of pharmaceutical companies. They'll produce and distribute the product for a price drastically lower than illegal drugs currently sell for and give a guarantee of a pure product. Then you save billions that is wasted on law enforcement, incarcerating offenders and the judicial system trying to stop the unstoppable. At the same time you increase tax revenue. Take a fraction of that money and put it to education and harm reduction like we've seen done with tobacco, and realize the same reductions in usage. Use the rest to do something actually useful and attainable, rather than trying to tell people what they can and can't ingest if they choose to.

The tobacco growers are on decline as nicotine addiction continues to decline. Moving them over to growing marijuana and industrial hemp would be a best case for them.

I assume the main problem with this scenario is putting a whole lot of cops, lawyers, judges, jail guards etc. out of business. They're wasting their time currently though, so in the end it would still be for the best.


Dec 11, 2000
Silly OP aside, I found this nearly as:

I was taking my mom to the ER to have her leg checked out after the nurse practitioner at Urgent Care told her she needed an ultra sound. We stopped at McDonalds for dinner in case my mom had a blood clot.

Now certainly I understand why you went to McD's, I get it, but there's something about "We were on our way to the Emergency Department, but we had to stop at McDonald's first" that plays just a littttle bit off key.


Nov 18, 2005
You people really try to grasp at straws, don't you?

I was taking my mom to the ER to have her leg checked out after the nurse practitioner at Urgent Care told her she needed an ultra sound. We stopped at McDonalds for dinner in case my mom had a blood clot. She wasn't sure if she would have to stay over night. Do I really need to turn a to the point post into a fucking diary of what I encountered today? Here's what I think: Your posts are made up!

I don't have a problem with people smoking pot in general, but this guy, by his mannerisms and saying shit like, "oh Colorado is so cool I can smoke pot and on and on, I'm hungry could you spare some money so I can buy a few sandwiches?"

Two of my younger cousins smoke weed and I give 'em shit about it all the time. But they are not a major stoner that this guy was that I encountered. I mean this guy was like Haley's boyfriend that lives in his shity van in the cartoon American Dad. Complete with poncho hoodie.

So... why your rant against legalization?

Sounds like you understand and accept that not everyone has a drug problem. Just like not everyone is a drunk or alcoholic.

Let nature filter out the duds from the quality individuals. It'll happen regardless of legalization. Let the majority who can handle themselves worry not about prosecution or other legal problems, and be free to make their own adult decisions.